Leaving Beirut

Leaving Beirut 歌词

歌曲 Leaving Beirut
歌手 Roger Waters
专辑 To Kill the Child
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[01:41.500] So we left Beirut Willa and I
[01:44.500] He headed East to Baghdad and the rest of it
[01:48.000] I set out North on home
[01:51.200] I walked the five or six miles to the last of the street lamps
[01:54.900] And hunkered in the kerbside dusk
[01:57.000] Holding out my thumb
[01:58.500] In no great hope at the ramshackle procession of home bound traffic
[02:03.500] Success!
[02:05.500] An ancient Mercedes 'dolmus '
[02:08.000] The ubiquitous Arab shared taxi drew up
[02:11.800] I turned out my pockets and shrugged at the driver
[02:15.500] " J'ai pas de l'argent " “
[02:17.900] " Venez! " A soft voice from the back seat “
[02:20.800] The driver lent wearily across and pushed open the back door
[02:25.200] I stooped to look inside at the two men there
[02:28.000] One besuited, bespectacled, moustached, irritated, distant, late
[02:33.800] The other, the one who had spoken,
[02:36.800] Frail, fifty five-ish, bald, sallow, in a short sleeved pale blue cotton shirt
[02:43.000] With one biro in the breast pocket
[02:45.000] A clerk maybe, slightly sunken in the seat
[02:48.800] "Venez!" He said again, and smiled “
[02:52.300] "Mais j'ai pas de l'argent" “
[02:53.600] "Oui, Oui, d'accord, Venez!"
[02:58.600] Are these the people that we should bomb
[03:05.300] Are we so sure they mean us harm
[03:12.500] Is this our pleasure, punishment or crime
[03:19.000] Is this a mountain that we really want to climb
[03:25.900] The road is hard, hard and long
[03:32.750] Put down that two by four
[03:35.400] This man would never turn you from his door
[03:39.900] Oh George! Oh George!
[03:45.600] That Texas education must have fucked you up when you were very small
[03:53.600] He beckoned with a small arthritic motion of his hand
[03:57.300] Fingers together like a child waving goodbye
[04:01.600] The driver put my old Hofner guitar in the boot with my rucksack
[04:05.100] And off we went
[04:07.650] " Vous etes Francais, monsieur? " “
[04:09.300] " Non, Anglais "
[04:10.400] " Ah! Anglais "
[04:13.000] " Est-ce que vous parlais Anglais, Monsieur? " “
[04:14.950] "Non, je regrette" “
[04:17.200] And so on
[04:18.300] In small talk between strangers, his French alien but correct
[04:23.000] Mine halting but eager to please
[04:25.300] A lift, after all, is a lift
[04:28.750] Late moustache left us brusquely
[04:30.800] And some miles later the dolmus slowed at a crossroads lit by a single lightbulb
[04:35.150] Swung through a U-turn and stopped in a cloud of dust
[04:39.000] I opened the door and got out
[04:41.100] But my benefactor made no move to follow
[04:47.400] The driver dumped my guitar and rucksack at my feet
[04:49.800] And waving away my thanks returned to the boot
[04:52.300] Only to reappear with a pair of alloy crutches
[04:55.300] Which he leaned against the rear wing of the Mercedes.
[04:59.050] He reached into the car and lifted my companion out
[05:02.000] Only one leg, the second trouser leg neatly pinned beneath a vacant hip
[05:06.900] " Monsieur, si vous voulez, ca sera un honneur pour nous “
[05:09.700] Si vous venez avec moi a la maison pour manger avec ma femme "
[05:15.700] When I was 17 my mother, bless her heart, fulfilled my summer dream
[05:25.000] She handed me the keys to the car
[05:29.400] We motored down to Paris, fuelled with Dexedrine and booze
[05:35.350] Got bust in Antibes by the cops
[05:38.600] And fleeced in Naples by the wops
[05:43.000] But everyone was kind to us, we were the English dudes
[05:49.100] Our dads had helped them win the war
[05:52.470] When we all knew what we were fighting for
[05:56.800] But now an Englishman abroad is just a US stooge
[06:02.750] The bulldog is a poodle snapping round the scoundrel's last refuge
[06:10.500] "Ma femme", thank God! Monopod but not queer “
[06:16.690] The taxi drove off leaving us in the dim light of the swinging bulb
[06:20.650] No building in sight
[06:22.200] What the hell
[06:23.900] "Merci monsieur" “
[06:25.250] "Bon, Venez!"
