A Capella

A Capella 歌词

歌曲 A Capella
歌手 Chase Goehring
专辑 A Capella
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[00:00.19] I'm out to be the best me that I can be
[00:02.34] working on my craft day in and out
[00:03.55] you know that's what I'm about
[00:04.92] no, I'm not aiming to become famous
[00:07.98] I just wanna play and sing this
[00:10.16] the only competition I see is myself
[00:12.62] I got a tunnel vision kinda like a telescope
[00:15.12] and I'm looking at
[00:16.23] and I'm picking at
[00:17.41] everything that I can do to become better
[00:20.40] I see a lot of people I hear a lot of things they're talking about diamond rings, money things
[00:25.71] I guess that happens when you hit the top become unsatisfied with everything
[00:28.59] that you already got
[00:30.49] you say it's all about the music but mess around with girls who do it yeah
[00:35.57] you lied to your fans
[00:36.94] I'm singing from my shadow you can call that shade
[00:40.20] my verse is straight and my flow is hard
[00:42.72] I paint my songs like a work of art
[00:45.36] I never grew up listening to other stuff
[00:47.70] you could say I'm kind of different
[00:48.83] maybe just a bluff
[00:50.05] but let me tell you I am 100 percent reality
[00:52.60] I ain't dancing around in a fantasy, no
[00:54.81] only sea that I'll be dancing in is a sea of fans in a sold out MSG
[00:59.81] maybe a year or two, maybe a year or three
[01:02.76] it doesn't phase me, honestly
[01:04.56] even if I don't make it by then
[01:06.46] I'll still be doing shows so I'll make it in the end yeah
[01:10.12] and if you think I'm irrelevant well then I must be relevant
[01:14.71] cause you took the time to listen to my song
[01:16.83] that I wrote on my bed in my bedroom
[01:19.63] I don't sing for a backtrack
[01:22.09] I write songs in my snapback
[01:24.58] I don't care what they say
[01:26.33] I'm keeping it real kinda like in A Capella
[01:29.61] I don't hook up with strangers
[01:32.36] I've got class and respect
[01:34.85] I don't care what they say keeping it real kinda like in A Capella
[01:39.26] A Capella A-A Capella A Capella A-A Capella
[01:44.05] A Capella A-A Capella
[01:46.43] keeping it real kinda like in A Capella
[01:51.26] sometime I need to focus on myself and what I need sometime I feel like my mind is on it's own kind of speed but I guess that the way it goes when you try to write like a beast
[01:59.67] this is my feast
[02:01.76] don't ever classify me as a rapper
[02:03.48] I spit a little bit and
[02:04.92] I can talk fast but that's it
[02:06.24] I ain't about the gold chains
[02:07.29] ain't about the fake girls
[02:08.47] ain't about the high life
