'When To The Sessions' (Sonnet No.30)

歌曲 'When To The Sessions' (Sonnet No.30)
歌手 Julian Bream
专辑 Two Loves


[00:00.00] When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
[00:04.60] I summon up remembrance of things past,
[00:07.79] I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,
[00:11.47] And with old woes new wail my dear time's waste;
[00:17.28] Then can I drown an eye, unused to flow,
[00:21.48] For precious friends hid in death's dateless night,
[00:25.71] And weep afresh love's long-since-cancell'd woe,
[00:29.74] And moan the expense of many a vanisht sight:
[00:34.11] Then can I grieve at grievances foregone,
[00:38.06] And heavily from woe to woe tell o'er
[00:41.83] The sad account of fore-bemoaned moan,
[00:44.94] Which I new pay as if not paid before.
[00:50.52] But if the while I think on thee, dear friend,
[00:56.02] All losses are restored, and sorrows end.


[00:00.00] wǒ yǒu shí zuì xīn yú chén sī mò xiǎng,
[00:04.60] bǎ guò wǎng de shì wù xì xì pǐn cháng
[00:07.79] wǒ kǎi tàn xǔ duō wèi zēng rú yuàn zhī shì,
[00:11.47] jiù hèn xīn chóu shǐ wǒ tòng dào cuō tuó de shí guāng.
[00:17.28] bù qīng dàn de rè lèi jǐ mǎn wǒ de shuāng yǎn,
[00:21.48] wǒ tòng kū qīn péng cháng mián yú yǒng yè de gū hún,
[00:25.71] tàn duō shǎo gù rén jiù wù rú shì shuǐ nán zhuī,
[00:29.74] gōu qǐ wǒ shāng huái jiǔ yǐ jué bié de fēng qíng.
[00:34.11] yōu xīn zài qǐ wèi de shì liú nián yí hèn,
[00:38.06] jiù xù zhòng fān jiàn jiàn lìng wǒ chóu suǒ xīn tíng.
[00:41.83] yǒu duō shǎo shāng xīn shì rú jiù zhài nán shù,
[00:44.94] jīn rì zhòng liǎo zhàng, fǎng fú dāng shí wèi huán qīng.
[00:50.52] dàn zhǐ yào cǐ kè wǒ xiǎng dào le nǐ, péng yǒu,
[00:56.02] sǔn shī quán wǎn huí, chóu yún hèn wù dùn shí shōu!