100ft High

100ft High 歌词

歌曲 100ft High
歌手 pronobozo
专辑 Hackwave [Explicit]
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[00:05.06] This city is my playground
[00:08.37] No obstacle in my way can stop me
[00:11.46] There is no gap I cannot cross
[00:15.93] Aww yeah!
[00:20.44] Bring it down
[00:24.56] Hardcore
[00:26.45] Pronobozo, a hundred feet high
[00:29.92] You'll never catch me I'm just too fast
[00:32.01] Never arrest me cause I outlast, I'm hard class
[00:34.26] Straight off the wall, on the ball, from rooftop to rooftop I won't fall
[00:38.12] No place I can't make it, life never fake it, no rule that I'm not breaking
[00:42.08] I'm just aching to re-awaken the world with the music that we're making
[00:45.79]We're shaking beats, back from the future, to terminate all of the commercialized looses[?]
[00:49.75] Controlling the system they program your mind, it's time to move forward and leave them behind
[00:53.46] Release yourself, the human expression, making the most of the body we're blessed with
[00:57.54] Climb to the highest height that I can, and make the gods see the strength of man!
[01:16.91] (Cause I'm a hundred feet high) Touch the sky, evil as I, mystifies, intensifies (c'mon)
[01:24.19] (I'm a hundred feet high) I defy, I can fly, I get high, say goodbye (that's right)
[01:32.05] (I'm a hundred feet high) Touch the sky, evil as I, mystifies, intensifies (uh)
[01:39.67] (I'm a hundred feet high) I defy, I can fly, I get high, say goodbye (uh)
[01:47.65] Right about now
[01:49.94] It's time for me to pass the mic
[01:52.32] Onto my main man
[01:54.20] Gotcha MC
[01:56.39] Ya'll man
[01:58.68] Rip these motherf---ers a new one
[02:00.50] Yo can I get a witness as I hit this?
[02:02.25] Looking down at the streets as I by, I defy
[02:04.62] I defeat gravity has no hold on me, no control on me, ain't nobody gonna break my stride
[02:09.99]And the energies I release never cease to amaze and daze as I caught[?] and I faze
[02:14.00] From reality, from banality, up to a higher plane, see
[02:17.79] I set my soul free to riders and gliders, I slip the airstream and slide on inside
[02:21.50] The mind of a matter, the senses they scatter, to the four wings so the truth doesn't matter
[02:25.48] I tend on the walls, open the box, Jack in the system, pick all the locks
[02:29.21] And watch as I hope they come tumbling down from 100ft up, you can't hear a sound
[02:48.74] (Cause I'm a hundred feet high) Touch the sky, evil as I, mystifies, intensifies (c'mon)
[02:56.45] (I'm a hundred feet high) I defy, I can fly, I get high, say goodbye (that's right)
[03:04.12] (I'm a hundred feet high) Touch the sky, evil as I, mystifies, intensifies (uh)
[03:12.02] (I'm a hundred feet high) I defy, I can fly, I get high, say goodbye
[03:50.53] Touch the sky, evil as I, mystifies, intensifies (c'mon)
[03:58.24] I defy, I can fly, I get high, say goodbye (that's right)
[04:05.88] Touch the sky, evil as I, mystifies, intensifies (uh)
[04:13.25] I defy, I can fly, I get high, say goodbye (uh)
[00:05.06] 这座城市现在成为了我的游乐场
[00:08.37] 没有任何障碍能够阻挡住我的脚步
[00:11.46] 这世上也没有我无法逾越的沟壑
[00:20.44] 享受这低音吧!
[00:24.56] 在Hardcore的节奏中颤抖吧!
[00:26.45] 我,Pronobozo,屹立在九霄之上!
[00:29.92] 你笨拙的脚步永远跟不上我迅捷的速度
[00:32.01] 我逍遥法外却又毫不松懈,正因如此你对我束手无策
[00:34.26] 飞檐走壁,舞动自如,在屋顶之间自由穿梭从未坠落
[00:38.12] 世上没有我无法企及的地方,生活中我胸襟坦荡,热衷于打破所有死板的规则
[00:42.08] 纵使伤痕累累,也绝不轻言放弃,因为我们要用振聋发聩的音乐惊醒世界!
[00:45.79] 我们打着节拍,从过去响彻到未来,沉浸于追名逐利的人们听到后也变得自由自在
[00:49.75] 是时候打破禁锢思想的牢笼,一往无前地做回自己,让他人望尘莫及
[00:53.46] 迸发出人类最真实的感情,让我们这副被祝福的傲骨创造奇迹!
[00:57.54] 尽自己所能的攀至顶点,让自以为是的造物主们见识下人类的实力!
[01:16.91] (因为我处在正从未到达的巅峰)触碰苍穹,邪恶如我,高深莫测,突破自我(来吧!)
[01:24.19] (我正站在你们无法企及的高度)揭竿而起,翱翔于空,直上云霄,告别烦扰(这就对了!)
[01:32.05] (因为我处在正从未到达的巅峰)触碰苍穹,邪恶如我,高深莫测,突破自我(来吧!)
[01:39.67] (我正站在你们无法企及的高度)揭竿而起,翱翔于空,直上云霄,告别烦扰(这就对了!)
[01:47.65] 就是现在!
[01:49.94] 是时候将麦克风
[01:52.32] 传给我的兄弟
[01:54.20] Gotcha MC
[01:58.68] 撕碎这帮混蛋!
[02:00.50] 能否有人见证这历史性的一刻?
[02:02.25] 俯视着城市上纵横的街道,是时候铤而走险了!
[02:04.62] 重力在我面前不值一提,我感受不到丝毫的阻力,我的步伐坚定无比
[02:09.99] 我释放的能量无穷无尽,令人惊叹的同时却又使我陷入迷茫与惊慌
[02:14.00] 从刻板的现实中一跃而起,在平庸的人群中我将他们睥睨,在世界之巅我泰然矗立
[02:17.79] 我的灵魂化为了无畏的骑士或者说是技艺高超的飞行员,在气流中展开双翼,对着蓝天发起冲击
[02:21.50] 我的理智不可动摇,我的意识被他人所传颂,即使所作所为与事实相悖我也丝毫不在意
[02:25.48] 我引领的趋势足以冲破障壁,一切由我所管理,我是复杂体系中那最稳固的根基
[02:29.21] 正如我所料,他们的努力化为乌有,正悄无声息地从万米高空坠落
[02:48.74] (因为我处在正从未到达的巅峰)触碰苍穹,邪恶如我,高深莫测,突破自我(来吧!)
[02:56.45] (我正站在你们无法企及的高度)揭竿而起,翱翔于空,直上云霄,告别烦扰(这就对了!)
[03:04.12] (因为我处在正从未到达的巅峰)触碰苍穹,邪恶如我,高深莫测,突破自我
[03:12.02] (我正站在你们无法企及的高度)揭竿而起,翱翔于空,直上云霄,告别烦扰
[03:50.53] 触碰苍穹,邪恶如我,高深莫测,突破自我(来吧!)
[03:58.24] 揭竿而起,翱翔于空,直上云霄,告别烦扰(这就对了!)
[04:05.88] 触碰苍穹,邪恶如我,高深莫测,突破自我(来吧!)
[04:13.25] 揭竿而起,翱翔于空,直上云霄,告别烦扰
100ft High 歌词


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