Why Did I Laugh Tonight? By J Keats

歌曲 Why Did I Laugh Tonight? By J Keats
歌手 Elijah's Mantle
专辑 Soul of Romanticism


[00:43.99] Why did I laugh tonight?
[00:46.96] No voice will tell
[00:50.11] No God, no Demon of severe response,
[00:54.06] Deigns to reply from Heaven
[00:58.46] or from Hell.
[01:02.09] Then to my human heart I turn at once:
[01:08.91] Heart!
[01:11.09] Thou and I are here sad and alone;
[01:15.92] I say, why did I laugh?
[01:22.35] O mortal pain!
[01:26.22] O Darkness!
[01:28.83] Darkness! ever must I moan,
[01:32.00] To question Heaven and Hell and Heart in vain.
[01:42.13] Why did I laugh?
[01:45.76] I know this Being's lease,
[01:48.63] My fancy to its utmost blisses spreads;
[01:52.24] Yet would I on this very midnight cease,
[01:55.98] And all the world's gaudy ensigns see in shreds;
[02:03.10] Verse, Fame,
[02:06.94] and Beauty are intense indeed,
[02:12.67] But Death intenser
[02:16.30] -- Death is Life's high meed.


[00:43.99] jīn wǎn wǒ wèi shí me dà xiào
[00:46.96] méi yǒu shēng yīn huì gào sù nǐ
[00:50.11] méi yǒu shàng dì, méi yǒu è mó de yán lì huí yìng
[00:54.06] zhǐ shì cóng tiān táng
[00:58.46] huò dì yù huí fù
[01:02.09] rán hòu wǒ lì kè mén xīn zì wèn:
[01:08.91] xīn ya!
[01:11.09] nǐ hé wǒ yí yàng bēi liáng ér yòu gū dú
[01:15.92] wǒ shuō, wǒ wèi shí me dà xiào?
[01:22.35] a, zhì mìng de kǔ tòng!
[01:26.22] a, hēi àn!
[01:28.83] hēi àn! wǒ yào wū yè zhe,
[01:32.00] wèn biàn shàng cāng míng fǔ hé wǒ zì jǐ de xīn líng, zòng rán tú láo
[01:42.13] wǒ wèi shí me dà xiào?
[01:45.76] wǒ zhī dào shēng cún de zū qī,
[01:48.63] wǒ ràng huàn xiǎng shēn zhǎn dào jí lè de jìng jiè
[01:52.24] dàn wǒ yě xǔ zài jīn yè tíng zhǐ hū xī,
[01:55.98] jiàn dào chén shì de cǎi qí yī piàn piàn suì liè
[02:03.10] shī, míng,
[02:06.94] hé měi dōu shì qiáng liè de
[02:12.67] dàn sǐ gèng qiáng liè xiē
[02:16.30] sǐ shì shēng mìng de zuì gāo chóu láo.