Enchanted Tales

Enchanted Tales 歌词

歌曲 Enchanted Tales
歌手 Audrey Hepburn
专辑 Audrey Hepburn's Enchanted Tales
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[00:03.75] New Millennium Audio presents
[00:07.74] Audrey Hepburn's Enchanted tales
[00:15.43] I'm an old woman now
[00:17.86] So old that all these past gets mixed up in my mind with what is now.
[00:24.67] When I remember my childhood, what I remember most is him.
[00:31.56] No memory is without Maurice Ravel, that small
[00:36.89] And elegant man who was to me the greatest composer who ever lived.
[00:43.82] In those years between 1906 and 1908,
[00:48.07] He would've come often to la Grand Gate, our country house near Paris, to visit my parents.
[00:55.21] One day he came, very excited.
[00:57.29] "I had written a piano piece, and I think you would like to meet me", he said..
[01:02.16] "It's called Ma mère l'Oye. My Mother Goose"
[01:07.85] It was old stories I love best told in music.
[01:12.73] And then he showed me the front page, it was dedicated to my brother and to me.
[01:20.95] And now I sit, an old woman, outside in the orange late summer morning.
[01:27.85] The music in my mind is starting to play.
[01:30.65] I think of my wonderful Monsieur Ravel.
[01:34.75] I've heard her live in a castle. It was covered with roses”; Monsieur Ravel says to me.
[01:40.51] "Ah! The gasp of the sleeping princess", I cried.
[01:43.85] "It is perhaps my favorite story of all! Oh, tell it to me please!"
[01:50.11] He smiles, draws me onto his lap and begins the story of the Sleeping Princess.
[01:57.99] Once upon a time, a magic time, in a fair far green country, lived the King and Queen.
[02:08.88] They've longed to have a child.
[02:10.71] And finally on one bright morning in June, a daughter was born to them.
[02:15.58] "We must give her the grandest christening that ever was", the Queen said,
[02:20.03] "We must even use the golden plates."
[02:22.88] And the King, who did not agree to much she suggested, agreed to this.
[02:29.44] Everyone in the land, all the town's people were invited to the christening.
[02:35.97] But the most special guest of all were the six good fairies of the kingdom,
[02:41.00] The godmothers of the little Princess.
[02:45.00] One by one, these fairies passed by the royal cradle
[02:49.14] And gave the baby a blessing and a gift.
[02:53.19] One promised the princess beauty; One a bright mind;
[02:58.57] One an even brighter spirit; One a voice of charm; One a loving heart.
[03:06.53] But just as the last fairy was about to present her gift,
[03:11.91] A quick angry draft suddenly blew the door open.
[03:15.21] "Why? It's just the wind",laughed the king.
[03:19.45] But it wasn't wind. It was a little old woman, thin as wind perhaps.
[03:26.72] But (she was) so powerful the door the guest shrank back in fear of her.????
[03:31.47] "Melusine", someone whispered:" Melusine!"
[03:36.15] The chocked cry went around.
[03:38.26] Melusine was an evil fairy.
[03:43.26] She had disappeared from the kingdom many years before.
[03:46.42] And no one knew what had become of her.
[03:49.00] The King, hiding his surprise and fear,
[03:52.64] Invited her in and hastily made a place for her at the high table.
[03:58.00] But he couldn't give her one of the golden plates.
[04:00.66] But it was simply not enough.
[04:02.56] Melusine looked at the china plate given her instead,
[04:05.92] And she smiled, a very thin and awful smile.
[04:14.20] Hobbling up to the baby's cradle,
[04:16.54] She touched the child's cheek with her papery hand.
[04:21.67] "I too have a gift for you, my precious" the fairy whispered:" And here it is:
[04:30.93] One day you will prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and died!"
[04:38.96] The guests shrank back screaming.
[04:41.21] The Queen fainted.
[04:43.23] Only the last of the six fairies had come.
[04:47.65] She came forward slowly and faced Melusine.
[04:52.00] "I have not yet given my blessing to the princess", she said softly.
[04:57.05] "Alas. I cannot undo the fairy curse, but I can surely soften it.
[05:04.00] The princess will indeed prick her finger on a spindle, but she will not die.
[05:10.23] She will only sleep for a hundred years until a prince shall come and wake her."
[05:16.24] 17 years pasted, and the Princess was now a young woman.
[05:24.00] She was beautiful, with little golden hair and flecked green eyes.
[05:30.49] She was honest and courageous, curious, tender, marry, and a little clumsy.
[05:38.91] Her favorite game was to explore the huge castle
[05:43.03] And make up stories with the queer things she found there.
[05:48.43] One morning in May, the Princess was exploring a wing she had not been in before,
[05:53.25] And she came up on a funny little room,
[05:58.14] Inside sat an old woman spinning.
[06:00.76] The Princess was enchanted by the strange site.
[06:04.98] "What are you doing? Oh do let me try!"
[06:07.12] She cried and rush forward.
[06:09.15] In an instant her finger pricked the spindle.
[06:11.50] She gave a scream and saint lifeless on the floor.
[06:17.63] The old woman smiled, the cold thin smile of the fairy Mellusine, and melted into icy wind.
[06:28.42] The moment the Princess touched the spindle and fell into a sleep,
[06:33.96] A strange thing began to happen-the whole palace began to sleep as well.
[06:41.99] The king was in the throne room making a new law,
[06:46.53] Nodded off, still holding his quill pen;
[06:50.40] The Queen, having her hair brushed by her lady in waiting,
[06:54.00] Fell asleep at the dressing table;
[06:57.00] The lady in waiting fell asleep in mid brush stroke;
[07:01.39] And on and on, until finally the whole palace was still, heavy, and filled with dreamers.
[07:10.52] And then darkness came to those who dreamed.
[07:14.94] For up, up. Back away of green grew the brambles, climbing and folding huge thorns raised.
[07:25.41] Up the vines grew, protectively fiercely,
[07:29.00] Until finally the whole castle was suckled in her arms.
[07:35.80] And then, even the brambles slept too.
[07:40.54] They slept for a hundred years,
[07:44.35] Slept through wars, and warm harvests, and marriages, and new fashions,
[07:50.97] Slept through the crown of the kingdom passing to a new family,
[07:54.90] Slept through the birth of a new little prince.
[07:59.69] The prince's name is not important.
[08:02.68] What is important about him is his curiosity.
[08:07.14] From the time the Prince was tiny,
[08:09.95] He has wondered and wondered about the huge castle in the kingdom,
[08:14.32] The one that was all covered with brambles.
[08:17.28] "Who lives there?" he asked.
[08:19.67] And when he was told the legend of the Sleeping Princess, he had smiled.
[08:24.46] "Ah", he said: “I should be the one to awaken her."
[08:28.54] But everyone laughed at him because he was only a tiny child,
[08:33.08] And his thumb wasn't even as big as one of the brambles that guarded the castle.
[08:38.28] But time passed, and one day the Prince was no longer a child,
[08:44.89] He had grown into a man, well-favored, and well-liked,
[08:49.68] But with a certain sadness always about him.
[08:54.13] The sadness was the strongest when he rode into the woods,
[08:57.30] And stood at the gates of that mysterious castle,
[09:01.66] Thinking of the Princess who lay inside.
[09:05.48] Many ladies in the kingdom were in love with the Prince,
[09:09.00] But he could not return their love,
[09:11.54] For he had a strange image always before his eyes,
[09:15.41] The image of a bright-face child,
[09:17.91] Whose hair was tangled yellow, and whose eyes were flecked with green.
[09:24.72] On his 21st birthday, the prince left the celebration,
[09:29.11] And rode as usual to the bramble covered castle.
[09:33.03] As he stood looking, the longing filled him so much, he began to weep.
[09:39.41] "Let the bramble tear me apart", he thought.
[09:42.82] "If I must die, let me die trying to find the princess."