[06:25.950] His faced creased in pleasure, he set off in front of me
[06:30.310] Swinging his leg between the crutches with agonising care
[06:33.700] Up the dusty side road into the darkness
[06:37.900] After half an hour we'd gone maybe half a mile
[06:40.700] When on the right I made out the low profile of a building
[06:44.500] He called out in Arabic to announce our arrival
[06:47.550] And after some scuffling inside a lamp was lit
[06:50.700] And the changing angle of light in the wide crack under the door
[06:53.850] Signalled the approach of someone within
[07:01.300] The door creaked open and there, holding a biblical looking oil lamp
[07:05.200] Stood a squat, moustached woman, stooped smiling up at us
[07:12.150] She stood aside to let us in and as she turned
[07:14.850] I saw the reason for her stoop
[07:16.120] She carried on her back a shocking hump
[07:19.550] I nodded and smiled back at her in greeting, fighting for control
[07:26.150] The gentleness between the one-legged man and his monstrous wife
[07:29.395] America, America, please hear us when we call
[07:29.900] Almost too much for me
[07:31.900] Is gentleness too much for us
[07:35.250] Should gentleness be filed along with empathy
[07:42.100] We feel for someone else's child
[07:46.030] Every time a smart bomb does its sums and gets it wrong
[07:52.725] Someone else's child dies and equities in defence rise
[08:05.875] You got hip-hop, be-bop, hustle and bustle
[08:09.150] You got Atticus Finch
[08:11.250] You got Jane Russell
[08:12.900] You got freedom of speech
[08:14.900] You got great beaches, wildernesses and malls
[08:19.850] Don't let the might, the Christian right, fuck it all up
[08:24.950] For you and the rest of the world
[08:28.100] They talked excitedly
[08:29.850] She went to take his crutches in routine of care
[08:32.800] He chiding, gestured
[08:35.150] We have a guest
[08:36.700] She embarrassed by her faux pas
[08:38.650] Took my things and laid them gently in the corner
[08:42.450] "Du the?"
[08:44.500] We sat on meagre cushions in one corner of the single room
[08:47.500] The floor was earth packed hard and by one wall a raised platform
[08:51.700] Some six feet by four covered by a simple sheet, the bed
[08:57.000] The hunchback busied herself with small copper pots over an open hearth
[09:01.100] And brought us tea, hot and sweet
[09:03.865] And so to dinner
[09:05.400] Flat, unleavened bread, + thin
[09:08.050] Cooked in an iron skillet in hearth
[09:10.430] Then folded and dipped into the soft insides of female sea urchins
[09:19.600] She would hear of nothing else, I was their guest
[09:19.725] My hostess did not eat, I ate her dinner
[09:22.900] And then she retired behind a curtain
[09:25.675] And left the men to sit drinking thimbleful of Arak
[09:29.500] Carefully poured from a small bottle with a faded label
[09:32.900] Soon she reappeared, radiant
[09:35.695] Carrying in her arms their pride and joy, their child.
[09:41.880] I'd never seen a squint like that
[09:44.965] So severe that as one eye looked out the other disappeared behind its nose
[09:49.880] Not in my name, Tony, you great war leader you
[09:56.200] Terror is still terror, whosoever gets to frame the rules
[10:03.000] History's not written by the vanquished or the damned
[10:10.435] Now we are Genghis Khan, Lucrezia Borghia, Son of Sam
[10:16.400] In 1961 they took this child into their home
[10:23.300] I wonder what became of them
[10:26.550] In the cauldron that was Lebanon
[10:31.020] If I could find them now, could I make amends?
[10:37.800] How does the story end?
[10:45.000] And so to bed, me that is, not them
[10:51.000] Of course they slept on the floor behind a curtain
[10:55.000] Whilst I lay awake all night on their earthen bed
[10:58.850] Then came the dawn and then their quiet stirrings
[11:02.350] I turned North, my guitar over my shoulder
[11:02.600] Careful not to wake the guest
[11:05.200] I yawned in great pretence
[11:05.800] And the first hot gust of wind
[11:07.400] And took the proffered bowl of water heated up and washed
[11:08.100] Quickly dried the salt tears from my young cheeks.
[11:10.750] And sipped my coffee in its tiny cup
[11:13.330] And then with much "merci-ing" and bowing and shaking of hands
[11:17.050] We left the woman to her chores
[11:19.600] And we men made our way back to the crossroads
[11:23.300] The painful slowness of our progress accentuated by the brilliant morning light
[11:32.197] The dolmus duly reappeared
[11:35.000] My host gave me one crutch and leaning on the other
[11:37.550] Shook my hand and smiled
[11:40.000] "Merci, monsieur," I said “
[11:42.200] " De rien " “
[11:43.850] " Et merci a votre femme, elle est tres gentille " “
[11:49.600] Giving up his other crutch
[11:50.850] He allowed himself to be folded into the back seat again
[11:54.500] "Bon voyage, monsieur," he said “
[11:56.945] And half bowed as the taxi headed south towards the city
[01:41.500] So we left Beirut Willa and I
[01:44.500] He headed East to Baghdad and the rest of it
[01:48.000] I set out North on home
[01:51.200] I walked the five or six miles to the last of the street lamps
[01:54.900] And hunkered in the kerbside dusk
[01:57.000] Holding out my thumb
[01:58.500] In no great hope at the ramshackle procession of home bound traffic
[02:03.500] Success!
