Un Beso

Un Beso 歌词

歌曲 Un Beso
歌手 CocoRosie
专辑 Heartache City
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[00:30.88] My mother calls it gypsy lifting
[00:33.15] I'm going to get a bag
[00:35.81] The wind is just right
[00:37.53] And the violets think so too
[00:40.75] I think I spy a chat
[00:43.66] Making a poo
[00:44.74] I'd like to gypsy-lift the stars
[00:47.69] And send one out to you
[00:50.04] You who are you
[00:53.18] Someone with no dandruff
[00:55.52] Perhaps brown eyes a derelict
[00:58.14] A dandy
[01:00.98] I'm out shopping in my canoe
[01:03.12] Finger frolicking the fireflies
[01:05.67] Finger fucking firewood
[01:08.02] Spying on the masturbating snails
[01:10.96] Hollyhocks and cat tails
[01:13.09] Boneless jelly fish and whales
[01:15.36] Perhaps I'll meet you then
[01:16.87] On the decadent horizon
[01:19.12] Where young lovers lock lips
[01:20.93] Looking at the lockness monster
[01:25.65] Phooey phooey hence cabluey
[01:28.17] Gypsying-lifting on a hand stand
[01:30.71] Little fawny dawn-lit and scrawny
[01:32.74] Daryl Jordan Henry and Johnny
[01:34.81][01:39.83][01:44.75][01:49.67][01:54.65][01:59.82][02:04.53][02:09.53][03:18.81][03:23.78][03:28.68][03:33.68][03:38.52][03:43.47][03:48.37][03:53.45][03:58.37][04:09.51] Un beso un beso
[01:37.41][01:47.30][01:57.15][02:07.02][03:21.26][03:31.16][03:41.08][03:50.92][04:04.94] You tear me apart
[01:42.29][01:52.22][02:02.16][02:12.00][03:26.15][03:36.08][03:46.01][03:55.91][04:12.54] Your palm on my heart
[02:14.80] It's just me the chimney sweep
[02:17.24] Little bo-peep
[02:18.47] Tending to her sheep
[02:19.76] Eating her curds and way
[02:21.87] Daryl Hanna get a grip
[02:23.42] It's only the first season
[02:24.96] Of the end of your career
[02:27.04] Nightmares and dreams
[02:28.38] Harlequins and queens
[02:29.67] Who is my truest love
[02:34.88] Don't make me take my finger out
[02:36.59] And point it in your direction
[02:39.46] The bible tells me so
[02:42.22] Gee wiz
[02:44.65] He's out shopping in the trees again
[02:46.93] Moss on trees moss on trees moss on trees
[02:52.10] Broken branches avalanches
[02:54.40] Who's got the keys to my jeep
[02:56.60] Who's got the code to the condo of my soul
[02:59.60][03:14.33] Out robbing graves again like Marilyn Manson
[03:05.67] I'll admit I'm popular amongst the ivies and the ferns
[03:09.88] Can't say if the felines took to me
[00:30.88] 我妈说这是流浪者流浪时才会有的乐趣
[00:33.15] 我一定要给我自己找个袋子捕捉我流浪所看到的
[00:35.81] 一路上微风正好
[00:37.53] 紫罗兰应着风点头 它也一定这么认为
[00:40.75] 我在拉粑粑的时候
[00:43.66] 突然发现了一阵闲聊
[00:44.74] 我想让星星为我在流浪时开心
[00:47.69] 然后让星星把这种兴奋的悸动带给你
[00:50.04] 可你到底是怎么样的人呢?
[00:53.18] 你应该是个干净白皙没有头皮屑的人吧
[00:55.52] 也许你是个有着棕眼睛的流浪儿
[00:58.14] 或者是个样貌出众的花花公子
[01:00.98] 我乘着独木舟打算外出购物
[01:03.12] 指尖嬉戏着萤火虫
[01:05.67] 玩弄着柴火枝
[01:08.02] 同时暗中观察动作缓慢愉悦自己的人
[01:10.96] 蜀葵和猫尾巴
[01:13.09] 水母和鲸鱼
[01:15.36] 也许继看到这些之后我会遇见你
[01:16.87] 在一个下落已经遗失的远处
[01:19.12] 在年轻伴侣亲吻的时候
[01:20.93] 看着尼斯湖水怪
[01:25.65] 唉唉唉真是失望啊
[01:28.17] 原来这种乐趣倒着看也只不过如此(由情生景&由景生情自己)
[01:30.71] 黄褐色的头发微微明亮的眼睛骨瘦如柴的孩子们
[01:32.74] 达里尔、乔丹、亨利和约翰
[01:34.81] 宝贝儿宝贝儿
[01:37.41] 你的吻使我心碎
[01:39.83] 同时你用你的吻
[01:42.29] 控制我的内心
[01:44.75] 宝贝儿宝贝儿
[01:47.30] 你的吻使我心碎
[01:49.67] 同时你用你的吻
[01:52.22] 控制我的内心
[01:54.65] 你的吻
[01:57.15] 使我坐立难安
[01:59.82] 你的吻
[02:02.16] 占据我的内心
[02:04.53] 你的吻
[02:07.02] 使我坐立难安
[02:09.53] 你的吻
[02:12.00] 占据我的内心
[02:14.80] 只有我脏兮兮一身烟囱灰
[02:17.24] 甚至有点像牧羊女
[02:18.47] 领着她的羊群
[02:19.76] 吃着凝乳寻着路
[02:21.87] 达里尔汉娜有着小把柄
[02:23.42] 这也是首要而且唯一的原因
[02:24.96] 最后终结了你的职业生涯
[02:27.04] 小丑和皇后
[02:28.38] 分别象征着噩梦和美梦
[02:29.67] 谁才是我的真爱呢?
[02:34.88] 别逼我指出你的道路
[02:36.59] 你应该自己去寻找
[02:39.46] 圣经上也是如是说
[02:42.22] Jesus Christ
[02:44.65] 他又在树林里买东西了
[02:46.93] 苔藓泥沼布满了树林
[02:52.10] 碎树枝一下子崩塌下来(快跑)
[02:54.40] 谁拿了我吉普车的钥匙
[02:56.60] 谁真正解码我外表下所藏的灵魂并带我回家
[02:59.60] 又在墓地里像玛丽莲曼森一样在坟头偷东西(我曼叔莫名躺枪)
[03:05.67] 我承认我在常春藤和蕨类中隐藏的很好
[03:09.88] 但有时也说不上会有野猫找到我
[03:14.33] 又像玛丽莲曼森一样在坟头掘东西
[03:18.81] 宝贝儿宝贝儿
[03:21.26] 你的吻使我心碎
[03:23.78] 同时你用你的吻
[03:26.15] 控制我的内心
[03:28.68] 你的吻
[03:31.16] 使我坐立难安
[03:33.68] 你的吻
[03:36.08] 占据我的内心
[03:38.52] 宝贝儿宝贝儿
[03:41.08] 你的吻使我心碎
[03:43.47] 同时你用你的吻
[03:46.01] 控制我的内心
[03:48.37] 你的吻
[03:50.92] 使我坐立难安
[03:53.45] 你的吻
[03:55.91] 占据我的内心
[03:58.37] 你的吻
[04:04.94] 使我坐立难安
[04:09.51] 你的吻
[04:12.54] 占据我的内心
(4my sweet Jordan)
Un Beso 歌词
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