[09:49.19] The Prince climbed the gate, rusted by years of disuse,
[09:53.79] And as he took his first step into the garden, something wonderful happened-
[10:00.71] The thorns, would have been so angry and sharp only a moment before,
[10:05.83] melted into piles of rose petals at his feet.
[10:10.62] And the Prince rushed into the palace, thus he saw everywhere-
[10:15.74] Gloomy spider webs and piles of sleeping people.
[10:19.59] He run upstairs and searched the whole castle,
[10:22.60] And there, in the little backroom,
[10:25.65] He found his princess, still lying beside the spinning wheel.
[10:31.29] He smiled when he saw her,
[10:32.95] For this was the girl who had lived in his mind all these years.
[10:39.18] He bend forward and kissed her.
[10:41.75] And when he draw back, a pair of marry tender flecked green eyes were looking at him.
[10:49.88] "I was just dreaming about you", the Princess said.
[10:52.00] Down in the hallway bellow, the king yawned and stretched,
[10:58.02] "Huh...I must have dozed off", he said: “I have a law to finish."
[11:03.66] "Ouch!" the Queen said, as the hair maid combing her hair pulled to sharply on a curl.
[11:09.01] The whole palace was stirring now, all wondering: amazed!
[11:16.29] "Are you ready, Princess?" the Prince asked.
[11:21.33] "Yes" she said.
[11:22.79] And hand in hand, they slowly and started down the long curving staircase.
[13:04.17] I'm remembering a winter day.
[13:08.59] I gazed into the fire,
[13:11.07] And there, the pictures of the past are dancing.
[13:15.53] It is December, right before Christmas.
[13:19.25] Monsieur Ravel comes to visit us.
[13:22.05] He has dressed in a new dark green topcoat.
[13:26.02] And his arms are full of gifts.
[13:28.44] There're something dull in adult for my parents,
[13:32.81] New music for my brother,
[13:35.90] And for me, the most wonderful little man made out of tin.
[13:41.35] When he's wound up, he can walk all around the table.
[13:44.90] Monsieur Ravel loves these mechanical marvels.
[13:48.32] He laughs at the little tin man as loud as my own.
[13:52.79] "I know a story about a boy who was this tiny", he says to me.
[13:58.78] "Oh he was not made out of tin, he was as real as you or I!"
[14:04.09] So I jump onto his lap and beg him to tell me the story of Tom Thumb.
[14:11.90] Once upon a time, deep in a forest, there lived a woodcutter and his wife.
[14:18.37] They had seven children, all red-hair boys.
[14:22.99] When business was going well,
[14:25.41] The wood cutter was delighted with his large family.
[14:28.82] But when things were going poorly, he was not so happy.
[14:33.55] "There're too many bellies to feed", he would complain.
[14:37.11] "Too many feet to keep shod;
[14:39.51] Too many backs to covered with clothing;
[14:42.30] And not enough money to do it."
[14:46.39] One cold winter, things became unbearable.
[14:50.89] Meals got plainer and leaner,
[14:54.05] Clothes got smaller and more patched,
[14:57.25] And the wood cutter got more and more miserable.
[15:02.90] "Wife", he said one night: “I cannot sit by and watch my sons starve.
[15:09.82] Tomorrow, when I take them out into the forest,
[15:13.21] I would leave them there.
[15:15.48] Perhaps a wealthy merchant will find them
[15:18.34] And provide a better home."
[15:20.87] "Huh!" the wife wept and refused to go along the plan at first,
[15:26.44] But finally she too gave in.
[15:29.92] The woodcutter went to sleep,
[15:32.13] Not feeling at all happy with himself,
[15:34.93] But believing that he was doing the only thing he could.
[15:40.03] What he did not know
[15:41.99] Was that one of the sons had overheard every word he said.
[15:46.92] This was the youngest son-Tom.
[15:49.82] Now everyone, including the woodcutter, thought Tom was foolish,
[15:54.57] Simply because he never spoke.
[15:56.94] And everyone also thought Tom was a weakling,
[16:00.12] Simply because he was small.
[16:02.71] When he was born, in fact
[16:04.14] Tom had been no bigger than a man's thumb,
[16:07.05] And so everyone called him Tom Thumb.
[16:12.66] When Tom heard his father's plans,
[16:15.23] He realized he had to save his brothers and himself.
[16:19.69] He sneaked out of the house,
[16:21.84] And went to the stream that lays beside it.
[16:26.09] In the moonlight,
[16:27.40] The white stones on the bank
[16:29.39] Glittered like a treasure chest full of undersea jewels.
[16:34.80] Tom filled his pockets with stones and returned to bed.
[16:38.52] The next morning, the woodcutter took his seven sons deep into the forest.
[16:45.21] Every few feet, Tom took a pebble out of his pocket,
[16:49.34] In the daytime they look like ordinary brown rocks,
[16:52.51] And dropped it on the ground.
[16:54.54] At noon, the woodcutter gave each boy a piece of bread and left them.
[16:59.80] "For a while", he said.
[17:02.33] None of the brothers except Tom noticed him weeping as he said it.
[17:07.47] The little while turned into hours,
[17:12.06] And soon it was night.
[17:14.35] The brothers came to realize that their father was not coming back,
[17:18.54] And they began to weep.
[17:20.74] Tom waited politely until they were finished,
[17:23.86] and then he said: “Don’t cry, I will save you."
[17:29.38] His brothers had never heard Tom speak before,
[17:32.75] And they were amazed!
[17:35.49] Tom pointed proudly to the stones he had dropped.
[17:38.75] In the moonlight, they shone like a path of fallen stars.
[17:43.72] He and his brothers followed the path and soon they were back home!
[17:47.65] The woodcutter, who had feel terribly guilty at what he had done, was glad to see them.
[17:53.82] And his wife nearly fainted with joy.
[17:58.00] "No matter how poor we become", the woodcutter said,
[18:01.71] "We will all stay together. I had learned my lesson."
[18:06.45] But unfortunately, he forget again soon afterwards.
[18:14.57] February came,
[18:16.15] The iciest, hungriest, most wolf-like February that had ever been.
[18:24.96] There was no work, no money, no food.
[18:30.16] "I can't stand seeing the children go hungry", the woodcutter roared.
[18:35.33] "Tomorrow I'm taking the children out and leaving them in the forest."
[18:40.03] Again his wife pleaded and wept;
[18:43.64] Again he was stubborn;
[18:46.27] And Again, little Tom heard every word.
[18:51.35] Tom went outside in the freezing night,
[18:53.99] Looking for more stones,
[18:56.02] But the snow had fall so heavily that stoned were buried beneath it,
[19:00.47] And he could not find even one.
[19:04.04] So he creeped back to the house, not knowing what he was going to do.
[19:12.16] The next morning, the mother gave the children each a slice of bread for breakfast.
[19:18.29] Tom put his in his pocket.
[19:20.78] When the father took the boys out into the forest,
[19:23.97] Tom crushed his bread in his hands,
[19:27.05] And every few feet, he threw down a few crumbs.
[19:31.42] Again the father let the children deep into the woods;
[19:35.46] Again he said he would return in a little while;
[19:39.29] And again he brushed away tears as he said it.
[19:44.01] When night fell, and no father came,
[19:47.71] The boys all began to cry.
[19:50.91] Except Tom.
[19:52.61] "Don't be frightened", he said.
[19:54.34] "I will show you the way back."
[19:57.13] He looked for the trail of bread crumbs,
[19:59.37] But it was no longer there!
[20:01.90] The birds in the forest had pounced on the crumbs, and had eaten them, everyone!
[20:09.35] So the seven children had to find their own way home.
[20:13.58] They walked and they walked, through the heavy freezing night.
[20:19.81] Suddenly Tom cried: “I see a light!"
[20:23.51] Yes, it was a small flickering light through the trees!
[20:28.40] The boys rushed forward and found themselves with the door of a huge dark house.
[20:34.19] They knocked, and the door was open by a woman.
[20:37.84] She had once been pretty,
[20:40.50] But fear had chased all her good-looks away.