[02:05.500] An ancient Mercedes ' dolmus '
[02:08.000] The ubiquitous Arab shared taxi drew up
[02:11.800] I turned out my pockets and shrugged at the driver
[02:15.500] " J' ai pas de l' argent " "
[02:17.900] " Venez! " A soft voice from the back seat "
[02:20.800] The driver lent wearily across and pushed open the back door
[02:25.200] I stooped to look inside at the two men there
[02:28.000] One besuited, bespectacled, moustached, irritated, distant, late
[02:33.800] The other, the one who had spoken,
[02:36.800] Frail, fifty fiveish, bald, sallow, in a short sleeved pale blue cotton shirt
[02:43.000] With one biro in the breast pocket
[02:45.000] A clerk maybe, slightly sunken in the seat
[02:48.800] " Venez!" He said again, and smiled "
[02:52.300] " Mais j' ai pas de l' argent" "
[02:53.600] " Oui, Oui, d' accord, Venez!"
[02:58.600] Are these the people that we should bomb
[03:05.300] Are we so sure they mean us harm
[03:12.500] Is this our pleasure, punishment or crime
[03:19.000] Is this a mountain that we really want to climb
[03:25.900] The road is hard, hard and long
[03:32.750] Put down that two by four
[03:35.400] This man would never turn you from his door
[03:39.900] Oh George! Oh George!
[03:45.600] That Texas education must have fucked you up when you were very small
[03:53.600] He beckoned with a small arthritic motion of his hand
[03:57.300] Fingers together like a child waving goodbye
[04:01.600] The driver put my old Hofner guitar in the boot with my rucksack
[04:05.100] And off we went
[04:07.650] " Vous etes Francais, monsieur? " "
[04:09.300] " Non, Anglais "
[04:10.400] " Ah! Anglais "
[04:13.000] " Estce que vous parlais Anglais, Monsieur? " "
[04:14.950] " Non, je regrette" "
[04:17.200] And so on
[04:18.300] In small talk between strangers, his French alien but correct
[04:23.000] Mine halting but eager to please
[04:25.300] A lift, after all, is a lift
[04:28.750] Late moustache left us brusquely
[04:30.800] And some miles later the dolmus slowed at a crossroads lit by a single lightbulb
[04:35.150] Swung through a Uturn and stopped in a cloud of dust
[04:39.000] I opened the door and got out
[04:41.100] But my benefactor made no move to follow
[04:47.400] The driver dumped my guitar and rucksack at my feet
[04:49.800] And waving away my thanks returned to the boot
[04:52.300] Only to reappear with a pair of alloy crutches
[04:55.300] Which he leaned against the rear wing of the Mercedes.
[04:59.050] He reached into the car and lifted my companion out
[05:02.000] Only one leg, the second trouser leg neatly pinned beneath a vacant hip
[05:06.900] " Monsieur, si vous voulez, ca sera un honneur pour nous "
[05:09.700] Si vous venez avec moi a la maison pour manger avec ma femme "
[05:15.700] When I was 17 my mother, bless her heart, fulfilled my summer dream
[05:25.000] She handed me the keys to the car
[05:29.400] We motored down to Paris, fuelled with Dexedrine and booze
[05:35.350] Got bust in Antibes by the cops
[05:38.600] And fleeced in Naples by the wops
[05:43.000] But everyone was kind to us, we were the English dudes
[05:49.100] Our dads had helped them win the war
[05:52.470] When we all knew what we were fighting for
[05:56.800] But now an Englishman abroad is just a US stooge
[06:02.750] The bulldog is a poodle snapping round the scoundrel' s last refuge
[06:10.500] " Ma femme", thank God! Monopod but not queer "
[06:16.690] The taxi drove off leaving us in the dim light of the swinging bulb
[06:20.650] No building in sight
[06:22.200] What the hell
[06:23.900] " Merci monsieur" "
[06:25.250] " Bon, Venez!"