[02:09.72] ain't about the money
[02:11.66] see my lyrics are different
[02:13.22] they come alive the minute I start to sing them
[02:15.96] I would say that I put my soul all up in them
[02:18.44] but I am a ginger you know how that goes
[02:21.63] my world comes together the moment my pen hits the paper like I'm a jail breaker but
[02:26.05] I have committed no crime
[02:27.21] to be charged for, you see me in bars
[02:29.44] but don't know what I stand for
[02:31.72] I don't sing for a backtrack
[02:34.22] I write songs in my snapback
[02:36.82] I don't care what they say I'm keeping it real kinda like in A Capella
[02:41.43] I don't hook up with strangers
[02:44.02] I've got class and respect
[02:46.74] I don't care what they say keeping it real kinda like in A Capella
[02:50.67] A Capella A-A Capella A Capella A-A Capella
[02:55.67] A Capella A-A Capella
[02:58.02] keeping it real kinda like in A Capella
[03:00.43] Wait
[03:02.94] my finger bleed when I pluck strings
[03:04.49] I was never raised to play this guitar with a pick thing at times people say I sound British
[03:08.49] when I say things
[03:09.30] when I say things
[03:09.89] say things
[03:10.77] now they coming to me
[03:11.70] asking if I wanna be the next big thing
[03:13.44] I'm the next best thing buddy
[03:14.70] you better get your facts straight
[03:16.09] I don't need a record label to label my true talent great
[03:18.44] cause if the people like it then the people buy it
[03:20.29] why would I wanna hire another writer to take it higher
[03:22.09] foolish like the gold that you place in my hands
[03:24.27] cause that's fool's gold
[03:26.98] and I'm not fooled by this fame game
[03:28.04] it's so lame
[03:30.30] cause I'm verified on the inside
[03:32.07] don't need a blue check to be satisfied
[03:33.74] ah
[03:52.01] pluck strings when I play this take names when I play this take notes when I play this
[03:56.32] break strings when I play this take names when I play this take notes when I play this
[04:07.11] break strings when I play this take names when I play this take notes when I play this
[04:15.17] break strings when I play this take names when I play this take notes when I play this
[04:21.60] you already know
[04:24.51] I don't sing for a backtrack
[04:27.92] I write songs in my snapback
[04:32.10] and I don't care what they say I'm keeping it real kinda like in A Capella
[04:39.92] I don't hook up with strangers
[04:43.76] I've got class and respect
[04:47.91] and I don't care what they say
[04:51.93] and I don't care what they say
[04:56.08] cause I'm keeping it real
[04:58.46] keeping it real kinda like in A Capella
[00:00.19] 我想成,我能成为最好的我
[00:02.34] 为了我的手工艺日工作而进进出出