[20:45.31] "Oh! Children! You must go!" she said.
[20:48.37] "You've come to the house of a terrible ogre!
[20:51.47] A monster who eats little boys!"
[20:55.51] Tom sighed:" Madam, we have just come from a forest,
[21:01.06] Which is full of wolves who also eats little boys.
[21:05.50] I would rather take my chances with the ogre."
[21:09.18] The ogre's wife, for that was who she was, sighed.
[21:15.20] "My husband is out for a little while", she said,
[21:17.95] "Come inside and at least warm yourselves before the fire."
[21:22.13] The seven boys ran inside.
[21:24.14] And what a joy it was to rest exhausted legs in the huge castle,
[21:29.24] And warm the chilly back to the big fire.
[21:31.84] The ogre's wife warned them to stay awake,
[21:35.65] But they're tired of spoke in a louder voice, and soon they were fast asleep.
[21:41.79] Suddenly, there was a huge wind and a huge earthquake,
[21:46.23] And each little boy found themselves caught up in a giant's fist,
[21:50.84] And gazing into a giant glaring eye.
[21:55.12] The ogre had returned.
[21:59.51] "What is this!" the ogre roared, “human boys?
[22:05.35] What a good woman you are, wife!
[22:07.93] You have caught me a fine supper."
[22:11.46] The wife was very frightened, but she pretended to go along with the ogre's idea.
[22:17.51] "Thank you, husband", she said, “but I meant these boys to be for your breakfast.
[22:22.62] As you can see, they are too thin and frozen for you to enjoy now.
[22:27.64] I thought that if they were given a good dinner and a good night sleep,
[22:32.03] They will be delicious with your pancakes tomorrow.
[22:36.06] The giant was disappointed, but he agreed,
[22:39.87] Because his wife was really an excellent cook,
[22:42.57] And she knew best about these things.
[22:45.46] The ogre's wife winked at Tom, and he winked back.
[22:49.24] She gave the boys an excellent dinner and Put them to bed.
[22:53.21] After a sleep of several hours, Tom woke and nudged his brothers.
[22:58.76] "Let's go", he said.
[23:00.64] And the seven children escaped.
[23:03.36] The ogre was light sleeper, however.
[23:05.43] And he felt in his giant bones that something was wrong.
[23:11.28] In the middle of the night, he tiptoed in and found that his breakfast had escaped.
[23:18.49] Furious, he put on his boots and ran out of the house to search for them.
[23:24.74] Tom and his brothers had been running as fast as they could.
[23:27.78] But when Tow saw the ogre coming up so quickly behind them,
[23:31.22] He knew it was useless to keep on.
[23:33.00] He pushed his brothers and himself inside an old hollow log and waited.
[23:39.28] The ogre was getting tired from all his chasing.
[23:43.19] And as a log came ahead him,
[23:45.24] He sat down to rest on the same hollow log where the boys were hiding.
[23:50.66] He felt so good to sit down that he took of his boots,
[23:55.31] Lay them beside him,
[23:57.16] And had a little nap.
[24:00.58] Tom crept out of the hollow log,
[24:03.36] And stepped into the boots himself.
[24:07.90] Now don't ask me how his feet fit the same boot that the ogre's feet has also fit.
[24:15.07] These boots were very magic, I suppose.
[24:18.50] But in a few moments, Tom was striding away,
[24:22.15] Across the fields, and was back at the ogre's castle.
[24:26.82] "Oh, Mrs. Ogre", he said to the wife,
[24:29.40] "your husband has sent me with a terrible message.
[24:32.50] He has been attacked by robbers.
[24:34.87] And he says, that the less you give me all your jewels and plate and gold coins to give to them,
[24:42.57] He will be killed."
[24:45.20] The wife was terrified, and she gave him all that he asked for.
[24:50.78] Tom returned to his brothers,
[24:52.93] Got them out of the wood,
[24:54.35] And they all returned home with the ogre's treasure.
[24:58.54] Their parents were overjoyed to see them.
[25:02.92] The family was rich now,
[25:04.71] And there was no more talk about leaving the children to be raised by others.
[25:09.31] And as for the ogre, he may still be napping on the hollow log.
[25:13.81] So watch out next time you go into the woods.
[28:27.36] The afternoon is getting quite windy,
[28:29.94] Perhaps I should get a little walk later on.
[28:32.48] I love to walk in the wind.
[28:34.63] Monsieur Ravel used to love to walk as well.
[28:37.30] He did not enjoyed the wind as I did.
[28:41.05] I remember one day in particular.
[28:44.15] I had been reading a book about pythoness.
[28:48.31] I was a walking along, and a twig snapped by my foot.
[28:52.57] I screamed, imagining it was a dread python come to devour me.
[28:58.37] Monsieur Ravel tried to reassure me,
[29:00.40] But I was still terrified.
[29:02.94] Finally he said he knew a story about a very wonderful green snake.
[29:08.77] And if I would only please stop carrying on,
[29:12.06] He could tell it to me.
[29:13.66] My crying stopped instantly.
[29:16.20] We sat down together on a bank full of wild flours,
[29:19.80] And he began to tell me the story
[29:22.76] Of...Laideronette, Empress of the Pagodas
[29:31.55] Once upon a time, there lived a good hearted King and Queen,
[29:36.29] Who had twin baby girls.
[29:39.39] When it was time for them to be christened,
[29:41.74] All the important people and fairies in the kingdom were invited.
[29:46.30] But, as so often happen when people plan a big event,
[29:50.74] Something gets forgotten.
[29:53.25] And what got forgotten in this case,
[29:55.90] Was the fairy Magotine
[29:59.63] Magotine was the most black-hearted and sour fairy in the world.
[30:04.83] And even though she was not invited to the christening,
[30:07.30] She came anyway,
[30:09.46] In a black sour puff of smoke.
[30:13.89] All the fairies but one have already offer their wished to the baby princesses.
[30:18.95] When Magotine appeared,
[30:20.98] She hobbled up to the cradle,
[30:23.22] Touched one of the babies on the cheek and cried:
[30:26.82] "My wish for you is perfect ugliness."
[30:32.34] And then she disappeared.
[30:34.76] The queen cried and screamed
[30:37.15] Until the last fairy,
[30:38.52] The one who has not to give her wish said:
[30:41.35] "Your Majesty, maybe I can help.
[30:44.80] Here is my gift to the Princess:
[30:47.79] Although she will be ugly, she will still find great happiness."
[30:54.01] And the Queen had to be happy with that.
[30:58.41] Time passed, and the two little Princesses grow up.
[31:03.42] The pretty one, Bellet, was as ??? and freshly-colored as her rose;
[31:10.29] But the other one, Laideronnette,
[31:13.37] Grow up to be so hideous that no one could bear to look at her.
[31:19.15] Finally, when she was 18 years old, she said to her parents:
[31:24.37] " I love you so much, but I cannot stand living here anymore.
[31:29.00] Please let me live as mistress of the castle by the sea.
[31:33.07] I should be all by myself there.
[31:35.64] And there will be nobody's eyes to remind me how ugly I am."
[31:39.73] The King and Queen grieved,
[31:42.45] But they love their daughter,
[31:44.21] But they let her go.
[32:02.91] Laideronnette was happy at the castle.
[32:05.25] She was not lonely,
[32:06.98] For she had books to read,
[32:08.67] Walks to take,
[32:10.24] Her harps to go to play,
[32:11.98] And her pet kitten to giggle at.
[32:15.63] One day she was taking her favorite walk through a leafy forest,
[32:18.87] When suddenly a huge green squirmy serpent rear up in front of her.
[32:25.91] She screamed in terror and ran shuddering back to the castle.
[32:30.59] She never took the leafy forest walk again.
[32:34.12] The following week, Laideronnette decided to take a swim at the seashore.
[32:40.36] Suddenly, as she was swimming, a wicked storm struck.