[06:25.950] His faced creased in pleasure, he set off in front of me
[06:30.310] Swinging his leg between the crutches with agonising care
[06:33.700] Up the dusty side road into the darkness
[06:37.900] After half an hour we' d gone maybe half a mile
[06:40.700] When on the right I made out the low profile of a building
[06:44.500] He called out in Arabic to announce our arrival
[06:47.550] And after some scuffling inside a lamp was lit
[06:50.700] And the changing angle of light in the wide crack under the door
[06:53.850] Signalled the approach of someone within
[07:01.300] The door creaked open and there, holding a biblical looking oil lamp
[07:05.200] Stood a squat, moustached woman, stooped smiling up at us
[07:12.150] She stood aside to let us in and as she turned
[07:14.850] I saw the reason for her stoop
[07:16.120] She carried on her back a shocking hump
[07:19.550] I nodded and smiled back at her in greeting, fighting for control
[07:26.150] The gentleness between the onelegged man and his monstrous wife
[07:29.395] America, America, please hear us when we call
[07:29.900] Almost too much for me
[07:31.900] Is gentleness too much for us
[07:35.250] Should gentleness be filed along with empathy
[07:42.100] We feel for someone else' s child
[07:46.030] Every time a smart bomb does its sums and gets it wrong
[07:52.725] Someone else' s child dies and equities in defence rise
[08:05.875] You got hiphop, bebop, hustle and bustle
[08:09.150] You got Atticus Finch
[08:11.250] You got Jane Russell
[08:12.900] You got freedom of speech
[08:14.900] You got great beaches, wildernesses and malls
[08:19.850] Don' t let the might, the Christian right, fuck it all up
[08:24.950] For you and the rest of the world
[08:28.100] They talked excitedly
[08:29.850] She went to take his crutches in routine of care
[08:32.800] He chiding, gestured
[08:35.150] We have a guest
[08:36.700] She embarrassed by her faux pas
[08:38.650] Took my things and laid them gently in the corner
[08:42.450] " Du the?"
[08:44.500] We sat on meagre cushions in one corner of the single room
[08:47.500] The floor was earth packed hard and by one wall a raised platform
[08:51.700] Some six feet by four covered by a simple sheet, the bed
[08:57.000] The hunchback busied herself with small copper pots over an open hearth
[09:01.100] And brought us tea, hot and sweet
[09:03.865] And so to dinner
[09:05.400] Flat, unleavened bread, thin
[09:08.050] Cooked in an iron skillet in hearth
[09:10.430] Then folded and dipped into the soft insides of female sea urchins
[09:19.600] She would hear of nothing else, I was their guest
[09:19.725] My hostess did not eat, I ate her dinner
[09:22.900] And then she retired behind a curtain
[09:25.675] And left the men to sit drinking thimbleful of Arak
[09:29.500] Carefully poured from a small bottle with a faded label
[09:32.900] Soon she reappeared, radiant
[09:35.695] Carrying in her arms their pride and joy, their child.
[09:41.880] I' d never seen a squint like that
[09:44.965] So severe that as one eye looked out the other disappeared behind its nose
[09:49.880] Not in my name, Tony, you great war leader you
[09:56.200] Terror is still terror, whosoever gets to frame the rules
[10:03.000] History' s not written by the vanquished or the damned
[10:10.435] Now we are Genghis Khan, Lucrezia Borghia, Son of Sam
[10:16.400] In 1961 they took this child into their home
[10:23.300] I wonder what became of them
[10:26.550] In the cauldron that was Lebanon
[10:31.020] If I could find them now, could I make amends?
[10:37.800] How does the story end?
[10:45.000] And so to bed, me that is, not them
[10:51.000] Of course they slept on the floor behind a curtain
[10:55.000] Whilst I lay awake all night on their earthen bed
[10:58.850] Then came the dawn and then their quiet stirrings
[11:02.350] I turned North, my guitar over my shoulder
[11:02.600] Careful not to wake the guest
[11:05.200] I yawned in great pretence
[11:05.800] And the first hot gust of wind
[11:07.400] And took the proffered bowl of water heated up and washed
[11:08.100] Quickly dried the salt tears from my young cheeks.
[11:10.750] And sipped my coffee in its tiny cup
[11:13.330] And then with much " merciing" and bowing and shaking of hands
[11:17.050] We left the woman to her chores
[11:19.600] And we men made our way back to the crossroads
[11:23.300] The painful slowness of our progress accentuated by the brilliant morning light
[11:32.197] The dolmus duly reappeared
[11:35.000] My host gave me one crutch and leaning on the other
[11:37.550] Shook my hand and smiled
[11:40.000] " Merci, monsieur," I said "
[11:42.200] " De rien " "
[11:43.850] " Et merci a votre femme, elle est tres gentille " "
[11:49.600] Giving up his other crutch
[11:50.850] He allowed himself to be folded into the back seat again
[11:54.500] " Bon voyage, monsieur," he said "
[11:56.945] And half bowed as the taxi headed south towards the city
[01:41.500] So we left Beirut Willa and I
[01:44.500] He headed East to Baghdad and the rest of it
[01:48.000] I set out North on home
[01:51.200] I walked the five or six miles to the last of the street lamps
[01:54.900] And hunkered in the kerbside dusk
[01:57.000] Holding out my thumb
[01:58.500] In no great hope at the ramshackle procession of home bound traffic
[02:03.500] Success!
