
Mama 歌词

歌曲 Mama
歌手 My Chemical Romance
专辑 Live and Rare
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[00:49.748] Mama, we all go to hell.
[00:54.288] Mama, we all go to hell.
[00:58.307] I'm writing this letter and wishing you well,
[01:03.989] Mama, we all go to hell.
[01:07.789] Oh, well, now,
[01:09.389] Mama, we're all gonna die.
[01:11.280] Mama, we're all gonna die.
[01:15.798] Stop asking me questions,
[01:18.788] I'd hate to see you cry,
[01:20.387] Mama, we're all gonna die.
[01:23.488] And when we go don't blame us, yeah.
[01:28.790] We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah.
[01:33.179] You made us, oh, so famous.
[01:35.788] We'll never let you go.
[01:40.389] And when you go don't return to me
[01:44.377] my love.
[01:47.889] Mama, we're all full of lies.
[01:51.389] Mama, we're meant for the flies.
[01:56.187] And right now they're building a coffin
[01:59.479] your size,
[02:00.198] Mama, we're all full of lies.
[02:04.747] Well Mother, what the war did
[02:07.169] to my legs and to my tongue,
[02:08.877] You should've raised a baby girl,
[02:11.240] I should've been a better son.
[02:12.755] If you could coddle the infection
[02:15.787] They can amputate at once.
[02:17.787] You should've been,
[02:18.168] I could have been a better son.
[02:21.159] And when we go don't blame us, yeah.
[02:25.277] We'll let the fires just bathe us, yeah.
[02:29.468] You made us, oh, so famous.
[02:33.350] We'll never let you go.
[02:38.760] She said: "You ain't no son of mine
[02:42.469] For what you've done they're gonna find
[02:47.789] A place for you
[02:48.350] And just you mind your manners when you go.
[02:54.386] And when you go, don't return to me, my love."
[02:59.876] That's right.
[03:03.190] Mama, we all go to hell.
[03:05.370] Mama, we all go to hell.
[03:11.190] It's really quite pleasant
[03:13.460] Except for the smell,
[03:14.868] Mama, we all go to hell.
[03:20.386] Mama! Mama! Mama! Ohhh!...
[03:51.835] And if you would call me your sweetheart,
[03:54.775] I'd maybe then sing you a song
[03:58.725] But there's shit that I've done
[04:01.385] with this fuck of a gun,
[04:03.755] You would cry out your eyes all along.
[04:07.315] We're damned after all.
[04:13.390] Through fortune and flame we fall.
[04:16.888] And if you can stay
[04:17.885] then I'll show you the way,
[04:19.950] To return from the ashes you call.
[04:24.380] We all carry on (We all carry on)
[04:28.200] When our brothers in arms are gone
[04:32.270] So raise your glass high
[04:34.360] For tomorrow we die,
[04:36.800] And return from the ashes you call.
[00:49.748] 妈妈,我们都将奔赴地狱
[00:54.288] 妈妈,我们都将奔赴地狱
[00:58.307] 我写着这封信啊 望您万事顺遂
[01:03.989] 妈妈,地狱之火将灼我骨髓
[01:07.789] 噢,好哇
[01:09.389] 妈妈,我们的死亡木已成舟
[01:11.280] 妈妈,我们的死亡木已成舟
[01:15.798] 就别再开口询问
[01:18.788] 你的眼泪让我心痛
[01:20.387] 妈妈,我们的死亡木已成舟
[01:23.488] 当死亡降临,别怪罪我们
[01:28.790] 我们就放任战火舔舐自己
[01:33.179] 你赐给我们血肉之躯
[01:35.788] 我们怎会放您离去?
[01:40.389] 但当你走时,就别再回头
[01:44.377] 我的爱
[01:47.889] 妈妈,我们的身躯满载谎言
[01:51.389] 妈妈,我们的生命轻如草芥
[01:56.187] 现在,他们正打造着棺椁
[01:59.479] 恰好装下一个你
[02:00.198] 妈妈,我们的身躯满载谎言
[02:04.747] 噢妈妈,你看这战争
[02:07.169] 折断了我双腿,摧毁了我喉舌
[02:08.877] 你该养个宝贝女儿
[02:11.240] 我该成个体面小伙
[02:12.755] 你能否忍受化脓的伤口
[02:15.787] 他们将截肢得利落
[02:17.787] 你本应该
[02:18.168] 我本应该成个体面的小伙
[02:21.159] 当死亡降临,别怪罪我们
[02:25.277] 我们让战火舔舐自己
[02:29.468] 你造就了我们,光宗耀祖哇
[02:33.350] 我们怎会放你走?
[02:38.760] 她说:我没有你这儿子
[02:42.469] 为你所作所为 他们会
[02:47.789] 为你找到安息之地
[02:48.350] 你死的时候 记得顾及脸面
[02:54.386] 别回头地去吧 我的爱
[02:59.876] 这就对了
[03:03.190] 妈妈,我们都将奔赴地狱
[03:05.370] 妈妈,我们都将奔赴地狱
[03:11.190] 那真是令人愉快
[03:13.460] 只是气味难耐
[03:14.868] 妈妈,我们都将奔赴地狱
[03:20.386] 妈妈 妈妈 妈妈 噢!
[03:51.835] 你能否再叫我一声甜心
[03:54.775] 我便再为你唱一首歌曲
[03:58.725] 但我犯下了腐臭罪行
[04:01.385] 拿着这混账长枪
[04:03.755] 你的眼泪将泡烂你的眼睛
[04:07.315] 毕竟我们都完蛋了
[04:13.390] 在金银财宝和纷飞战火中 我们走向失败
[04:16.888] 如果你能留下
[04:17.885] 我讲给你展示
[04:19.950] 如何从所谓的灰烬中重生
[04:24.380] 向前!
[04:28.200] 当我们全副武装的兄弟们都已死去
[04:32.270] 高举酒杯吧!
[04:34.360] 为明天我们的死而举杯!
[04:36.800] 为我们从所谓的灰烬中重生而举杯!
Mama 歌词
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