
歌曲 Yggdrasil
歌手 Luca Turilli's Rhapsody
专辑 Prometheus, Symphonia Ignis Divinus


[01:11.70] In the beginning there was the Void, the unending emptiness reigning alone.
[01:18.69] Then the existence could shape new origin, a cosmic sparkle of intimate force.
[01:25.25] It grew and spread, first form of life, what'd become known as the "giant world tree".
[01:31.94] While all around primal energies formed, the eternal emptiness finally filled.
[01:39.64] Ex nilo Niflheim, ex nilo Muspellheim.
[01:43.01] Ad omnium Ymir, nova creatio.
[01:46.27] Ex nilo Niflheim, ex nilo Muspellheim.
[01:49.72] Ad omnium Ymir, nova creatio.
[01:53.05] Water, ice and storming fire.
[01:56.54] Pulsing heart of all things.
[02:00.14] The new destiny was written.
[02:04.46] Carved in the wise trunk, the secrets of the holy runes.
[02:07.95] Set the fate of Asgard, Hel and Midgard.
[02:11.08] Roots of ancient might, reflected in Valhalla's light
[02:15.13] Odin's eye, the eagle eye of Yggdrasil.
[02:33.08] He sought for knowledge, immortal truth.
[02:36.37] He walked alone, facing hope, fear and ghosts.
[02:39.75] To where the mist hides the deep astral secrets.
[02:43.33] There where the Nornir control the nine worlds.
[02:46.86] On that high branch his sacrifice.
[02:50.70] Flesh of the gods ripped for nine days and nights.
[02:53.64] The naked spirit as his final offer.
[02:57.00] While the dark waters reflected pure light.
[03:01.04] Ex nilo Niflheim, ex nilo Muspellheim.
[03:04.38] Ad omnium Ymir, nova creatio.
[03:07.84] Ex nilo Niflheim, ex nilo Muspellheim.
[03:11.22] Ad omnium Ymir, nova creatio.
[03:14.41] Greatly enflamed by runic power.
[03:17.94] Shine the lights of Bifrost.
[03:21.47] In Odin's wounds the key of wisdom.
[03:25.44] Carved in the wise trunk, the secrets of the holy runes.
[03:29.43] Set the fate of Asgard, Hel and Midgard.
[03:32.45] Roots of ancient might, reflected in Valhalla's light
[03:36.19] Odin's eye, the eagle eye of Yggdrasil.
[03:42.11] Yggdrasil.
[04:58.33] Greatly enflamed by runic power.
[05:01.74] Shine the lights of Bifrost.
[05:05.41] Alte in core lapidis est intima sapientia.
[05:10.43] Carved in the wise trunk, the secrets of the holy runes.
[05:14.07] Set the fate of Asgard, Hel and Midgard.
[05:17.22] Roots of ancient might, reflected in Valhalla's light
[05:20.83] Odin's eye, the eagle eye of Yggdrasil.
[05:26.01] Carved in the wise trunk, the secrets of the holy runes.
[05:29.52] Set the fate of Asgard, Hel and Midgard.
[05:32.53] Roots of ancient might, reflected in Valhalla's light
[05:36.23] Odin's eye, the eagle eye of Yggdrasil.
[05:39.69] Carved in the wise trunk, the secrets of the holy runes.
[05:43.18] Set the fate of Asgard, Hel and Midgard.
[05:46.20] Roots of ancient might, reflected in Valhalla's light
[05:50.03] Odin's eye, the eagle eye of Yggdrasil.


[01:11.70] chū shǐ zhī shí, jǐn yǒu xū kōng wú jìn de kōng wú dú zì tǒng zhì
[01:18.69] zhī hòu," cún zài" sù zào le xīn de qǐ yuán bǎo hán shēng mìng lì de yǔ zhòu huǒ huā
[01:25.25] shēng mìng de zuì chū xíng shì shēng zhǎng bìng fā sàn, xíng chéng le" jù dà de shēng mìng zhī shù"
[01:31.94] suí zhe yuán shǐ néng liàng wéi rào qí xíng chéng, yǒng héng de kōng wú zhōng bèi tián mǎn
[01:39.64] wù zhī guó dù ní fú ěr hǎi mǔ cóng xū wú zhōng dàn shēng, huǒ zhī guó dù mù sī bèi ěr hǎi mǔ cóng xū wú zhōng dàn shēng
[01:43.01] liǎng zhě xiāng yù dàn shēng le jù rén yī mǐ ěr xīn de chuàng zào wù