[02:05.500] An ancient Mercedes ' dolmus '
[02:08.000] The ubiquitous Arab shared taxi drew up
[02:11.800] I turned out my pockets and shrugged at the driver
[02:15.500] " J' ai pas de l' argent " "
[02:17.900] " Venez! " A soft voice from the back seat "
[02:20.800] The driver lent wearily across and pushed open the back door
[02:25.200] I stooped to look inside at the two men there
[02:28.000] One besuited, bespectacled, moustached, irritated, distant, late
[02:33.800] The other, the one who had spoken,
[02:36.800] Frail, fifty fiveish, bald, sallow, in a short sleeved pale blue cotton shirt
[02:43.000] With one biro in the breast pocket
[02:45.000] A clerk maybe, slightly sunken in the seat
[02:48.800] " Venez!" He said again, and smiled "
[02:52.300] " Mais j' ai pas de l' argent" "
[02:53.600] " Oui, Oui, d' accord, Venez!"
[02:58.600] Are these the people that we should bomb
[03:05.300] Are we so sure they mean us harm
[03:12.500] Is this our pleasure, punishment or crime
[03:19.000] Is this a mountain that we really want to climb
[03:25.900] The road is hard, hard and long
[03:32.750] Put down that two by four
[03:35.400] This man would never turn you from his door
[03:39.900] Oh George! Oh George!
[03:45.600] That Texas education must have fucked you up when you were very small
[03:53.600] He beckoned with a small arthritic motion of his hand
[03:57.300] Fingers together like a child waving goodbye
[04:01.600] The driver put my old Hofner guitar in the boot with my rucksack
[04:05.100] And off we went
[04:07.650] " Vous etes Francais, monsieur? " "
[04:09.300] " Non, Anglais "
[04:10.400] " Ah! Anglais "
[04:13.000] " Estce que vous parlais Anglais, Monsieur? " "
[04:14.950] " Non, je regrette" "
[04:17.200] And so on
[04:18.300] In small talk between strangers, his French alien but correct
[04:23.000] Mine halting but eager to please
[04:25.300] A lift, after all, is a lift
[04:28.750] Late moustache left us brusquely
[04:30.800] And some miles later the dolmus slowed at a crossroads lit by a single lightbulb
[04:35.150] Swung through a Uturn and stopped in a cloud of dust
[04:39.000] I opened the door and got out
[04:41.100] But my benefactor made no move to follow
[04:47.400] The driver dumped my guitar and rucksack at my feet
[04:49.800] And waving away my thanks returned to the boot
[04:52.300] Only to reappear with a pair of alloy crutches
[04:55.300] Which he leaned against the rear wing of the Mercedes.
[04:59.050] He reached into the car and lifted my companion out
[05:02.000] Only one leg, the second trouser leg neatly pinned beneath a vacant hip
[05:06.900] " Monsieur, si vous voulez, ca sera un honneur pour nous "
[05:09.700] Si vous venez avec moi a la maison pour manger avec ma femme "
[05:15.700] When I was 17 my mother, bless her heart, fulfilled my summer dream
[05:25.000] She handed me the keys to the car
[05:29.400] We motored down to Paris, fuelled with Dexedrine and booze
[05:35.350] Got bust in Antibes by the cops
[05:38.600] And fleeced in Naples by the wops
[05:43.000] But everyone was kind to us, we were the English dudes
[05:49.100] Our dads had helped them win the war
[05:52.470] When we all knew what we were fighting for
[05:56.800] But now an Englishman abroad is just a US stooge
[06:02.750] The bulldog is a poodle snapping round the scoundrel' s last refuge
[06:10.500] " Ma femme", thank God! Monopod but not queer "
[06:16.690] The taxi drove off leaving us in the dim light of the swinging bulb
[06:20.650] No building in sight
[06:22.200] What the hell
[06:23.900] " Merci monsieur" "
[06:25.250] " Bon, Venez!"
[06:25.950] His faced creased in pleasure, he set off in front of me
[06:30.310] Swinging his leg between the crutches with agonising care
[06:33.700] Up the dusty side road into the darkness
[06:37.900] After half an hour we' d gone maybe half a mile
[06:40.700] When on the right I made out the low profile of a building
[06:44.500] He called out in Arabic to announce our arrival
[06:47.550] And after some scuffling inside a lamp was lit
[06:50.700] And the changing angle of light in the wide crack under the door
[06:53.850] Signalled the approach of someone within
[07:01.300] The door creaked open and there, holding a biblical looking oil lamp
[07:05.200] Stood a squat, moustached woman, stooped smiling up at us
[07:12.150] She stood aside to let us in and as she turned
[07:14.850] I saw the reason for her stoop
[07:16.120] She carried on her back a shocking hump
[07:19.550] I nodded and smiled back at her in greeting, fighting for control
[07:26.150] The gentleness between the onelegged man and his monstrous wife
[07:29.395] America, America, please hear us when we call
[07:29.900] Almost too much for me
[07:31.900] Is gentleness too much for us
[07:35.250] Should gentleness be filed along with empathy
[07:42.100] We feel for someone else' s child
[07:46.030] Every time a smart bomb does its sums and gets it wrong
[07:52.725] Someone else' s child dies and equities in defence rise
[08:05.875] You got hiphop, bebop, hustle and bustle
[08:09.150] You got Atticus Finch
[08:11.250] You got Jane Russell
[08:12.900] You got freedom of speech
[08:14.900] You got great beaches, wildernesses and malls
[08:19.850] Don' t let the might, the Christian right, fuck it all up
[08:24.950] For you and the rest of the world
[08:28.100] They talked excitedly
[08:29.850] She went to take his crutches in routine of care
[08:32.800] He chiding, gestured
[08:35.150] We have a guest
[08:36.700] She embarrassed by her faux pas
[08:38.650] Took my things and laid them gently in the corner
[08:42.450] " Du the?"
