Endless Despondency

Endless Despondency 歌词

歌曲 Endless Despondency
歌手 Ingested
专辑 The Architect of Extinction
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[00:00.10] I spoke of us as brothers, for you I would bleed
[00:02.00] And now you're just another defined by misdeeds
[00:08.00] I won't rest till I have justice
[00:10.00] Worthless fuck, betrayed my honour
[00:11.00] Think that you can bury me
[00:13.00] You're out of luck I'm no-ones martyr
[00:21.00] When everything just isn't enough
[00:25.00] I'm crossing the line committing the crime
[00:28.00] I'm biding my time this world will be mine
[00:30.00] I would leave a million corpses
[00:33.00] Stinking, bleeding, rotting in my wake
[00:35.00] I will be the prophet of this generation of hate
[00:46.00] I will make an example, dead eyes can shed no tears
[01:00.00] Speak of the devil and I will appear
[01:08.00] On the twenty second level, no one stands with me here
[01:15.00] Monarch of an empire founded in misery
[01:19.00] Horrors is the air in which you shall breathe
[01:24.00] Let them crawl through the salt and the sand
[01:27.00] One by one they will fall by my hand
[01:35.00] I am the oracle of endless despondency
[01:39.00] Traitor, coward, your lies have filled your empty grave
[01:44.00] I am depraved
[01:46.00] They suck on my dick as I sit on the throne of damnation
[01:52.00] Swallow salvation
[01:56.00] Dirty treatise I will defy you
[01:59.00] Cut your throats and enter the kingdom
[02:02.00] Thirty pieces and what did it buy you
[02:04.00] A rope and a branch to hang from
[02:09.00] Dirty treatise I will defy you
[02:12.00] Cut your throats and enter the kingdom
[02:15.00] Thirty pieces and what did it buy you
[02:18.00] A rope and a branch to hang from
[02:38.00] I'm fucking sickened by the sight of your face
[02:41.00] A disgrace, defect of the human race
[02:44.00] And I will have forgotten your name
[02:47.00] Before your rotten body has hit the fucking ground
[02:56.00] Is my chest empty of that which makes me mortal?
[02:59.00] A beating beacon of weakness, never-ending struggle
[03:03.00] Wrong and right, black and white
[03:06.00] Both the shade and the light, this is the storm before the calm
[03:09.00] The only thing louder than the cries of the fallen
[03:12.00] Is my word, my will that can't be denied
[03:16.00] From where I sit, all I see is my kingdom, my world
[03:21.00] Built on the bones of those who have tried
[03:32.00] I regret nothing, I feel no remorse
[03:40.00] I'm beyond suffering, this sea of cunts and whore
[03:54.00] They suck on my dick as I sit on the throne of damnation
[04:00.00] Swallow salvation
[04:08.00] Humanity is disgusting
[04:11.00] Fractured, depraved species
[04:14.00] If I had my power, I would stop at nothing
[04:19.00] To reduce every single one of you
[04:21.00] To mountains of skulls and rivers of blood
[04:28.00] You never showed me any mercy
[04:35.00] So I will show you none
[00:00.10] 我视你为兄,愿为你抗千刀万剐
[00:02.00] 你却只是个被罪恶迷途的人
[00:08.00] 直到正义伸张时我才会停手
[00:10.00] 一文不值的出卖我的荣耀
[00:11.00] 认为你可以埋葬我
[00:13.00] 你失去了幸运的眷顾,我也不是烈士
[00:21.00] 当一切不能满足
[00:25.00] 我正穿越罪恶的底线
[00:28.00] 我静候时间,世界将为我囊中之物
[00:30.00] 我会留下百万尸冢
[00:33.00] 让他们在我身后凋零
[00:35.00] 我将成为世人的仇恨先知
[00:46.00] 我将杀鸡儆猴,死者眼中没有泪水
[01:00.00] 说曹操,曹操到
[01:08.00] 无人与我鸟瞰众生
[01:15.00] 君主在苦难中建起帝国
[01:19.00] 恐惧在空气中蔓延
[01:24.00] 让他们卑躬屈膝的蠕动
[01:27.00] 他们将被我一一制裁
[01:35.00] 我是无尽绝望的神谕
[01:39.00] 叛徒,懦夫,你的谎言填满了你的坟墓
[01:44.00] 我堕落为魔
[01:46.00] 我坐上王座他们便俯首称臣
[01:52.00] 济世救赎
[01:56.00] 我蔑视你的肮脏言语
[01:59.00] 割喉送你下地狱
[02:02.00] 千刀万剐你犯下的罪过
[02:04.00] 树枝上高悬的绞索
[02:09.00] 我蔑视你的肮脏言语
[02:12.00] 割喉送你下地狱
[02:15.00] 千刀万剐你犯下的罪过
[02:18.00] 树枝上高悬的绞索
[02:38.00] 看见你的脸我就恶心
[02:41.00] 人类的耻辱和弊病
[02:44.00] 我将忘记你的名字
[02:47.00] 在你腐朽的躯体倒下之前
[02:56.00] 那致命一击空洞了我的胸膛
[02:59.00] 微弱的跳动,永无止境的斗争
[03:03.00] 孰是孰非
[03:06.00] 都只是风暴前的平静
[03:09.00] 唯一比倒下的哭声更响亮的
[03:12.00] 是我的言语,无法被否认的意志
[03:16.00] 临驾于王座之上,我将世界纳入囊中
[03:21.00] 刻入尝试者们的骨头上
[03:32.00] 我无怨无悔
[03:40.00] 我超越苦难,汪洋中的蝼蚁
[03:54.00] 对王座上的我俯首称臣
[04:00.00] 济世救赎
[04:08.00] 令人作呕的人性
[04:11.00] 破碎断裂的物种
[04:14.00] 如果我驾驭我的力量我将无所畏惧
[04:19.00] 神挡杀神,佛挡杀佛
[04:21.00] 群山之骨和鲜血之河
[04:28.00] 你对我毫无怜悯
[04:35.00] 所以我让你见识虚无
Endless Despondency 歌词
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