
歌曲 掌声响起来
歌手 严当当
专辑 掌声响起


yeah,it was a sweet girl that dreamed about her perfect world where she played as a mermaid and twinkled as a pearl
(译:那懵懂的小女孩 梦想着她的完美世界 美人鱼一般玩耍 珍珠一样闪耀跳跃)
Then she woke up
That's when she grows up and knows the stage captures her own soul's love
(译:之后她从梦中醒来 她也从那时长大 她深爱着这个舞台 这里才是她的天下)
You know the spotlight rocks bright but also causes all her fright
Only times of your cheering and hooray make the feelings alright
(译:聚光灯闪耀 照得心里小鹿狂跳 但台下无数的欢呼 是能治愈她的解药)
Rounds of applause eventually bring on the curtain call
It's not?a story of glory but of gratitude and courage
And it's high time to witness our flourish
(译:掌声响起来 但却无法阻止谢幕 这故事不代表荣耀 感谢勇气战胜孤独 此刻见证辉煌无数)


gū dú zhàn zài zhè wǔ tái
tīng dào zhǎng shēng xiǎng qǐ lái
wǒ de xīn zhōng yǒu wú xiàn gǎn kǎi
duō shǎo qīng chūn bù zài
duō shǎo qíng huái gēng gǎi
wǒ hái yǒu yōng yǒu nǐ de ài
hǎo xiàng chū cì de wǔ tái
tīng dào dì yī shēng hè cǎi
wǒ de yǎn lèi rěn bú zhù diào xià lái
jīng guò duō shǎo shī bài
jīng guò duō shǎo děng dài
gào sù zì jǐ yào rěn nài
zhǎng shēng xiǎng qǐ lái
wǒ xīn gèng míng bái
nǐ de ài jiàng yǔ wǒ tóng zài
zhǎng shēng xiǎng qǐ lái
wǒ xīn gèng míng bái
gē shēng jiāo huì nǐ wǒ de ài
dāng wǒ hái shì xiǎo nǚ hái
zǒng ài chàng gē gěi nǐ tīng
nǐ shì diǎn liàng wǒ de guāng
wǔ tái zhōng yāng fàng shēng gē chàng
yeah, it was a sweet girl that dreamed about her perfect world where she played as a mermaid and twinkled as a pearl
yì: nà měng dǒng de xiǎo nǚ hái mèng xiǎng zhe tā de wán měi shì jiè měi rén yú yì bān wán shuǎ zhēn zhū yí yàng shǎn yào tiào yuè
Then she woke up
That' s when she grows up and knows the stage captures her own soul' s love
yì: zhī hòu tā cóng mèng zhōng xǐng lái tā yě cóng nà shí zhǎng dà tā shēn ài zhe zhè gè wǔ tái zhè lǐ cái shì tā de tiān xià
You know the spotlight rocks bright but also causes all her fright
Only times of your cheering and hooray make the feelings alright
yì: jù guāng dēng shǎn yào zhào de xīn lǐ xiǎo lù kuáng tiào dàn tái xià wú shù de huān hū shì néng zhì yù tā de jiě yào
Rounds of applause eventually bring on the curtain call
It' s not? a story of glory but of gratitude and courage
And it' s high time to witness our flourish
yì: zhǎng shēng xiǎng qǐ lái dàn què wú fǎ zǔ zhǐ xiè mù zhè gù shì bù dài biǎo róng yào gǎn xiè yǒng qì zhàn shèng gū dú cǐ kè jiàn zhèng huī huáng wú shù