[08:44.500] We sat on meagre cushions in one corner of the single room
[08:47.500] The floor was earth packed hard and by one wall a raised platform
[08:51.700] Some six feet by four covered by a simple sheet, the bed
[08:57.000] The hunchback busied herself with small copper pots over an open hearth
[09:01.100] And brought us tea, hot and sweet
[09:03.865] And so to dinner
[09:05.400] Flat, unleavened bread, thin
[09:08.050] Cooked in an iron skillet in hearth
[09:10.430] Then folded and dipped into the soft insides of female sea urchins
[09:19.600] She would hear of nothing else, I was their guest
[09:19.725] My hostess did not eat, I ate her dinner
[09:22.900] And then she retired behind a curtain
[09:25.675] And left the men to sit drinking thimbleful of Arak
[09:29.500] Carefully poured from a small bottle with a faded label
[09:32.900] Soon she reappeared, radiant
[09:35.695] Carrying in her arms their pride and joy, their child.
[09:41.880] I' d never seen a squint like that
[09:44.965] So severe that as one eye looked out the other disappeared behind its nose
[09:49.880] Not in my name, Tony, you great war leader you
[09:56.200] Terror is still terror, whosoever gets to frame the rules
[10:03.000] History' s not written by the vanquished or the damned
[10:10.435] Now we are Genghis Khan, Lucrezia Borghia, Son of Sam
[10:16.400] In 1961 they took this child into their home
[10:23.300] I wonder what became of them
[10:26.550] In the cauldron that was Lebanon
[10:31.020] If I could find them now, could I make amends?
[10:37.800] How does the story end?
[10:45.000] And so to bed, me that is, not them
[10:51.000] Of course they slept on the floor behind a curtain
[10:55.000] Whilst I lay awake all night on their earthen bed
[10:58.850] Then came the dawn and then their quiet stirrings
[11:02.350] I turned North, my guitar over my shoulder
[11:02.600] Careful not to wake the guest
[11:05.200] I yawned in great pretence
[11:05.800] And the first hot gust of wind
[11:07.400] And took the proffered bowl of water heated up and washed
[11:08.100] Quickly dried the salt tears from my young cheeks.
[11:10.750] And sipped my coffee in its tiny cup
[11:13.330] And then with much " merciing" and bowing and shaking of hands
[11:17.050] We left the woman to her chores
[11:19.600] And we men made our way back to the crossroads
[11:23.300] The painful slowness of our progress accentuated by the brilliant morning light
[11:32.197] The dolmus duly reappeared
[11:35.000] My host gave me one crutch and leaning on the other
[11:37.550] Shook my hand and smiled
[11:40.000] " Merci, monsieur," I said "
[11:42.200] " De rien " "
[11:43.850] " Et merci a votre femme, elle est tres gentille " "
[11:49.600] Giving up his other crutch
[11:50.850] He allowed himself to be folded into the back seat again
[11:54.500] " Bon voyage, monsieur," he said "
[11:56.945] And half bowed as the taxi headed south towards the city
[01:41.500] 于是我和韦拉离开了贝鲁特
[01:44.500] 他向东进发,往巴格达一边去
[01:48.000] 我则面北启程还家
[01:51.200] 我走着向街灯尽头去的那五六英里
[01:54.900] 然后在路缘的阴凉处蹲下来
[01:57.000] 向外伸着拇指
[01:58.500] 对年久失修的向家去的通车不抱多大希望
[02:03.500] 胜利!
