
歌曲 Transformation
歌手 Frank Wildhorn
专辑 Jekyll & Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller


[00:14.610] September 13th, 11:56 PM.
[00:19.150] I have started this alone.....
[00:21.450] and I must finish it alone.
[00:24.940] There is no longer a choice
[00:27.830] I know that I must use myself as the subject of the experiment.
[00:34.310] No there's no choice
[00:37.250] I must put aside the fear I feel inside
[00:43.580] There's no place to hide
[00:48.310] So it comes to this
[00:50.510] One last final chance that only I can take
[00:56.540] Now everything I fought for is it stick
[01:03.070] Like a warning light
[01:05.770] Glimmering in red
[01:08.220] Like crimson bloodshed
[01:10.550] Shimmering in red
[01:13.400] Beautiful and strange
[01:15.990] See the colors change before my eyes!
[01:25.070] See how they dance and they sparkle
[01:28.450] Like diamonds at night
[01:35.390] Leading me out of the darkness
[01:38.970] And into the light!
[01:51.530] 11:58 PM.
[01:54.370] consumed 10 centiliters of formula HJ7
[02:00.600] Salty, bitter taste.
[02:04.080] Stings the tongue.
[02:06.990] Warm in the gullet.
[02:09.230] Heat spreading strongly through my veins.
[02:11.420] A slight feeling of euphoria.
[02:14.710] Lightheadedness.
[02:16.400] No noticeable behavioral differences.
[02:19.200] I must be wise
[02:21.390] I must try to analyze each change in me,
[02:27.410] Everything I see how will it be?
[02:32.450] Will I see the world through different eyes?
[02:41.230] Now the die is cast!
[02:43.680] Nothing left to do!
[02:46.020] Time alone can prove my theories true
[02:50.900] Show the world......
[02:55.290] My God!
[02:57.880] What's this?
[03:02.020] Something's happening
[03:04.000] I can't explain!
[03:06.260] Something inside me,
[03:07.910] A breathtaking pain
[03:09.550] Devours and consumes me,
[03:11.450] And drives me insane! Aaaaah!
[03:27.400] Suddenly
[03:28.640] Uncontrolled
[03:30.000] Something is taking hold
[03:32.730] Suddenly
[03:34.180] Agony
[03:35.570] Killing me!
[03:35.830] Filling me,
[03:38.720] Suddenly
[03:39.820] Out of breath
[03:41.180] What is this?
[03:42.470] Is it death?
[03:44.210] Suddenly
[03:45.310] Look at me!
[03:47.100] Can it be?!
[03:49.890] Who is this creature that I see?!
[04:04.360] (HYDE):FREE! HAHAHAHAHA!


[00:14.610] 9 yuè 13 rì wǎn 11 diǎn 56 fēn
[00:19.150] jì rán wǒ dú zì kāi shǐ le zhè xiàng shí yàn
[00:21.450] rú jīn yě jiāng yí ge rén bǎ tā wán chéng
[00:24.940] xiàn zài zhēn de bié wú xuǎn zé le
[00:27.830] wǒ zhī dào wǒ bì xū de yòng zì jǐ de shēn tǐ lái zuò wéi shí yàn duì xiàng
[00:34.310] xiàn zài wǒ bié wú xuǎn zé
[00:37.250] bì xū bǎ nèi xīn de kǒng jù zàn shí bìn qì
[00:43.580] xiàn zài wǒ wú lù kě táo
[00:48.310] xiàn zài de qíng xíng shì
[00:50.510] wǒ bì xū zhuā zhù zhè zuì hòu de jī huì
[00:56.540] wǒ suǒ wéi zhī fèn dòu de yī qiè dōu zài zhè zhī shì guǎn lǐ
[01:03.070] jiù xiàng yī zhǎn jǐng shì dēng
[01:05.770] shǎn shuò zhe wēi xiǎn de hóng guāng
[01:08.220] jiù xiàng xīng hóng de xuè yè
[01:10.550] yuè dòng zhe huì àn de hóng sè
[01:13.400] měi lì ér mò shēng de
[01:15.990] yán sè zài wǒ yǎn qián huǎn huǎn biàn huàn
[01:25.070] tā men shì zhè yàng wǔ dòng zhe, shǎn yào zhe
[01:28.450] fǎng fú hēi yè zhōng de zuàn shí
[01:35.390] yǐn lǐng wǒ bǎi tuō hēi àn
[01:38.970] tóu rù guāng míng!
[01:51.530] wǎn 11 diǎn 58 fēn
[01:54.370] wǒ zhù shè le 10 gōng sháo hǎi dé jié jī ěr rén gé zhuǎn huàn jì 7 hào
[02:00.600] xián xián de, lüè yǒu xiē kǔ
[02:04.080] shé tou gǎn dào cì tòng
[02:06.990] yān hóu gǎn dào wēn nuǎn
[02:09.230] qiáng liè de zào rè zài wǒ de xuè guǎn zhōng xùn sù màn yán
[02:11.420] yǒu diǎn ér piāo piāo yù xiān
[02:14.710] qīng wēi tóu yūn
[02:16.400] méi yǒu xiǎn zhù de xíng wéi biàn huà
[02:19.200] wǒ kě dé jī zhì diǎn
[02:21.390] shì zhe qù gǎn shòu tǐ nèi de měi yī sī biàn huà
[02:27.410] wǒ suǒ kàn dào de yī qiè, shì rú hé fā shēng de
[02:32.450] wǒ jiāng huì tòu guò bù tóng de shì jiǎo kàn dào zhè gè shì jiè ma?
[02:41.230] wǒ jiāng shēng sǐ zhì zhī dù wài
[02:43.680] xiàn zài yǐ wú qiān wú guà
[02:46.020] zhǐ yǒu shí jiān cái néng zhèng míng wǒ de lǐ lùn
[02:50.900] xiàng zhěng gè shì jiè zhǎn shì.....
[02:55.290] tiān lā lū!
[02:57.880] gǎn jué bú duì jìn
[03:02.020] hǎo xiàng fā shēng le shén me
[03:04.000] wú fǎ yán yù de shì ér
[03:06.260] wǒ tǐ nèi sì hū yǒu mǒu zhǒng dōng xī
[03:07.910] yī zhǒng lìng rén zhì xī de tòng kǔ
[03:09.550] zhèng zài tūn shì zhe wǒ, cuī huǐ zhe wǒ!
[03:11.450] ràng wǒ biàn de fēng kuáng! a a a a a
[03:27.400] tū rán jiān
[03:28.640] shī qù kòng zhì
[03:30.000] yǒu shén me dōng xī zài duó qǔ wǒ shēn tǐ de kòng zhì quán
[03:32.730] tū rán jiān
[03:34.180] jù tòng nán rěn
[03:35.570] zhè zhǒng gǎn jué chōng mǎn le wǒ
[03:35.830] kuài shā le wǒ!
[03:38.720] tū rán jiān
[03:39.820] wǒ chuǎn bù shàng qì lái
[03:41.180] zhè shì shén me gǎn jué?
[03:42.470] wǒ yào sǐ le ma?
[03:44.210] tū rán jiān
[03:45.310] kàn kàn wǒ!
[03:47.100] zhè zěn me kě néng?
[03:49.890] wǒ yǎn qián de zhè gè xié è de shēng wù shì shuí?
[04:04.360] hǎi dé: 3 wǒ zì yóu lā! hēi hēi hēi!