[32:45.14] The waves grew larger and larger,
[32:47.82] And Laideronnette was afraid she was going to drown!
[32:51.15] Luckily, she saw a green log floating there.
[32:54.65] She reached the log, threw herself up,
[32:57.46] And to a horror, felt the log move under her!
[33:02.02] It was none other than a green serpent!
[33:05.96] Laidernnette fainted.
[33:08.40] The next thing she knew,
[33:11.06] She was lying on a couch,
[33:13.19] In a splendid white bedroom she had never seen before.
[33:17.76] And around her, smiling, were dozens of tiny creatures.
[33:24.32] They looked like Chinese idles.
[33:27.63] When she sat up they bowed and curtsied to her.
[33:31.08] The bells on the little hats chimed most adorably.
[33:35.87] "We are the Pagodas", they said.
[33:37.59] "We are here to make you happy."
[33:40.04] And they danced and sang for Laideronnette,
[33:42.03] And she was enchanted.
[33:44.90] They led her to an even more beautiful apartment,
[33:48.06] Which they said it was for her.
[33:49.78] And they told her to call them anytime she needed anything.
[33:53.25] Laideronnette remained in Pagoda, for that was the name of the country.
[33:58.18] For several months, she was very happy there.
[34:02.47] But the longer she stayed, the more curious she became.
[34:06.54] "Who is your ruler?" she asked one day.
[34:11.56] "The King!" the Pagoda said,
[34:14.74] "It is he who told us to take such good care of you!"
[34:18.56] "I would like to meet him and thank him", Laideronnette said.
[34:22.59] The next day, she was taken to the throne room of the Palace.
[34:27.33] The room was very grand, but the great throne was empty.
[34:34.02] "I hear you wish to see me", said a beautiful voice.
[34:39.98] "But it cannot be, because the fairy Magotine had put a curse on me.
[34:47.09] For seven years, no one can see me.
[34:50.55] Five of the years have already past,
[34:53.11] And there are two to go.
[34:55.31] I have been watching you these weeks, Laideronnette", he went on,
[34:59.45] "And I have grown to love you.
[35:02.81] Will you be my wife?"
[35:06.91] Laideronnette was very pleased by his offer,
[35:09.72] And said that if she was given a chance to know him better,
[35:12.65] She might agree to it.
[35:15.59] For the next few weeks, she spent a lot of time with the King.
[35:19.77] Laideronnette never saw him,
[35:21.86] But his voice was so beautiful and kind,
[35:25.63] His word so intelligent,
[35:27.41] That she finds herself falling in love.
[35:31.80] The night before the wedding,
[35:33.49] The King said to her: “Remember the curse, my dear,
[35:38.02] For two more years I must stay invisible.
[35:42.02] If you try to see me before then,
[35:44.06] A terrible thing would happen.
[35:46.82] Do you understand?"
[35:49.14] "Oh, yes", she said: “I promise not to be curious."
[35:53.16] It was an easy promise to make,
[35:55.91] But it was not an easy promise to keep.
[35:59.92] For as the months ??? on,
[36:01.91] And Laideronnette grew to love her husband more and more,
[36:05.94] More and more she wishes to see him.
[36:09.10] One day, she was in the garden gathering roses,
[36:12.68] And the King was behind a trellis.
[36:15.50] Laideronnette slipped quietly up and peeped through at him.
[36:19.76] And then she shrieked with terror and fell back,
[36:23.14] For there was her husband, the green serpent.
[36:29.92] "You have betrayed me!" he cried in a sad terrible voice.
[36:35.11] And then he disappeared
[36:38.34] Miserable and ashamed of herself, Laideronnette left the castle.
[36:43.69] For two years, she wondered around at Pagoda.
[36:47.81] One winter night, exhausted, she came to a small stream.
[36:53.74] A Tiny fairy stood beside it.
[36:56.37] "This is the stream of discretion" the fairy said,
[37:01.57] "If you drink from it, you will one second be beautiful."
[37:07.09] But Laideronnette was no longer interested in being beautiful.
[37:12.77] "The steam of discretion" she said.
[37:15.51] "If I had had discretion 2 years ago, I would have never broken my promise;
[37:21.36] I would never had looked at my husband;
[37:24.11] I would never have brought this tragedy upon us.
[37:28.13] Discretion is something I need.
[37:31.34] Perhaps the stream can give it to me."
[37:34.64] So she thanked and drank.
[37:38.11] And the fairy smiled:
[37:40.72] "I'm very pleased with you, Laideronnette", she said,
[37:44.78] "Instead of caring about being beautiful,
[37:47.64] Your only thought was to be a better person.
[37:51.33] And so you shall be rewarded."
[37:54.91] Laideronnette was given two wonderful rewards.
[37:58.27] The first was when she saw her reflection in the water,
[38:01.61] She gasped at the sight:
[38:03.85] She was absolutely beautiful now!
[38:07.01] Golden and pink and perfect.
[38:10.37] And the second reward was the young man who came up and kneed beside her,
[38:16.46] As he spoke through happy tears,
[38:19.13] Laideronnette recognized him by his voice.
[38:22.18] He was her lost and loved husband.
[38:26.58] The two of them embraced and cried and kissed.
[38:31.01] And they are happy together until the end of their time.
[42:09.07] It is nearly evening now,
[42:11.77] My servant has brought in tea,
[42:14.14] And my cat Sido has snuggled up by my side.
[42:18.58] Sido is old too,
[42:20.88] She loves warms and peace and memories as I do.
[42:26.30] When I was a child,
[42:28.00] I had another cat, Heras.
[42:31.45] Heras was small and slick and he kept himself very dapper.
[42:37.23] "He is like me", Monsieur Havel used to say.
[42:41.04] It was he who gave this cat to me.
[42:43.70] One summer, he was planning to go away on a trip,
[42:47.61] And we would not be seeing him for several months.
[42:51.10] One the day he left,
[42:52.98] I was in tears.
[42:55.53] "Cheer up, little Mimi", he said,
[42:58.44] "What present would you like me to bring back to you from travels?"
[43:02.98] "A cat!", I answered.
[43:05.56] And sure enough, the day Monsieur Ravel Returned,
[43:09.82] Heras was with him.
[43:12.76] We sat, that afternoon, the three of us, in the nursery room,
[43:17.25] The cat curling on my lap,
[43:19.49] And Ravel stretched out alongside as on a rock.
[43:24.17] "I know a story about another girl who was asked to choose her own present." he said.
[43:31.60] "But she chooses something very different from a cat."
[43:35.32] "What did she choose?" I asked him eagerly.
[43:38.35] And, propping himself on one elbow,
[43:42.08] He began the tale of Beauty and the Beast.
[43:52.42] Once upon a time,
[43:54.00] In the days when France was covered with dark woods and darker mysteries,
[43:59.28] There lived a merchant with his three daughters.
[44:02.79] He has once been a wealthy man,
[44:04.90] And his daughters had worn the finest dresses in the kingdom.
[44:08.65] But recently, several of the ships have been lost at sea,
[44:12.68] And now all the money was gone.
[44:15.98] The two oldest daughters could not bear to be poor,
[44:19.99] And they did nothing but whine and complain.
[44:23.51] But the youngest daughter, Beauty,
[44:26.62] Simply hung up her fine dresses and went to work.
[44:30.69] She scrubbed, she cleansed, she prepared the meals,
[44:34.12] And she comforted her poor father and his sadness.
[44:39.25] Then one day, he came to her with wonderful news.
[44:43.59] "Beauty", he said, “A miracle has happened.
[44:46.85] One of my ships has returned to port.
[44:49.24] A fortune has been restored.
[44:51.56] We will be rich again!"
[44:53.71] He set off for the town at once.
[44:56.16] As he was leaving, he hugged his daughters to him.
[44:59.78] "What would you like for a present?" he asked.
[45:03.05] "A fine dress", said the first.
[45:06.51] "A rich jewel", said the second.
[45:10.25] But Beauty only smiled.