[02:05.500] 是一辆老旧的梅赛德斯“共享的士”
[02:08.000] 那随处可见的阿拉伯共享的士停了下来
[02:11.800] 我翻出我的口袋,对着司机耸耸肩
[02:15.500] 我没有钱”
[02:17.900] 来吧!”后座一个轻柔的声音说道
[02:20.800] 司机费力地把身体倾过座位,推开了后车门
[02:25.200] 我弯腰看向里面的两个男人
[02:28.000] 一个十分苍老了,穿着一整套衣服,戴着眼镜,蓄着髭,冷淡而略显不快
[02:33.800] 另一个,刚刚说话的那人,
[02:36.800] 比较虚弱,大约五十五岁,秃顶,面色蜡黄,穿着淡蓝色短袖棉衫
[02:43.000] 胸袋里揣着一支圆珠笔
[02:45.000] 大概是一名职员,深陷在座位里
[02:48.800] 来吧!”他再次说道,微笑起来
[02:52.300] 但我没有钱”
[02:53.600] “是的,是的,我同意。上来吧!”
[02:58.600] 这些是我们应当施以轰炸的人们吗
[03:05.300] 我们是那么肯定他们意在伤害我们吗
[03:12.500] 这是我们的乐事、惩罚还是罪行
[03:19.000] 这是我们确实想登上的山吗
[03:25.900] 道路坚硬,坚硬而漫长
[03:39.900] 哦,乔治!哦——乔治!
[03:45.600] 那德州的教育定在你幼时就已将你摧残
[03:53.600] 他做了一个小手势,看起来患有关节炎
[03:57.300] 手指合拢,就像一个孩子在挥手告别
[04:01.600] 那位司机把我的旧哈弗那吉他和背包放进车尾箱
[04:05.100] 我们就出发了
[04:07.650] 你是法国人吗,先生?”
[04:09.300] “不,英国人”
[04:10.400] “啊!英国人”
[04:13.000] 你会说英语吗,先生?”
[04:14.950] 不,我很抱歉”
[04:17.200] 对话就这么进行下去
[04:18.300] 在这陌生人之间的聊天里,他的法语听起来很陌生,不过是正确的
[04:23.000] 我的则缓慢犹疑,而切于使对方高兴
[04:25.300] 一次免费乘车,说到底,也就是一次免费乘车
[04:28.750] 年长的蓄着髭的男人突兀地离开了我们
[04:30.800] 在那之后又过了几英里,的士在被仅仅一个电灯泡照亮的交叉路口慢了下来
[04:35.150] 摆了一个 U 形回头,停在了腾起的云尘中
[04:39.000] 我打开车门,下了车
[04:41.100] 但资助我的人没有跟着动起来
[04:47.400] 司机把我的吉他和背包扔在我脚边
[04:49.800] 并挥手否认我在车尾的致谢
[04:52.300] 带着一副合金拐杖重新出现
[04:55.300] 那副拐杖被他斜靠在梅赛德斯的尾翼上
[04:59.050] 他把身子探进车,扶出了我的同伴
[05:02.000] 他只有一条腿,第二只裤腿整齐地固定在空荡荡的臀下
[05:06.900] 先生——如果你愿意,我们会很荣幸——
[05:09.700] 你可以与我和我的妻子一起在我家中进餐”
[05:15.700] 在我十七岁时,我的母亲——感谢她的心灵——满足了我夏日的愿望
[05:25.000] 她把车钥匙递给我
[05:29.400] 我们就着右旋苯丙胺和酒精的劲驶往巴黎
[05:35.350] 在昂蒂布被条子扣留
[05:38.600] 又在那不勒斯被意大利佬罚了一大笔钱
[05:43.000] 但任何人对我们都很好,毕竟我们是英国人
[05:49.100] 我们的父辈助他们赢得战争
[05:52.470] 在我们都知道我们在为什么而战的时候
[05:56.800] 而现在,一名英国人在海外只是美国的奴才
[06:02.750] 这走狗是一条忠犬,紧逼在恶人最后的避难所旁
[06:10.500] 我的妻子”,感谢上帝!只有一条腿,但没有毛病
[06:16.690] 的士驶走了,把我们留在摇晃着的灯泡发出的微光中
[06:20.650] 视野里没有一幢建筑
[06:22.200] 真是见鬼
[06:23.900] 谢谢先生”
[06:25.250] “好。来吧!”
