歌曲 | Land |
歌手 | Týr |
专辑 | Land |
Homeland we're leaving, we are retrieving | |
Our right to stand alone, we cannot stay here | |
Fear not what must be, we must cross the sea | |
On our own | |
Standing alone | |
Always we got by on our own. | |
Under stormy skies through rain, wind and raging sea | |
Head into the Unknown, leave behind. | |
Bonds that may bind, circumstance that keep us behind | |
Rise to meet the day hold high torches passed through time. | |
Fear not what you might find. | |
Ver sterk mín sál á køldu náttarvakt | |
Har eingi altarjós til gudar brenna | |
Har hvør ein vón av fannkava var takt | |
Og hjarta ongan hita meir kann kenna | |
Ver stór mín sál sum rúmdar kalda tøgn | |
Ið eina er, tá sloknar lívsins søgn. | |
Roads are long and oceans far and wide | |
Nights are cold and skies are dark and gray | |
Ride the autumn wind and evening tide | |
Time is long and land is far away | |
Out on the sea | |
Waiting for me | |
Storms are raging violently | |
Still we sail on silently. | |
We seek to tame the torrents and tides | |
Master the Mights | |
Sail with me across the raging sea | |
Write your tale into eternity | |
Still we've sighted only sea till now | |
As we sail I sometimes wonder how | |
Rest in the twilight, I have gained insight | |
Since the deeds of younger days | |
Now I'm wiser, raise my eyes gaze across the sea | |
And recall when we sailed away | |
Sought a new way | |
How I longed for far far away | |
In the sun set glow | |
I dreamt of another Land | |
A thousand years from that day. | |
Cattle die | |
Kinsmen will die | |
I myself must die too someday | |
All are mortal men, but fair fame will never fade | |
For the man who wins it. | |
Ver sterk mín sál á mjørkantungu ferð | |
Har tættar fylkjast um teg gráar gátur | |
Tín barnaflokkur - úttærdur hann er, | |
Og sárur kennist hans sólsvangi grátur | |
Ver stór mín sál í dagsins royndar stund | |
Holl veitir nátt hin dreymaleysa blund. | |
Roads are long and oceans far and wide | |
Nights are cold and skies are dark and gray | |
Ride the autumn wind and evening tide | |
Time is long and land is far away | |
Out on the sea | |
Waiting for me | |
Storms are raging violently | |
Still we sail on silently. | |
We seek to tame the torrents and tides | |
Master the Mights | |
Sail with me across the raging sea | |
Write your tale into eternity | |
Still we've sighted only sea till now | |
As we sail I sometimes wonder how far to Asgaard. |
Homeland we' re leaving, we are retrieving | |
Our right to stand alone, we cannot stay here | |
Fear not what must be, we must cross the sea | |
On our own | |
Standing alone | |
Always we got by on our own. | |
Under stormy skies through rain, wind and raging sea | |
Head into the Unknown, leave behind. | |
Bonds that may bind, circumstance that keep us behind | |
Rise to meet the day hold high torches passed through time. | |
Fear not what you might find. | |
Ver sterk mí n sá l á k ldu ná ttarvakt | |
Har eingi altarjó s til gudar brenna | |
Har hv r ein vó n av fannkava var takt | |
Og hjarta ongan hita meir kann kenna | |
Ver stó r mí n sá l sum rú mdar kalda t gn | |
I eina er, tá sloknar lí vsins s gn. | |
Roads are long and oceans far and wide | |
Nights are cold and skies are dark and gray | |
Ride the autumn wind and evening tide | |
Time is long and land is far away | |
Out on the sea | |
Waiting for me | |
Storms are raging violently | |
Still we sail on silently. | |
We seek to tame the torrents and tides | |
Master the Mights | |
Sail with me across the raging sea | |
Write your tale into eternity | |
Still we' ve sighted only sea till now | |
As we sail I sometimes wonder how | |
Rest in the twilight, I have gained insight | |
Since the deeds of younger days | |
Now I' m wiser, raise my eyes gaze across the sea | |
And recall when we sailed away | |
Sought a new way | |
How I longed for far far away | |
In the sun set glow | |
I dreamt of another Land | |
A thousand years from that day. | |
Cattle die | |
Kinsmen will die | |
I myself must die too someday | |
All are mortal men, but fair fame will never fade | |
For the man who wins it. | |
Ver sterk mí n sá l á mj rkantungu fer | |
Har t ttar fylkjast um teg grá ar gá tur | |
Tí n barnaflokkur ú tt rdur hann er, | |
Og sá rur kennist hans só lsvangi grá tur | |
Ver stó r mí n sá l í dagsins royndar stund | |
Holl veitir ná tt hin dreymaleysa blund. | |
Roads are long and oceans far and wide | |
Nights are cold and skies are dark and gray | |
Ride the autumn wind and evening tide | |
Time is long and land is far away | |
Out on the sea | |
Waiting for me | |
Storms are raging violently | |
Still we sail on silently. | |
We seek to tame the torrents and tides | |
Master the Mights | |
Sail with me across the raging sea | |
Write your tale into eternity | |
Still we' ve sighted only sea till now | |
As we sail I sometimes wonder how far to Asgaard. |