(un)told Prejudices

歌曲 (un)told Prejudices
歌手 French Teen Idol
专辑 French Teen Idol


[00:00.00] 作曲 : French Teen Idol
[00:01.00] 作词 : French Teen Idol
[01:41.64][01:14.08] Yeah,fuck you,too.Fuck me?Fuck you.
[01:45.43][01:18.24] fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it
[01:47.70] wrapped in plastic .
[01:49.10] Ten yeras in the country,still no speakee English.
[01:54.36] Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car.
[01:58.06] Get a fucking job.
[01:59.62] Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs,
[02:04.42] curry steaming out their pores,stinking up my day.
[02:07.96] Terrorists in fucking training.Slow the fuck down!
[02:11.40] Fuck the Chelsea Boys with their waxed chests and pumped-up biceps,
[02:16.11] going down on each other in my parks and on my piers,jiggling their dicks on my Channel 35!
[02:22.60] Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach.
[02:24.79] Mobster thugs sitting in cafes,sipping tea in little glasses,sugar cubes between their teeth,
[02:31.36] Fuck the black-hatted Hasidim strolling up and down 47th Street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff,
[02:39.01] selling South African apartheid diamonds.
[02:42.05] Fuck the Wall Street brokers.
[02:44.29] Self-styled masters of the universe.
[02:46.75] Michael Douglas-Gordon Gekko wannabe motherfuckers figuring out new ways to rob hardworking people blind.
[02:54.73] Move the fuck on.
[02:57.62] Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus-violating plungers
[03:01.02] and their 41 shots,standing behind a blue wall of silence.
[03:05.28] You betray our trust!
[03:07.31] Fuck the priests who put their hands sown some innocent child's pants.
[03:11.46] Fuck the church that protects them,delivering us into evil.
[03:14.72] And while you're at it,fuck J.C.
[03:16.95] He got off easy-- a day on the cross ,a weekend in hell,
[03:20.80] and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity.
[03:24.19] Try seven years in fucking Otisville,J.
[03:57.50] let the fires rage ,let it burn to fucking ash,
[04:00.58] and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole art-infested place.


[00:00.00] zuò qǔ : French Teen Idol
[00:01.00] zuò cí : French Teen Idol
[01:41.64][01:14.08] Yeah, fuck you, too. Fuck me? Fuck you.
[01:45.43][01:18.24] fuck you and this whole city and everyone in it
[01:47.70] wrapped in plastic .
[01:49.10] Ten yeras in the country, still no speakee English.
[01:54.36] Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car.
[01:58.06] Get a fucking job.
[01:59.62] Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs,
[02:04.42] curry steaming out their pores, stinking up my day.
[02:07.96] Terrorists in fucking training. Slow the fuck down!
[02:11.40] Fuck the Chelsea Boys with their waxed chests and pumpedup biceps,
[02:16.11] going down on each other in my parks and on my piers, jiggling their dicks on my Channel 35!
[02:22.60] Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach.
[02:24.79] Mobster thugs sitting in cafes, sipping tea in little glasses, sugar cubes between their teeth,
[02:31.36] Fuck the blackhatted Hasidim strolling up and down 47th Street in their dirty gabardine with their dandruff,
[02:39.01] selling South African apartheid diamonds.
[02:42.05] Fuck the Wall Street brokers.
[02:44.29] Selfstyled masters of the universe.
[02:46.75] Michael DouglasGordon Gekko wannabe motherfuckers figuring out new ways to rob hardworking people blind.
[02:54.73] Move the fuck on.
[02:57.62] Fuck the corrupt cops with their anusviolating plungers
[03:01.02] and their 41 shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence.
[03:05.28] You betray our trust!
[03:07.31] Fuck the priests who put their hands sown some innocent child' s pants.
[03:11.46] Fuck the church that protects them, delivering us into evil.
[03:14.72] And while you' re at it, fuck J. C.
[03:16.95] He got off easy a day on the cross , a weekend in hell,
[03:20.80] and all the hallelujahs of the legioned angels for eternity.
[03:24.19] Try seven years in fucking Otisville, J.
[03:57.50] let the fires rage , let it burn to fucking ash,
[04:00.58] and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole artinfested place.