[45:13.03] "a rose", she said, “only a rose."
[45:20.63] The merchant rode to the city
[45:23.49] And found that the miracle had not happen after all.
[45:27.03] Yes, one of his ships had come into port,
[45:29.63] But the spices and fabrics on board had been ruined by the salt water.
[45:34.63] So he started home again, even poorer then when he had set out.
[45:40.17] On the way home, he had to ride through a thorny black wood.
[45:44.87] A huge thunderstorm suddenly struck.
[45:48.28] And the merchant, already lost, became terrified.
[45:52.08] "I'll never find the way out", he thought. “I’ll never see my daughters again"
[45:56.92] At that moment, a golden lightening shuddered through the sky.
[46:03.01] And the merchant could clearly see what lay in front of him.
[46:06.76] It was a castle, enormous and black.
[46:10.77] With his last bit of strength, he rode towards it.
[46:14.75] When the merchant reached the castle,
[46:17.11] He know he had entered a strange fairy land indeed.
[46:22.50] He was welcomed into the great hall;
[46:25.03] His dripping cloak was taken away;
[46:27.64] His horse was stapled;
[46:29.53] He's given an elegant dinner.
[46:31.90] And he was put to bed in a soft sheet.
[46:36.18] But in all the deed, he did not see a single soul.
[46:41.50] All the works were done by ghostly unseen hands.
[46:46.45] And he felt the breath of spirit all about him.
[46:50.13] In the morning, the merchant woke early.
[46:53.44] Afraid of the magic around him, he wanted to get back home as soon as possible.
[46:58.52] He dressed quickly, left the castle,
[47:00.88] And found his horse, beautifully groomed, waiting for him.
[47:05.99] But as the merchant was riding away through the garden,
[47:09.14] His eyes fell upon a wonderful rose tree.
[47:12.62] He thought of Beauty and her wish for a rose.
[47:16.06] So he bent and picked one.
[47:19.29] There was a sudden roar, a roar terribly loud as last night's thunderstorm.
[47:26.78] The merchant looked up and screamed.
[47:29.12] For there, in the path,
[47:31.91] Dressed in velvet and silks like a couture,
[47:36.07] Was the most hideous beast he had ever seen.
[47:41.18] The great monster came closer,
[47:44.52] "This is how you repay my hospitality?" the animal roared.
[47:49.56] "I give you shelter, dinner, a bed, and you steal my rose.
[47:55.58] For that, you will die."
[47:58.28] "Oh, spare me!" the merchant cried.
[48:00.98] "I only wanted the rose for one of my daughters."
[48:04.96] A cunning look came into the beast's face.
[48:08.28] "You have daughters?
[48:10.17] Well then, I will give you a choice.
[48:12.83] If one of your daughters is willing to come back here in your place,
[48:16.16] I will spare your life.
[48:17.63] If they refuse,
[48:19.02] Then you will return here to die.
[48:21.76] And do not think you can escape,
[48:24.78] For I have enchanted your horse.
[48:27.77] You will return here in three days,
[48:30.19] With either your daughter, or yourself."
[48:33.36] The miserable merchant got on his horse and rode home.
[48:37.75] When he told his daughters the story of what had happened,
[48:41.07] The two oldest cried and run and screamed.
[48:44.68] But Beauty was very calm.
[48:49.59] "The matter's very simply", she said.
[48:52.87] "The whole thing is my fault.
[48:54.24] And so I will go back into the Beast's castle in your place."
[48:59.05] The merchant would not hear of the idea.
[49:02.09] But on the third morning,
[49:03.68] before he was even awake,
[49:05.46] Beauty stole out of the house and jumped on the back of the horse.
[49:10.76] And by late afternoon, she was at the castle of the beast.
[49:15.70] She found herself as the same strange fairytale as her father had.
[49:21.18] She was taken inside the castle by unseen hands,
[49:24.46] And led to a beautiful bedroom.
[49:27.57] The closet was full of lovely dresses,
[49:30.53] The shelves full of delicate treasures and interesting books.
[49:35.02] Beauty spend the day wondering around the grand castle and ??????grounds.
[49:40.12] But still she saw nobody.
[49:42.21] That evening, when the clock struck seven,
[49:46.70] She was led by unseen hands into the dining hall.
[49:50.97] She sat down and waited.
[49:55.21] "Welcome, Beauty", said a low voice,
[49:59.54] And in walked the Beast.
[50:03.57] Beauty was too kind to show the beast how much his ugliness frightened her,
[50:09.12] So she neither screamed nor ran away.
[50:11.68] She only thanked him politely for his kindness in making her so comfortable.
[50:17.72] He jointed her at the table, and they talked through the meal.
[50:22.71] She was surprised to see what an interesting and amusing companion he was!
[50:27.60] At the end of dinner, he turned to her and said,
[50:32.39] "With a look of great lonely sadness, Beauty, will you marry me?"
[50:39.79] As kind as Beauty was, there was still only one answer.
[50:45.10] "No, Beast, I could never marry you."
[50:50.62] In silence, he walked away.
[50:53.95] The months had passed in the same way.
[50:57.98] Beauty's days were filled with loveliness,
[51:01.38] But also with loneliness.
[51:03.99] So, more and more, she began to look forward to her evening with the Beast.
[51:10.59] How kind he was.
[51:12.32] How they laugh together.
[51:14.41] How interesting he was to talk to.
[51:17.74] But every night he asked the same question,
[51:20.58] "Beauty, will you marry me?"
[51:24.10] And his voice seems to grow sadder and more hopeless every time he said it.
[51:33.28] And she hated to hurt him.
[51:35.73] But still her answer was always the same,
[51:39.27] "No, my Beast, I could never marry you."
[51:46.53] As time went on, Beauty began to miss her family.
[51:51.39] One day, she asked the Beast if she could go home for a visit.
[51:55.40] The Beast grew very sad,
[51:58.72] But he gave his permission.
[52:00.56] "You must promise to come back in a month though, Beauty."
[52:04.32] He told her with a strange smile,
[52:06.75] "Or I shall die of a broken heart."
[52:11.18] Beauty promised and went home.
[52:14.08] Her family were thought her dead long ago.
[52:16.54] What an over joy to see her.
[52:18.83] And she, in turn, was thrilled to find them in happy circumstances.
[52:23.43] Since she had been gone,
[52:25.46] Two of her father's ships had come in and the family was rich again.
[52:29.36] Beauty had a wonderful visit.
[52:32.90] It was so busy and so marry that never once she think of the Beast.
[52:38.11] And then one night, a month the day that Beauty had left the castle,
[52:42.17] She had a dream.
[52:44.67] She dreamed she saw the Beast,
[52:47.39] He was lying by the fountain in front of the castle,
[52:50.90] And he was dying.
[52:53.25] She heard him whisper, “Beauty..."
[52:58.35] And she knew that his heart has broken,
[53:01.41] Because she had not returned to him.
[53:03.71] Beauty woke from the dream, sprang out of bed, and dressed quickly.
[53:07.86] "Where are you going", her sisters demanded.
[53:10.16] "I'm going to my Beast!"
[53:12.38] Within minutes, she said Goodbye to her father and got on her horse
[53:17.98] And was riding through the dark forest towards the castle.
[53:22.13] By day which she founded, chilly and damp as in her dream,
[53:26.88] And there, lying by the fountain, was the still form of the Beast.
[53:33.31] "Beast!" she screamed.
[53:35.40] But it was too late.
[53:37.30] He didn't answer.
[53:39.30] She ran to him and held his heavy hairy head in her arms.
[53:46.00] She looked at his face,
[53:48.16] The face that when she first seen it,
[53:51.03] She had thought it was the ugliest in the world.
[53:54.43] But now all she could see in it,
[53:57.13] Was his kindness and his gentleness and his love for herself.
[54:04.05] "Beast", she wept.
[54:07.28] And her tears fell on his fur.
[54:10.48] "Beast, you mustn’t die.
