
歌曲 Awaking
歌手 発热巫女~ず
专辑 eclipse Ⅲ


[00:07.75] 「Awaking」
[00:33.75] 静(しず)かすぎるこんな夜(よる)は
[00:37.57] 君(きみ)を 想(おも)い浮(う)かべて
[00:40.83] 壊(こわ)れないように そっと
[00:44.53] 飛(と)ばすよ
[00:48.18] 手(て)のひらから 溢(あふ)れそうな
[00:51.75] 悲(かな)しみも 愛(いと)しさも
[00:55.12] 包(つつ)みこむ香(かお)り放(はな)つ
[00:58.62] 茉莉花(まつりか)
[01:02.50] 君(きみ)がくれた形(かたち)ないもの
[01:05.58] この胸(むね) 満(み)たしてく
[01:09.08] 白(しろ)い月(つき)が
[01:10.75] 照(て)らす足跡(あしあと)
[01:12.75] どこまでも 続(つづ)く道(みち)
[01:16.08] 夜明(よあ)けまでの
[01:18.02] 秘密(ひみつ)の時間(とき)
[01:19.75] 君(きみ)だけがまぶしくて
[01:22.95] 本当(ほんとう)の 姿(すがた)までも
[01:26.75] 隠(かく)せず
[01:30.68] 君(きみ)がくれた 懐(なつ)かしいもの
[01:33.75] この胸(むね) こがしていく
[01:37.09] 白(しろ)い月(つき)が
[01:38.88] 照(て)らす横顔(よこがお)
[01:40.84] どこまでも続(つづ)く道(みち)
[01:44.75] All of the night. I watch over you anytime under the moon light.
[01:53.59] 君(きみ)が迷(まよ)うなら
[01:55.88] 光(ひかり照(て)らそう
[01:59.19] All of the time. I watch over you anytime were the shining star.
[02:07.65] 見上(みあ)げたなら
[02:10.13] こぼれるほどの夢(ゆめ)
[02:15.11] いつでも近(ちか)くに 居(い)るから
[02:48.75] All of the night. I watch over you anytime under the moon light
[02:56.75] 君(きみ)が望(のぞ)むなら
[02:59.75] 光(ひかり)照(て)らそう
[03:02.75] All of the time. I watch over you anytime were the shining star.
[03:10.85] 見上(みあ)げたなら
[03:13.69] All of the night. I watch over you anytime under the moon light.
[03:21.75] 君(きみ)が迷(まよ)うなら
[03:24.68] 光(ひかり)照(て)らそう
[03:27.61] All of the time. I watch over you anytime were the shining star.
[03:35.75] 見上(みあ)げたなら
[03:38.75] こぼれるほどの夢(ゆめ)
[03:43.59] さみしくなったら
[03:46.75] 光(ひかり)を探(さが)してみて
[03:50.75] いつでも近くに居(い)るから


[00:07.75] Awaking
[00:33.75] jìng yè
[00:37.57] jūn xiǎng fú
[00:40.83] huài
[00:44.53] fēi
[00:48.18] shǒu yì
[00:51.75] bēi ài
[00:55.12] bāo xiāng fàng
[00:58.62] mò lì huā
[01:02.50] jūn xíng
[01:05.58] xiōng mǎn
[01:09.08] bái yuè
[01:10.75] zhào zú jī
[01:12.75] xu dào
[01:16.08] yè míng
[01:18.02] mì mì shí jiān
[01:19.75] jūn
[01:22.95] běn dāng zī
[01:26.75] yǐn
[01:30.68] jūn huái
[01:33.75] xiōng
[01:37.09] bái yuè
[01:38.88] zhào héng yán
[01:40.84] xu dào
[01:44.75] All of the night. I watch over you anytime under the moon light.
[01:53.59] jūn mí
[01:55.88] guāng zhào
[01:59.19] All of the time. I watch over you anytime were the shining star.
[02:07.65] jiàn shàng
[02:10.13] mèng
[02:15.11] jìn jū
[02:48.75] All of the night. I watch over you anytime under the moon light
[02:56.75] jūn wàng
[02:59.75] guāng zhào
[03:02.75] All of the time. I watch over you anytime were the shining star.
[03:10.85] jiàn shàng
[03:13.69] All of the night. I watch over you anytime under the moon light.
[03:21.75] jūn mí
[03:24.68] guāng zhào
[03:27.61] All of the time. I watch over you anytime were the shining star.
[03:35.75] jiàn shàng
[03:38.75] mèng
[03:46.75] guāng tàn
[03:50.75] jìn jū