The Man Who Couldn't Cry

歌曲 The Man Who Couldn't Cry
歌手 Johnny Cash
专辑 Went To Glastonbury


There once was a man who just couldn't cry
He hadn't cried for years and for years
Napalmed babies and the movie love story
For instance could not produce tears
As a child he had cried as all children will
Then at some point his tear ducts ran dry
He grew to be a man, the feces hit the fan
Things got bad, but he couldn't cry
His dog was run over, his wife up and left him
And after that he got sacked from his job
Lost his arm in the war, was laughed at by a whore
Ah, but sill not a sniffle or sob
His novel was refused, his movie was panned
And his big
Broadway show was a flop
He got sent off to jail; you guessed it, no bail
Oh, but still not a dribble or drop
In jail he was beaten, bullied and buggered
And made to make license plates
Water and bread was all he was fed
But not once did a tear stain his face
Doctors were called in, scientists, too
Theologians were last and practically least
They all agreed sure enough; this was sure no cream puff
But in fact an insensitive beast
He was removed from jail and placed in a place
For the insensitive and the insane
He played lots of chess and made lots of friends
And he wept every time it would rain
Once it rained forty days and it rained forty nights
And he cried and he cried and he cried and he cried
On the forty-first day, he passed away
He just dehydrated and died
Well, he went up to heaven, located his dog
Not only that, but he rejoined his arm
Down below, all the critics, they loot it all back
Cancer robbed the whore of her charm
His ex-wife died of stretch marks, his ex-employer went broke
The theologians were finally found out
Right down to the ground, that old jail house burned down
The earth suffered perpetual drought


[00:19] cóng qián yǒu yí gè bù néng kū de nán rén
[00:26] tā xǔ duō nián dōu méi yǒu kū qì guò
[00:30] bèi qì yóu dàn hōng zhà de hái tóng
[00:34] hái shì diàn yǐng zhōng de ài qíng gù shì
[00:36] méi yǒu yī kè néng gòu ràng tā liú lèi
[00:42] zài tóng nián tā yě zēng xiàng qí tā hái tóng yí yàng kū qì
[00:49] zài mǒu yī shí kè tā de yǎn lèi gān hé le
[00:55] zhǎng dà chéng rén, zāi nàn jiē zhǒng ér zhì
[01:02] shì qíng biàn zāo, dàn tā què cóng wèi kū qì
[01:06] tā de ài quǎn bèi niǎn sǐ, dāng tā bèi jiě gù hòu
[01:13] qī zǐ qì tā ér qù
[01:17] zài zhàn zhēng zhōng shī qù yì zhī gē bó
[01:20] bèi yí gè jì nǚ cháo xiào
[01:24] dàn shì, cóng wèi chōu qì
[01:30] rán hòu a, tā xiě de xiǎo shuō bèi jù gǎo
[01:33] tā de diàn yǐng bèi pī píng
[01:38] tā de bǎi lǎo huì huà jù jiù shì zāi nàn
[01:43] tā bèi sòng dào jiān yù lǐ
[01:46] nǐ cāi cāi kàn, bù dé jiǎ shì
[01:49] dàn shì a, réng rán méi yǒu yǎn lèi là xià
[01:56] zài jiān yù lǐ tā bèi ōu dǎ, qī líng, wǔ rǔ
[02:03] bìng qiě qiǎng pò zhì zuò qì chē pái zhào
[02:08] zhěng rì hē shuǐ chī miàn bāo
[02:14] yǎn lèi cóng wèi dǎ shī tā de miàn páng
[02:19] yī shēng yǔ kē xué jiā bèi qǐng lái
[02:26] shén xué jiā zuì hòu bèi qǐng lái, yě lái de zuì shǎo
[02:31] tā men dá chéng gòng shí,
[02:35] zhè nán rén bú shì nuò fū
[02:38] dàn tā shì gè méi yǒu qíng gǎn de yě shòu
[02:44] zài jiān yù lǐ tā bèi ōu dǎ, qī líng, wǔ rǔ
[02:51] bìng qiě qiǎng pò zhì zuò qì chē pái zhào
[02:57] tā cóng jiān yù lǐ bān dào lìng yí gè dì fāng
[03:03] shì wèi le lěng xuè zhī rén yǐ jí fēng zi zhǔn bèi de dì fāng
[03:07] tā zhěng rì xià qí, jiāo liǎo bù shǎo péng yǒu
[03:13] měi dāng xià yǔ tā dōu huì kū qì
[03:18] Once it rained forty days and it rained forty nights yǒu yī cì, yǔ xià le 40 tiān yòu 40 yè
[03:25] tā kū a kū a kū a
[03:31] zài dì 41 tiān, tā qù shì le
[03:37] tā tuō shuǐ ér sǐ le
[03:45] tā qù wǎng tiān táng, zhǎo dào le tā de ài quǎn
[03:51] zài nà zhī hòu, tā jiē huí le tā de shǒu bì
[03:57] jiē xià lái shì zuì lìng rén nán guò de,
[04:00] tā men dé dào le bào yìng
[04:03] ái zhèng duó zǒu le nà gè jì nǚ de měi mào
[04:07] tā de qián qī sǐ yú rèn shēn wén
[04:11] tā de qián rèn gù zhǔ pò chǎn le
[04:15] shén xué jiā zhōng yú bèi zhǎo lái le
[04:19] zài dà dì shàng,
[04:22] jiān yù bèi dà huǒ shāo tā le
[04:26] dà dì bèi yǒng héng de gān hàn qīn xí le