[54:14.17] You must live, live, so we can be married,
[54:18.39] For I love you and I want to be with you always."
[54:24.52] With those words, the Beast's eyes opened.
[54:31.29] And still weeping, Beauty lean forward and kissed him.
[54:36.60] And when she did, something wonderful happened.
[54:42.70] For suddenly, the Beast began to change!
[54:47.12] The furry body dissolved away,
[54:49.83] And there, lying in Beauty's arms, was not a hideous monster,
[54:55.97] But a radiant young prince.
[55:00.16] The Prince gazed in the Beauty's face
[55:04.72] With eyes that were long-last, no longer lonely and sad.
[55:09.50] "Thank you, my Beauty", he said,
[55:13.37] "You have released me from a terrible spell."
[55:17.45] "Not I", she whispered, “it was love. And it released us both."
[59:43.10] I fell asleep just now, before the fire, and had a strange dream.
[59:50.04] I found myself in a beautiful garden.
[59:53.03] The most beautiful garden I had ever seen.
[59:57.31] I had the left the coming from in front of me,
[60:00.23] So I walked forward until I came to a large lounge.
[60:05.25] It was full of people.
[60:07.22] I felt very shy, so I quickly stepped backwards and hide behind a tree.
[60:13.25] What a wonderful sight it was.
[60:17.35] All the fairy folks were there.
[60:21.50] I saw Tom Thumb and his brothers sitting comfortably by the Ogre and his wife!
[60:27.33] They were all laughing at some joke.
[60:29.51] I saw Beauty, one arm around her father, one arm around her Beast Prince,
[60:35.69] Never to be separated from each other again.
[60:38.95] I saw the Sleeping Princess coming down the castle steps, hand in hand with her prince.
[60:46.04] And I saw Laideronnette and her King, laughing at the dances of a hundred tiny Pagodas.
[60:53.60] And then suddenly, one Pagoda looked over right at me and pointed.
[61:00.65] All the faces turned toward me, smiling, curious.
[61:06.81] Shy and ashamed, I came out from my hiding place.
[61:13.35] Two of the Pagodas took me by the hands and led me across the lounge to a large tree.
[61:19.25] And there, sitting on a chair beneath the tree, was my dear Maurice Ravel.
[61:28.67] "Hallo, little Mimi", he said without surprise.
[61:33.43] "I have a story to tell you."
[61:36.52] I got on his lap, and he began.
[61:40.32] "Once upon a time..."
[00:03.75] New Millennium Audio presents
[00:07.74] Audrey Hepburn' s Enchanted tales
[00:15.43] I' m an old woman now
[00:17.86] So old that all these past gets mixed up in my mind with what is now.
[00:24.67] When I remember my childhood, what I remember most is him.
[00:31.56] No memory is without Maurice Ravel, that small
[00:36.89] And elegant man who was to me the greatest composer who ever lived.
[00:43.82] In those years between 1906 and 1908,
[00:48.07] He would' ve come often to la Grand Gate, our country house near Paris, to visit my parents.
[00:55.21] One day he came, very excited.
[00:57.29] " I had written a piano piece, and I think you would like to meet me", he said..
[01:02.16] " It' s called Ma me re l' Oye. My Mother Goose"
[01:07.85] It was old stories I love best told in music.
[01:12.73] And then he showed me the front page, it was dedicated to my brother and to me.
[01:20.95] And now I sit, an old woman, outside in the orange late summer morning.
[01:27.85] The music in my mind is starting to play.
[01:30.65] I think of my wonderful Monsieur Ravel.
[01:34.75] I' ve heard her live in a castle. It was covered with roses" Monsieur Ravel says to me.
[01:40.51] " Ah! The gasp of the sleeping princess", I cried.
[01:43.85] " It is perhaps my favorite story of all! Oh, tell it to me please!"
[01:50.11] He smiles, draws me onto his lap and begins the story of the Sleeping Princess.
[01:57.99] Once upon a time, a magic time, in a fair far green country, lived the King and Queen.
[02:08.88] They' ve longed to have a child.
[02:10.71] And finally on one bright morning in June, a daughter was born to them.
[02:15.58] " We must give her the grandest christening that ever was", the Queen said,
[02:20.03] " We must even use the golden plates."
[02:22.88] And the King, who did not agree to much she suggested, agreed to this.
[02:29.44] Everyone in the land, all the town' s people were invited to the christening.
[02:35.97] But the most special guest of all were the six good fairies of the kingdom,
[02:41.00] The godmothers of the little Princess.
[02:45.00] One by one, these fairies passed by the royal cradle
[02:49.14] And gave the baby a blessing and a gift.
[02:53.19] One promised the princess beauty One a bright mind
[02:58.57] One an even brighter spirit One a voice of charm One a loving heart.
[03:06.53] But just as the last fairy was about to present her gift,
[03:11.91] A quick angry draft suddenly blew the door open.
[03:15.21] " Why? It' s just the wind", laughed the king.
[03:19.45] But it wasn' t wind. It was a little old woman, thin as wind perhaps.
[03:26.72] But she was so powerful the door the guest shrank back in fear of her.????
[03:31.47] " Melusine", someone whispered:" Melusine!"
[03:36.15] The chocked cry went around.
[03:38.26] Melusine was an evil fairy.
[03:43.26] She had disappeared from the kingdom many years before.
[03:46.42] And no one knew what had become of her.
[03:49.00] The King, hiding his surprise and fear,
[03:52.64] Invited her in and hastily made a place for her at the high table.
[03:58.00] But he couldn' t give her one of the golden plates.
[04:00.66] But it was simply not enough.
[04:02.56] Melusine looked at the china plate given her instead,
[04:05.92] And she smiled, a very thin and awful smile.
[04:14.20] Hobbling up to the baby' s cradle,
[04:16.54] She touched the child' s cheek with her papery hand.
[04:21.67] " I too have a gift for you, my precious" the fairy whispered:" And here it is:
[04:30.93] One day you will prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and died!"
[04:38.96] The guests shrank back screaming.
[04:41.21] The Queen fainted.
[04:43.23] Only the last of the six fairies had come.
[04:47.65] She came forward slowly and faced Melusine.
[04:52.00] " I have not yet given my blessing to the princess", she said softly.
[04:57.05] " Alas. I cannot undo the fairy curse, but I can surely soften it.
[05:04.00] The princess will indeed prick her finger on a spindle, but she will not die.
[05:10.23] She will only sleep for a hundred years until a prince shall come and wake her."
[05:16.24] 17 years pasted, and the Princess was now a young woman.
[05:24.00] She was beautiful, with little golden hair and flecked green eyes.
[05:30.49] She was honest and courageous, curious, tender, marry, and a little clumsy.
[05:38.91] Her favorite game was to explore the huge castle
[05:43.03] And make up stories with the queer things she found there.
[05:48.43] One morning in May, the Princess was exploring a wing she had not been in before,
[05:53.25] And she came up on a funny little room,
[05:58.14] Inside sat an old woman spinning.
[06:00.76] The Princess was enchanted by the strange site.
[06:04.98] " What are you doing? Oh do let me try!"
[06:07.12] She cried and rush forward.
[06:09.15] In an instant her finger pricked the spindle.
[06:11.50] She gave a scream and saint lifeless on the floor.
[06:17.63] The old woman smiled, the cold thin smile of the fairy Mellusine, and melted into icy wind.
[06:28.42] The moment the Princess touched the spindle and fell into a sleep,
[06:33.96] A strange thing began to happenthe whole palace began to sleep as well.
[06:41.99] The king was in the throne room making a new law,
[06:46.53] Nodded off, still holding his quill pen
[06:50.40] The Queen, having her hair brushed by her lady in waiting,
[06:54.00] Fell asleep at the dressing table
[06:57.00] The lady in waiting fell asleep in mid brush stroke
[07:01.39] And on and on, until finally the whole palace was still, heavy, and filled with dreamers.
[07:10.52] And then darkness came to those who dreamed.
