Love Against The Grain

Love Against The Grain 歌词

歌曲 Love Against The Grain
歌手 Foreverinmotion
专辑 Sunrise
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[00:07.930] Beneath a maple tree I watch the dying leaves let go
[00:12.310] And tumble down on the blacktop street
[00:14.600] Got some wild fire in these early morning eyes
[00:20.730] There's a shift in the wind and all the colors rush in
[00:24.030] I let it fill my heart till I feel it split
[00:27.110] Hit the road in just these clothes and get away
[00:33.280] Drop the everyday, make some love against the grain
[00:39.540] This nation is stitched up with Christmas lights
[00:46.210] Billboards dogmas and sex shop signs
[00:49.280] Strung along these roads we drive
[00:51.580] With haste when I need to slow down
[00:55.500] And there's a hurt that dwells in each town I pass
[00:58.860] Where a silent war broke the working man
[01:01.990] Left with little more than pink paper and rain
[01:08.290] Just trying to find the way back to shore again
[01:14.280] But what gets me the most is that hint of love
[01:17.820] That perseveres in the face of just giving up
[01:20.950] And that alone my friend is beauty you can't buy
[01:27.540] The darkest places fill with the faintest light
[01:50.260] So I pull off slow to the truck stop glow
[01:53.550] Kill the lights and just listen to the highway moan
[01:57.120] Like grandfather time singing blues to the western wind
[02:03.350] I fill up the tank and have a look around
[02:06.520] And I love what I see because it's all right now
[02:09.760] Go inside and give my money to a girl with soft brown eyes
[02:16.140] Though I hardly speak a word 'cause she froze me up inside
[02:22.310] And I curse the way I fall for everything
[02:25.740] Walk back to the car and let my secrets sting
[02:28.980] When the butterflies become a swarm of bees
[02:35.090] It's a delicate pose I taught myself to hold
[02:38.590] No chance for love without letting go of this free heart
[02:42.720] Unbound, chasing selfish dreams
[02:47.640] I'm just a lonely soldier on the road the greater things
[00:07.930] 小立在枫树下 眼见枯叶片片飘落
[00:12.310] 并沿着泊油路一路滚去
[00:14.600] 睡眼惺忪之下点燃一堆野火
[00:20.730] 叶子在风中打转 所有纷飞的色彩一拥而入
[00:24.030] 我让这一切充溢心田 直到余烬各自飘散
[00:27.110] 在路边晾晒的衣服上停留片刻又匆匆离去
[00:33.280] 每一天都在堕落 谈些并不称心如意的恋爱
[00:39.540] 这个国家处处亮着圣诞的彩灯
[00:46.210] 广告板无处不在 性用品店随处可见
[00:49.280] 我们驱车并排行驶在公路上
[00:51.580] 当我需要停车时我总得急踩刹车
[00:55.500] 伤痛在我经过的每一个小镇上蔓延开来
[00:58.860] 当内心无声的斗争将工人一举瓦解
[01:01.990] 最后除了色情小报和密集雨点一切都荡然无存
[01:08.290] 那就设法找到出路回头是岸吧
[01:14.280] 但最令我放心不下的是那爱的密语
[01:17.820] 坚持不懈却也处在崩溃的边缘
[01:20.950] 单单我那位朋友就是美的化身啊 即便千金散尽也难换
[01:27.540] 极暗之地闪着零星微弱的一点光芒
[01:50.260] 而我蹒跚地爬上卡车 停止照明吧
[01:53.550] 熄灭所有灯光 且听高速公路上留留的风声
[01:57.120] 就像祖父面对西部之风唱起伤感的布鲁斯
[02:03.350] 我武装好坦克装甲车 回头再看一眼
[02:06.520] 我爱我眼前的一切 因为现在一切恢复正常了
[02:09.760] 找个地方进去 把钱甩给一个长着温柔棕色眼睛的女孩
[02:16.140] 虽然全程我不发一言 只因为她让我心灰意冷毫不尽兴
[02:22.310] 我诅咒我迷恋的万事万物
[02:25.740] 重回车上后 让内心的秘密尽情折磨我吧
[02:28.980] 当蝴蝶最后变成了一群丑陋的蜜蜂
[02:35.090] 我告诫我自己保持一副儒雅的姿态
[02:38.590] 只要一天不解放我这颗自由之心 我再也没机会去追逐爱情
[02:42.720] 无所拘束地去追逐自私自利的梦想
[02:47.640] 我只是路上一个孤独的兵 一生只为做出伟大的事业
Love Against The Grain 歌词
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