[06:25.950] 他的面庞闪着喜悦的光,他先迈开步,走在我前面
[06:30.310] 在拐杖间费力地摆动着腿
[06:33.700] 沿着满是灰尘的叉道走入黑暗
[06:37.900] 半小时后,我们已经走了大概半英里
[06:40.700] 正在我对一座建筑心生可怜时
[06:44.500] 他喊着阿拉伯语告知了我们的到来
[06:47.550] 在一阵忙乱的杂音后,一盏灯亮了起来
[06:50.700] 门下豁口中改变着方向的灯光
[06:53.850] 指示着里面的某个人正在接近
[07:01.300] 门吱呀打开。提着一盏硕大的油灯
[07:05.200] 一个有胡子的女人驼着背站在那儿向我们微笑
[07:12.150] 她站在一旁让我们进去,而就在她转过身子时
[07:14.850] 我看到了她驼着背的原因
[07:16.120] 她的背上有一个惊人的背弓
[07:19.550] 我点头微笑回应她的问候,努力控制着自己
[07:26.150] 这位一条腿的男人和他怪异的妻子的温柔
[07:29.395] 美利坚,美利坚,当我等呼唤时,请倾听吧
[07:29.900] 对我来说几乎是太多了
[07:31.900] 温柔对我们来说是否太多了
[07:35.250] 温柔应该和同情一起被打磨吗
[07:42.100] 我们怜悯别人的孩子
[07:46.030] 每当精确制导炸弹
[07:52.725] 别人的孩子死去,防卫的资金上升
[08:05.875] 你有嘻哈、波普、喧嚣和忙碌
[08:09.150] 你有阿提库斯·芬奇
[08:11.250] 你有珍·罗素
[08:12.900] 你有言论自由
[08:14.900] 你有绵延的海滩、旷野和大型购物广场
[08:19.850] 不要让强力,让基督教的权利,毁了这一切
[08:24.950] 为了你和剩下的世界
[08:28.100] 他们交谈得很激动
[08:29.850] 她取走他的拐杖,做例行护理
[08:32.800] 他斥回这动作,打着手势说
[08:35.150] 我们有一位客人
[08:36.700] 她为自己的失礼感到羞愧
[08:38.650] 接了我的东西,把它们轻轻放在角落
[08:42.450] “来点茶吗?”
[08:44.500] 我们坐在唯一的房间的一角的劣质坐垫上
[08:47.500] 地板是压紧的土,靠着一面墙有一个升起的平台
[08:51.700] 长约六英尺四,覆有简单的床垫——是床
[08:57.000] 驼背的女人在炉火上上小小的铜杯前忙活
[09:01.100] 然后端给我们热乎的甜茶
[09:03.865] 接着又是这样准备晚餐
[09:05.400] 朴素的,未发酵的面包,+ 薄
[09:08.050] 在炉上架起的铁架上烤成
[09:10.430] 然后是拌着、蘸着雌海胆柔软的壳内
[09:19.600] 她不会不同意:我是他们的客人
[09:19.725] 我的女主人没有吃——我吃了她的晚餐
[09:22.900] 而后她退到一张帘子后
[09:25.675] 留下男人们坐着喝少量的 Arak
[09:29.500] 酒是从一个标签已褪色的小瓶子里小心地倒出来
[09:32.900] 不久她又出现了,容貌焕发
[09:35.695] 用胳膊抱着他们的荣耀和快乐——他们的孩子
[09:41.880] 我还从未见过这样的斜视
[09:44.965] 如此的严重,以至于当一只眼睛看向外面时,另一只就消失在鼻子后
[09:49.880] 托尼,你这杰出的战争领袖
[09:56.200] 不论谁来制定规则,恐怖仍旧是恐怖
[10:03.000] 历史并非由败者或受谴者写就
[10:10.435] 现在我们是成吉思汗、卢克雷齐亚·波吉亚、大卫·伯克维兹
[10:16.400] 他们在1961年把这孩子带到他们家
[10:23.300] 我想知道他们身上发生了些什么
[10:26.550] 在那黎巴嫩的混乱中
[10:31.020] 如果我现在能够找到他们,我还能补救吗?快
[10:37.800] 这故事是如何结束?
[10:45.000] 于是该上床了,是我,而不是他们
[10:51.000] 当然,他们睡在一张帘子后的地板上
[10:55.000] 在我躺在他们的泥土床上终夜不眠时
[10:58.850] 然后黎明降临,我身旁响起他们安静的杂声
[11:02.350] 我转向北面,我的吉他在我的肩上
[11:02.600] 小心翼翼,免得惊扰客人
[11:05.200] 我尽力佯装着打呵欠
[11:05.800] 第一股强劲的热风
[11:07.400] 然后接过递来的,加热又清洗过的,盛着水的碗
[11:08.100] 迅速吹干了我年轻面颊上咸涩的泪水
[11:10.750] 接着小口喝着我小杯子里的咖啡
[11:13.330] 然后伴着许多的“感谢”、鞠躬和握手
[11:17.050] 我们把女人留下,让她做家务
[11:19.600] 我们男人们便走回那个交叉路口
[11:23.300] 我们行程令人痛苦的缓慢被明媚的阳光照亮
[11:32.197] 共享的士准时地再次出现
[11:35.000] 我的主人给我一根拐杖,倚在另一根上
[11:37.550] 握了我的手并且微笑
[11:40.000] 谢谢,先生”,我说道
[11:42.200] 没什么”
[11:43.850] 还要谢谢你的妻子,她很好”
[11:49.600] 说着我放开了他的另一根拐杖
[11:50.850] 他让自己再次窝进后座
[11:54.500] 旅途愉快,先生”,他说道
[11:56.945] 并在的士向南驶向城市时半鞠躬
Leaving Beirut 歌词
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