[07:14.94] For up, up. Back away of green grew the brambles, climbing and folding huge thorns raised.
[07:25.41] Up the vines grew, protectively fiercely,
[07:29.00] Until finally the whole castle was suckled in her arms.
[07:35.80] And then, even the brambles slept too.
[07:40.54] They slept for a hundred years,
[07:44.35] Slept through wars, and warm harvests, and marriages, and new fashions,
[07:50.97] Slept through the crown of the kingdom passing to a new family,
[07:54.90] Slept through the birth of a new little prince.
[07:59.69] The prince' s name is not important.
[08:02.68] What is important about him is his curiosity.
[08:07.14] From the time the Prince was tiny,
[08:09.95] He has wondered and wondered about the huge castle in the kingdom,
[08:14.32] The one that was all covered with brambles.
[08:17.28] " Who lives there?" he asked.
[08:19.67] And when he was told the legend of the Sleeping Princess, he had smiled.
[08:24.46] " Ah", he said: " I should be the one to awaken her."
[08:28.54] But everyone laughed at him because he was only a tiny child,
[08:33.08] And his thumb wasn' t even as big as one of the brambles that guarded the castle.
[08:38.28] But time passed, and one day the Prince was no longer a child,
[08:44.89] He had grown into a man, wellfavored, and wellliked,
[08:49.68] But with a certain sadness always about him.
[08:54.13] The sadness was the strongest when he rode into the woods,
[08:57.30] And stood at the gates of that mysterious castle,
[09:01.66] Thinking of the Princess who lay inside.
[09:05.48] Many ladies in the kingdom were in love with the Prince,
[09:09.00] But he could not return their love,
[09:11.54] For he had a strange image always before his eyes,
[09:15.41] The image of a brightface child,
[09:17.91] Whose hair was tangled yellow, and whose eyes were flecked with green.
[09:24.72] On his 21st birthday, the prince left the celebration,
[09:29.11] And rode as usual to the bramble covered castle.
[09:33.03] As he stood looking, the longing filled him so much, he began to weep.
[09:39.41] " Let the bramble tear me apart", he thought.
[09:42.82] " If I must die, let me die trying to find the princess."
[09:49.19] The Prince climbed the gate, rusted by years of disuse,
[09:53.79] And as he took his first step into the garden, something wonderful happened
[10:00.71] The thorns, would have been so angry and sharp only a moment before,
[10:05.83] melted into piles of rose petals at his feet.
[10:10.62] And the Prince rushed into the palace, thus he saw everywhere
[10:15.74] Gloomy spider webs and piles of sleeping people.
[10:19.59] He run upstairs and searched the whole castle,
[10:22.60] And there, in the little backroom,
[10:25.65] He found his princess, still lying beside the spinning wheel.
[10:31.29] He smiled when he saw her,
[10:32.95] For this was the girl who had lived in his mind all these years.
[10:39.18] He bend forward and kissed her.
[10:41.75] And when he draw back, a pair of marry tender flecked green eyes were looking at him.
[10:49.88] " I was just dreaming about you", the Princess said.
[10:52.00] Down in the hallway bellow, the king yawned and stretched,
[10:58.02] " Huh... I must have dozed off", he said: " I have a law to finish."
[11:03.66] " Ouch!" the Queen said, as the hair maid combing her hair pulled to sharply on a curl.
[11:09.01] The whole palace was stirring now, all wondering: amazed!
[11:16.29] " Are you ready, Princess?" the Prince asked.
[11:21.33] " Yes" she said.
[11:22.79] And hand in hand, they slowly and started down the long curving staircase.
[13:04.17] I' m remembering a winter day.
[13:08.59] I gazed into the fire,
[13:11.07] And there, the pictures of the past are dancing.
[13:15.53] It is December, right before Christmas.
[13:19.25] Monsieur Ravel comes to visit us.
[13:22.05] He has dressed in a new dark green topcoat.
[13:26.02] And his arms are full of gifts.
[13:28.44] There' re something dull in adult for my parents,
[13:32.81] New music for my brother,
[13:35.90] And for me, the most wonderful little man made out of tin.
[13:41.35] When he' s wound up, he can walk all around the table.
[13:44.90] Monsieur Ravel loves these mechanical marvels.
[13:48.32] He laughs at the little tin man as loud as my own.
[13:52.79] " I know a story about a boy who was this tiny", he says to me.
[13:58.78] " Oh he was not made out of tin, he was as real as you or I!"
[14:04.09] So I jump onto his lap and beg him to tell me the story of Tom Thumb.
[14:11.90] Once upon a time, deep in a forest, there lived a woodcutter and his wife.
[14:18.37] They had seven children, all redhair boys.
[14:22.99] When business was going well,
[14:25.41] The wood cutter was delighted with his large family.
[14:28.82] But when things were going poorly, he was not so happy.
[14:33.55] " There' re too many bellies to feed", he would complain.
[14:37.11] " Too many feet to keep shod
[14:39.51] Too many backs to covered with clothing
[14:42.30] And not enough money to do it."
[14:46.39] One cold winter, things became unbearable.
[14:50.89] Meals got plainer and leaner,
[14:54.05] Clothes got smaller and more patched,
[14:57.25] And the wood cutter got more and more miserable.
[15:02.90] " Wife", he said one night: " I cannot sit by and watch my sons starve.
[15:09.82] Tomorrow, when I take them out into the forest,
[15:13.21] I would leave them there.
[15:15.48] Perhaps a wealthy merchant will find them
[15:18.34] And provide a better home."
[15:20.87] " Huh!" the wife wept and refused to go along the plan at first,
[15:26.44] But finally she too gave in.
[15:29.92] The woodcutter went to sleep,
[15:32.13] Not feeling at all happy with himself,
[15:34.93] But believing that he was doing the only thing he could.
[15:40.03] What he did not know
[15:41.99] Was that one of the sons had overheard every word he said.
[15:46.92] This was the youngest sonTom.
[15:49.82] Now everyone, including the woodcutter, thought Tom was foolish,
[15:54.57] Simply because he never spoke.
[15:56.94] And everyone also thought Tom was a weakling,
[16:00.12] Simply because he was small.
[16:02.71] When he was born, in fact
[16:04.14] Tom had been no bigger than a man' s thumb,
[16:07.05] And so everyone called him Tom Thumb.
[16:12.66] When Tom heard his father' s plans,
[16:15.23] He realized he had to save his brothers and himself.
[16:19.69] He sneaked out of the house,
[16:21.84] And went to the stream that lays beside it.
[16:26.09] In the moonlight,
[16:27.40] The white stones on the bank
[16:29.39] Glittered like a treasure chest full of undersea jewels.
[16:34.80] Tom filled his pockets with stones and returned to bed.
[16:38.52] The next morning, the woodcutter took his seven sons deep into the forest.
[16:45.21] Every few feet, Tom took a pebble out of his pocket,
[16:49.34] In the daytime they look like ordinary brown rocks,
[16:52.51] And dropped it on the ground.
[16:54.54] At noon, the woodcutter gave each boy a piece of bread and left them.
[16:59.80] " For a while", he said.
[17:02.33] None of the brothers except Tom noticed him weeping as he said it.
[17:07.47] The little while turned into hours,
[17:12.06] And soon it was night.
[17:14.35] The brothers came to realize that their father was not coming back,
[17:18.54] And they began to weep.
[17:20.74] Tom waited politely until they were finished,
[17:23.86] and then he said: " Don' t cry, I will save you."
[17:29.38] His brothers had never heard Tom speak before,
[17:32.75] And they were amazed!
[17:35.49] Tom pointed proudly to the stones he had dropped.
[17:38.75] In the moonlight, they shone like a path of fallen stars.
[17:43.72] He and his brothers followed the path and soon they were back home!
[17:47.65] The woodcutter, who had feel terribly guilty at what he had done, was glad to see them.
[17:53.82] And his wife nearly fainted with joy.