[01:46.27] wù zhī guó dù ní fú ěr hǎi mǔ cóng xū wú zhōng dàn shēng, huǒ zhī guó dù mù sī bèi ěr hǎi mǔ cóng xū wú zhōng dàn shēng
[01:49.72] liǎng zhě xiāng yù dàn shēng le jù rén yī mǐ ěr xīn de chuàng zào wù
[01:53.05] shuǐ, bīng yǔ gǔn gǔn huǒ yàn
[01:56.54] wàn wù de tiào dòng xīn zàng
[02:00.14] xīn de mìng yùn bèi shū xiě
[02:04.46] shén shèng rú ní wén zì de mì mì kè yú ruì zhì de shù gàn zhī shàng
[02:07.95] zhèi xiē mì mì jué dìng le xiān jìng ā sī jiā dé míng jiè hè ěr hǎi mǔ yú rén jiān mǐ dé jiā dé de mìng yùn
[02:11.08] gǔ lǎo lì liàng de gēn yuán, fǎn shè zài yīng líng diàn de guāng liàng zhī zhōng
[02:15.13] ào dīng de yǎn jīng, shēng mìng zhī shù de yīng yǎn
[02:33.08] tā zhuī xún zhī shí, bù xiǔ dí zhēn lǐ
[02:36.37] tā dú zì qián xíng, miàn duì xī wàng kǒng jù yǔ guǐ mèi
[02:39.75] qù wǎng nà mí wù yǐn cáng zhe yōu shēn de xīng jì mì mì de dì fāng
[02:43.33] zài na r mìng yùn nǚ shén zhǎng kòng zhe jiǔ gè shì jiè
[02:46.86] zài nà gāo gāo de shù zhī shàng shì tā de xiàn jì
[02:50.70] shén de ròu shēn bèi sī chě le jiǔ tiān jiǔ yè
[02:53.64] ér chì luǒ de líng hún zé shì tā de zuì zhōng fèng xiàn
[02:57.00] hēi àn de hú shuǐ fǎn shè chū chún jié de guāng máng
[03:01.04] wù zhī guó dù ní fú ěr hǎi mǔ cóng xū wú zhōng dàn shēng, huǒ zhī guó dù mù sī bèi ěr hǎi mǔ cóng xū wú zhōng dàn shēng
[03:04.38] liǎng zhě xiāng yù dàn shēng le jù rén yī mǐ ěr xīn de chuàng zào wù
[03:07.84] wù zhī guó dù ní fú ěr hǎi mǔ cóng xū wú zhōng dàn shēng, huǒ zhī guó dù mù sī bèi ěr hǎi mǔ cóng xū wú zhōng dàn shēng
[03:11.22] liǎng zhě xiāng yù dàn shēng le jù rén yī mǐ ěr xīn de chuàng zào wù
[03:14.41] bèi rú ní wén zì de lì liàng qiáng liè jī fā
[03:17.94] cǎi hóng qiáo guāng máng shǎn yào
[03:21.47] zài ào dīng de shāng kǒu zhōng shì nà tōng xiàng zhì huì de yào shi
[03:25.44] shén shèng rú ní wén zì de mì mì kè yú ruì zhì de shù gàn zhī shàng
[03:29.43] zhèi xiē mì mì jué dìng le xiān jìng ā sī jiā dé míng jiè hè ěr hǎi mǔ yú rén jiān mǐ dé jiā dé de mìng yùn
[03:32.45] gǔ lǎo lì liàng de gēn yuán, fǎn shè zài yīng líng diàn de guāng liàng zhī zhōng
[03:36.19] ào dīng de yǎn jīng, shēng mìng zhī shù de yīng yǎn
[03:42.11] shēng mìng zhī shù
[04:58.33] bèi rú ní wén zì de lì liàng qiáng liè jī fā
[05:01.74] cǎi hóng qiáo guāng máng shǎn yào
[05:05.41] shēn cáng qí jiān de shì zhēn bǎo yǔ zuì shēn kè de zhì huì
[05:10.43] shén shèng rú ní wén zì de mì mì kè yú ruì zhì de shù gàn zhī shàng
[05:14.07] zhèi xiē mì mì jué dìng le xiān jìng ā sī jiā dé míng jiè hè ěr hǎi mǔ yú rén jiān mǐ dé jiā dé de mìng yùn
[05:17.22] gǔ lǎo lì liàng de gēn yuán, fǎn shè zài yīng líng diàn de guāng liàng zhī zhōng
[05:20.83] ào dīng de yǎn jīng, shēng mìng zhī shù de yīng yǎn
[05:26.01] shén shèng rú ní wén zì de mì mì kè yú ruì zhì de shù gàn zhī shàng
[05:29.52] zhèi xiē mì mì jué dìng le xiān jìng ā sī jiā dé míng jiè hè ěr hǎi mǔ yú rén jiān mǐ dé jiā dé de mìng yùn
[05:32.53] gǔ lǎo lì liàng de gēn yuán, fǎn shè zài yīng líng diàn de guāng liàng zhī zhōng
[05:36.23] ào dīng de yǎn jīng, shēng mìng zhī shù de yīng yǎn
[05:39.69] shén shèng rú ní wén zì de mì mì kè yú ruì zhì de shù gàn zhī shàng
[05:43.18] zhèi xiē mì mì jué dìng le xiān jìng ā sī jiā dé míng jiè hè ěr hǎi mǔ yú rén jiān mǐ dé jiā dé de mìng yùn
[05:46.20] gǔ lǎo lì liàng de gēn yuán, fǎn shè zài yīng líng diàn de guāng liàng zhī zhōng
[05:50.03] ào dīng de yǎn jīng, shēng mìng zhī shù de yīng yǎn