[01:14.08] duì a, cāo de.? de
[01:18.24] hé zhěng gè chéng shì, hái yǒu měi yí gè chéng lǐ rén
[01:41.64] duì a, cāo de.? de
[01:45.43] hé zhěng gè chéng shì, hái yǒu měi yí gè chéng lǐ rén
[01:47.70] bāo zài sù liào zhǐ lǐ
[01:49.10] dāi zài zhè gè shí nián, hái bú huì shuō yīng yǔ
[01:54.36] cāo nèi xiē cā bō lí de, nòng zāng wǒ de dǎng fēng bō lí
[01:58.06] zhǎo gè gōng zuò ba
[01:59.62] cāo nèi xiē xī kè jiào tú hái yǒu bā jī sī tǎn rén, kāi zhe pò chū zū chē zài jiē shàng lā kè
[02:04.42] chòu gā lí wèi cóng tā men de máo kǒng shèn chū lái, zú zú xūn wǒ yì tiān
[02:07.96] xiàng kǒng bù fèn zi zài xùn liàn, mā le gè bī de màn diǎn nǐ huì sǐ a
[02:16.11] lā zhuó shǒu zài wǒ de gōng yuán hé mǎ tóu shàng zǒu dòng, zài 35 pín dào huàng dòng tā men de
[02:22.60] cāo nèi xiē bù lái dùn hǎi tān shàng de é guó rén
[02:11.40] cāo nèi xiē yǒu zhe dà xiōng jī, èr tóu jī gǔ gǔ de tóng xìng liàn
[02:24.79] nà bāng zuò zài kā fēi diàn lǐ de hēi shǒu dǎng, xiǎo kǒu hē zhe xiǎo bēi zi lǐ de chá, yá chǐ zhī jiān sāi mǎn táng kuài
[02:31.36] qù dài hēi mào de hā xī diǎn rén, chuān zhe bù mǎn tóu pí xiè de dà cháng páo zài 47 dà jiē zǒu lái zǒu qù
[02:39.01] mài zhe nán fēi zhǒng zú gé lí de dà zuàn shí
[02:42.05] cāo nèi xiē huá ěr jiē de jīng jì rén
[02:44.29] zhěng gè yǔ zhòu zuì zì sī de rén
[02:46.75] lián mài kè ěr dào gé lā sī yǎn de gē dēng gài kē dōu tā men de mā, què xiǎng chū liǎo rú hé zài nèi xiē xīn kǔ gōng zuò de rén shēn shàng zhà qián
[02:54.73] kuài dào chù kàn kàn ba
[02:57.62] cāo nèi xiē xǐ huān de tān wū jǐng chá
[03:01.02] xiǎng le 41 shēng, què zhàn zài lán qiáng de bèi hòu chén mò
[03:05.28] nǐ bèi pàn le wǒ men de xìn rèn!
[03:07.31] cāo nèi xiē shén fù, bǎ shǒu shēn jìn nèi xiē wú gū hái zi de kù dāng
[03:11.46] cāo nèi xiē bǎo hù tā men de jiào táng, bǎ wǒ men dài gěi le è mó
[03:14.72] ér qiě dāng zhèi xiē shì fā shēng de shí hòu, cāo de jī dū yē sū
[03:16.95] tā dǎo shì qīng sōng de sǐ diào le bái tiān guà zài shí zì jià shàng, zhōu mò jiù qù dì yù
[03:20.80] kě nèi xiē" hā lì lù yà" què huì yǒng yuǎn bù tíng
[03:24.19] qù ào tè sī wéi ěr jiān yù dāi qī nián, xìng jī de
[03:57.50] lái chǎng dì zhèn bǎ tā men zhèn chéng fèi xū, ràng liè huǒ zài nà li màn yán
[04:00.58] bǎ tā shāo chéng huī jìn, rán hòu ràng hǎi píng miàn shēng gāo, zuì hòu ràng zhè gè pá mǎn zhù chóng de dì fāng chén rù hǎi dǐ ba