With how sad steps You climb the skies ! |
How silently, how pale Your face... |
What may it be, that even in this place |
that busy archer his arrows tries ? |
Liebe verendet zu Staub und verlabt mich |
Mein Geist, er schaut auf zu den hoheren |
Zielen und reichert fur mich Unvergangliches |
an, Vergangliches bringt mir nur |
endliche Freuden |
Leave me, oh love, which reachest but to dust |
And You, my mind, aspire to higher things |
Grow rich in that which never takes rust |
What ever fades but fading pleasure brings |
Verbreite die Strahlen, gib' mir Deine Macht, |
die die Wolken besiegt und das Licht mir bewegt |
durch den Fruhling des goldnen belebenden Blickes |
Ich suche den Weg in der Dammerung schwer |
And let the day be time enough to mourn |
Let walking eyes suffice to vail their scorn |
The shipwreck of my ill-adventured youth |
Without the torment of the night's untruth |