[00:03.55] 你知道这就是我的意思
[00:04.92] 不,我并不想出名
[00:07.98] 我只是单纯地像想玩音乐
[00:10.16] 我唯一看的到的竞争是我自己
[00:12.62] 我有一个隧道视野,有点像望远镜
[00:15.12] 我正在寻找着
[00:16.23] 我正在采集着
[00:17.41] 我能做的一切都变得更好
[00:20.40] 我看到的很多人,我听到的很多事情,他们都在谈论钻石戒指,钱
[00:25.71] 我想,当你达到顶端的时候,你会对一切都不满意
[00:28.59] 你已经拥有了
[00:30.49] 你说这都是关于音乐,但却和女孩们纠缠在一起
[00:35.57] 你对你的歌迷们说谎
[00:36.94] 我在我的影子里唱歌,你可以叫它影子
[00:40.20] 我的歌词是直白的,我的心流是坚强的
[00:42.72] 我把我的歌曲描绘成艺术作品
[00:45.36] 我从来没有长大,去听那些其他的东西
[00:47.70] 你可以说我有点不同
[00:48.83] 也许只是虚张声势
[00:50.05] 但是让我告诉你我百分之百的真实
[00:52.60] 我并不是在幻想中跳舞,不是
[00:54.81] 只有在那样浩瀚的海洋中,我将在一个热情似火的歌迷海中跳舞
[00:59.81] 也许一两年,也许一年或三年
[01:02.76] 老实说,这并不影响我
[01:04.56] 即使我那时不这样做
[01:06.46] 我也依旧会做节目,所以无论如何我最终都会做到的
[01:10.12] 如果你认为我怎么做很不恰当,那么我做的必须是有意义的
[01:14.71] 因为你花了时间听我的歌
[01:16.83] 我在卧室的床上写的歌
[01:19.63] 我不会为回溯而唱歌
[01:22.09] 我会在快速的恢复中继续创作歌曲
[01:24.58] 我不在乎他们说什么
[01:26.33] 我保留的它真的有点像是五车二(御夫座之一等星)
[01:29.61] 我不勾搭陌生人
[01:32.36] 我有我的阶级和尊重
[01:34.85] 我不在乎他们说什么,让它真的有点像是五车二(御夫座之一等星)
[01:39.26] 御夫座星,像是御夫座星,御夫座星,像是御夫座星
[01:44.05] 御夫座星,像是御夫座星
[01:46.43] 所珍藏的它真的有点像是五车二(御夫座之一等星)
[01:51.26] 有时我需要集中自己的注意力和当我需要的时候,我的感觉是我的想法是以它自己的速度,但我想,解决问题的方式是你那像野兽一般的编写
[01:59.67] 这是我的盛宴
[02:01.76] 别把我归类为饶舌歌手
[02:03.48] 我只是吐槽了一小部分
[02:04.92] 我可以说得快,但就是这样
[02:06.24] 我并不关注那些所谓的金链
[02:07.29] 并不关注那些假女孩
[02:08.47] 并不关注那些高档的生活
[02:09.72] 并不关注钱的事
[02:11.66] 你看呐,我的歌词是不同的
[02:13.22] 当我开始唱歌的时候他们就会活跃起来
[02:15.96] 我要说,是因为我把我的灵魂放入其中
[02:18.44] 但我是一个能使你充满活力继续走下去的人
[02:21.63] 我的世界聚在一起,我的笔撞击纸的那一刻,我是一个监狱断路器,但
[02:26.05] 我没有犯罪
[02:27.21] 要被起诉,你在酒吧看到我
[02:29.44] 但不知道我代表什么
[02:31.72] 我不会为回溯而唱歌
[02:34.22] 我会在快速的恢复中继续创作歌曲
[02:36.82] 我不在乎他们说什么,我所珍藏的它真的有点像是五车二(御夫座之一等星)
[02:41.43] 我不勾搭陌生人
[02:44.02] 我有我的底线和尊重
[02:46.74] 我不在乎他们说什么,让它真的有点像是五车二(御夫座之一等星)
[02:50.67] 御夫座星,像是御夫座星,御夫座星,像是御夫座星
[02:55.67] 御夫座星,像是御夫座星
[02:58.02] 所珍藏的它真的有点像是五车二(御夫座之一等星)
[03:00.43] 稍等
[03:02.94] 我摘弦时手指出血
[03:04.49] 我从来没有举起来弹这个吉他,有时人们说我听起来像是是英国吉他
[03:08.49] 当我说话时
[03:09.30] 当我说话时
[03:09.89] 说话时
[03:10.77] 现在他们来找我了
[03:11.70] 问我是否想做下一件大事
[03:13.44] 我就是下一个最好的东西,伙伴
[03:14.70] 你最好把你的事实直截了当
[03:16.09] 我不需要一个记录标签来标注我的真正的天赋
[03:18.44] 因为如果人们喜欢它,人们就会买它
[03:20.29] 我为什么要雇用另一个作家更高一点
[03:22.09] 像你在我手中的黄金一样愚蠢
[03:24.27] 因为那是傻瓜的黄金
[03:26.98] 我不会被这个名声游戏愚弄
[03:28.04] 这太扯了
[03:30.30] 因为我在里面已经证实过了
[03:32.07] 不需要蓝色的检查来满足
[03:33.74] 阿..
[03:52.01] 当我玩这个时,请为我拨弦,当我玩这个时,记下笔记,当我玩这个的时候
[03:56.32] 当我玩这个时,打破字符串,当我玩这个时,记下笔记,当我玩这个的时候
[04:07.11] 当我玩这个时,打破字符串,当我玩这个时,记下笔记,当我玩这个的时候
[04:15.17] 当我玩这个时,打破字符串,当我玩这个时,记下笔记,当我玩这个的时候
[04:21.60] 你已经知道了
[04:24.51] 我不会为回溯而唱歌
[04:27.92] 我会在快速的恢复中继续创作歌曲
[04:32.10] 而且我不在乎他们说什么,我所珍藏的它真的有点像是五车二(御夫座之一等星)
[04:39.92] 我不勾搭陌生人
[04:43.76] 我有我的底线和尊重
[04:47.91] 我不在乎他们说什么
[04:51.93] 我不并在乎他们说什么
[04:56.08] 因为我要保留它的真实
[04:58.46] 让它真正像五车二(御夫座之一等星)一样
A Capella 歌词
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