After You Get What You Want (You Don't Want It)

After You Get What You Want (You Don't Want It) 歌词

歌曲 After You Get What You Want (You Don't Want It)
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 Boardwalk Empire Volume 1 (Music From The HBO Original Series)
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[00:15.05] Listen to me, honey dear
[00:17.87] Something's wrong with you I fear
[00:19.78] It's getting harder to please you
[00:22.63] Harder and harder each year
[00:25.30] I don't want to make you blue
[00:28.22] But you need a talking to
[00:31.12] Like a lot of people I know
[00:34.01] Here's what's wrong with you
[00:36.94] After you get what you want, you don't want it
[00:41.46] If I gave you the moon, you'd grow tired of it soon
[00:47.16] You're like a baby
[00:49.39] You want what you want when you want it
[00:52.80] But after you are presented
[00:56.43] With what you want, you're discontented
[00:59.53] You're always wishing and wanting for something
[01:03.90] When you get what you want
[01:06.78] You don't want what you get
[01:09.62] And tho' I sit upon your knee
[01:13.66] You'll grow tired of me
[01:15.84] 'Cause after you get what you want
[01:18.87] You don't want what you wanted at all
[02:39.33] Don't you say that I'm unkind
[02:42.16] Think it over and you'll fnd
[02:44.96] You've got a changeable nature
[02:47.94] You're always changing your mind
[02:50.82] There's a longing in your eye
[02:53.59] That is hard to satisfy
[02:56.39] You're unhappy most of the time
[02:59.31] Here's the reason why
[03:02.06] After you get what you want, you don't want it
[03:06.62] If I gave you the moon, you'd grow tired of it soon
[03:12.36] And tho' I sit upon your knee
[03:16.30] You'll grow tired of me
[03:18.39] 'Cause after you get what you want
[03:21.61] You don't want what you wanted at all
[00:15.05] 亲爱的,听着
[00:17.87] 你最近有些不大对劲
[00:19.78] 取悦你不太容易
[00:22.63] 年年如此,愈发艰难
[00:25.30] 我无意伤你的心
[00:28.22] 但你的确需要谈谈
[00:31.12] 与我所知的许多人一样
[00:34.01] 你的毛病也是如此
[00:36.94] 但凡一样东西到了手,你就对它失去了兴趣
[00:41.46] 就算我摘下月亮送你,你也会很快厌烦
[00:47.16] 像个孩子似的
[00:49.39] 想要时,你满脑子都是它
[00:52.80] 可一旦向你呈上
[00:56.43] 你要的东西,你又立时感到不满
[00:59.53] 你总是在盼望、渴望、向往...
[01:03.90] 拿到手中
[01:06.78] 又立刻丢弃
[01:09.62] 即便坐拥我在怀
[01:13.66] 你也会很快厌倦
[01:15.84] 只因为你要的东西已到了手
[01:18.87] 你已失去对它的想望
[02:39.33] 并非是我待你不客气
[02:42.16] 再三想想,你会发现
[02:44.96] 你的秉性本就变幻莫测
[02:47.94] 想法翻来覆去,喜恶无常
[02:50.82] 眼中的欲望之火
[02:53.59] 如何也浇不熄
[02:56.39] 从早到晚都是闷闷不乐
[02:59.31] 而原因正是
[03:02.06] 但凡一样东西到了手,你就对它失去了兴趣
[03:06.62] 就算我摘下月亮送你,你也会很快厌烦
[03:12.36] 即便坐拥我在怀
[03:16.30] 你也会很快厌倦
[03:18.39] 只因为你要的东西已到了手
[03:21.61] 你已失去对它的想望
After You Get What You Want (You Don't Want It) 歌词
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