[17:58.00] " No matter how poor we become", the woodcutter said,
[18:01.71] " We will all stay together. I had learned my lesson."
[18:06.45] But unfortunately, he forget again soon afterwards.
[18:14.57] February came,
[18:16.15] The iciest, hungriest, most wolflike February that had ever been.
[18:24.96] There was no work, no money, no food.
[18:30.16] " I can' t stand seeing the children go hungry", the woodcutter roared.
[18:35.33] " Tomorrow I' m taking the children out and leaving them in the forest."
[18:40.03] Again his wife pleaded and wept
[18:43.64] Again he was stubborn
[18:46.27] And Again, little Tom heard every word.
[18:51.35] Tom went outside in the freezing night,
[18:53.99] Looking for more stones,
[18:56.02] But the snow had fall so heavily that stoned were buried beneath it,
[19:00.47] And he could not find even one.
[19:04.04] So he creeped back to the house, not knowing what he was going to do.
[19:12.16] The next morning, the mother gave the children each a slice of bread for breakfast.
[19:18.29] Tom put his in his pocket.
[19:20.78] When the father took the boys out into the forest,
[19:23.97] Tom crushed his bread in his hands,
[19:27.05] And every few feet, he threw down a few crumbs.
[19:31.42] Again the father let the children deep into the woods
[19:35.46] Again he said he would return in a little while
[19:39.29] And again he brushed away tears as he said it.
[19:44.01] When night fell, and no father came,
[19:47.71] The boys all began to cry.
[19:50.91] Except Tom.
[19:52.61] " Don' t be frightened", he said.
[19:54.34] " I will show you the way back."
[19:57.13] He looked for the trail of bread crumbs,
[19:59.37] But it was no longer there!
[20:01.90] The birds in the forest had pounced on the crumbs, and had eaten them, everyone!
[20:09.35] So the seven children had to find their own way home.
[20:13.58] They walked and they walked, through the heavy freezing night.
[20:19.81] Suddenly Tom cried: " I see a light!"
[20:23.51] Yes, it was a small flickering light through the trees!
[20:28.40] The boys rushed forward and found themselves with the door of a huge dark house.
[20:34.19] They knocked, and the door was open by a woman.
[20:37.84] She had once been pretty,
[20:40.50] But fear had chased all her goodlooks away.
[20:45.31] " Oh! Children! You must go!" she said.
[20:48.37] " You' ve come to the house of a terrible ogre!
[20:51.47] A monster who eats little boys!"
[20:55.51] Tom sighed:" Madam, we have just come from a forest,
[21:01.06] Which is full of wolves who also eats little boys.
[21:05.50] I would rather take my chances with the ogre."
[21:09.18] The ogre' s wife, for that was who she was, sighed.
[21:15.20] " My husband is out for a little while", she said,
[21:17.95] " Come inside and at least warm yourselves before the fire."
[21:22.13] The seven boys ran inside.
[21:24.14] And what a joy it was to rest exhausted legs in the huge castle,
[21:29.24] And warm the chilly back to the big fire.
[21:31.84] The ogre' s wife warned them to stay awake,
[21:35.65] But they' re tired of spoke in a louder voice, and soon they were fast asleep.
[21:41.79] Suddenly, there was a huge wind and a huge earthquake,
[21:46.23] And each little boy found themselves caught up in a giant' s fist,
[21:50.84] And gazing into a giant glaring eye.
[21:55.12] The ogre had returned.
[21:59.51] " What is this!" the ogre roared, " human boys?
[22:05.35] What a good woman you are, wife!
[22:07.93] You have caught me a fine supper."
[22:11.46] The wife was very frightened, but she pretended to go along with the ogre' s idea.
[22:17.51] " Thank you, husband", she said, " but I meant these boys to be for your breakfast.
[22:22.62] As you can see, they are too thin and frozen for you to enjoy now.
[22:27.64] I thought that if they were given a good dinner and a good night sleep,
[22:32.03] They will be delicious with your pancakes tomorrow.
[22:36.06] The giant was disappointed, but he agreed,
[22:39.87] Because his wife was really an excellent cook,
[22:42.57] And she knew best about these things.
[22:45.46] The ogre' s wife winked at Tom, and he winked back.
[22:49.24] She gave the boys an excellent dinner and Put them to bed.
[22:53.21] After a sleep of several hours, Tom woke and nudged his brothers.
[22:58.76] " Let' s go", he said.
[23:00.64] And the seven children escaped.
[23:03.36] The ogre was light sleeper, however.
[23:05.43] And he felt in his giant bones that something was wrong.
[23:11.28] In the middle of the night, he tiptoed in and found that his breakfast had escaped.
[23:18.49] Furious, he put on his boots and ran out of the house to search for them.
[23:24.74] Tom and his brothers had been running as fast as they could.
[23:27.78] But when Tow saw the ogre coming up so quickly behind them,
[23:31.22] He knew it was useless to keep on.
[23:33.00] He pushed his brothers and himself inside an old hollow log and waited.
[23:39.28] The ogre was getting tired from all his chasing.
[23:43.19] And as a log came ahead him,
[23:45.24] He sat down to rest on the same hollow log where the boys were hiding.
[23:50.66] He felt so good to sit down that he took of his boots,
[23:55.31] Lay them beside him,
[23:57.16] And had a little nap.
[24:00.58] Tom crept out of the hollow log,
[24:03.36] And stepped into the boots himself.
[24:07.90] Now don' t ask me how his feet fit the same boot that the ogre' s feet has also fit.
[24:15.07] These boots were very magic, I suppose.
[24:18.50] But in a few moments, Tom was striding away,
[24:22.15] Across the fields, and was back at the ogre' s castle.
[24:26.82] " Oh, Mrs. Ogre", he said to the wife,
[24:29.40] " your husband has sent me with a terrible message.
[24:32.50] He has been attacked by robbers.
[24:34.87] And he says, that the less you give me all your jewels and plate and gold coins to give to them,
[24:42.57] He will be killed."
[24:45.20] The wife was terrified, and she gave him all that he asked for.
[24:50.78] Tom returned to his brothers,
[24:52.93] Got them out of the wood,
[24:54.35] And they all returned home with the ogre' s treasure.
[24:58.54] Their parents were overjoyed to see them.
[25:02.92] The family was rich now,
[25:04.71] And there was no more talk about leaving the children to be raised by others.
[25:09.31] And as for the ogre, he may still be napping on the hollow log.
[25:13.81] So watch out next time you go into the woods.
[28:27.36] The afternoon is getting quite windy,
[28:29.94] Perhaps I should get a little walk later on.
[28:32.48] I love to walk in the wind.
[28:34.63] Monsieur Ravel used to love to walk as well.
[28:37.30] He did not enjoyed the wind as I did.
[28:41.05] I remember one day in particular.
[28:44.15] I had been reading a book about pythoness.
[28:48.31] I was a walking along, and a twig snapped by my foot.
[28:52.57] I screamed, imagining it was a dread python come to devour me.
[28:58.37] Monsieur Ravel tried to reassure me,
[29:00.40] But I was still terrified.
[29:02.94] Finally he said he knew a story about a very wonderful green snake.
[29:08.77] And if I would only please stop carrying on,
[29:12.06] He could tell it to me.
[29:13.66] My crying stopped instantly.
[29:16.20] We sat down together on a bank full of wild flours,
[29:19.80] And he began to tell me the story
[29:22.76] Of... Laideronette, Empress of the Pagodas
[29:31.55] Once upon a time, there lived a good hearted King and Queen,
[29:36.29] Who had twin baby girls.
[29:39.39] When it was time for them to be christened,
[29:41.74] All the important people and fairies in the kingdom were invited.
[29:46.30] But, as so often happen when people plan a big event,
[29:50.74] Something gets forgotten.
[29:53.25] And what got forgotten in this case,
[29:55.90] Was the fairy Magotine
[29:59.63] Magotine was the most blackhearted and sour fairy in the world.
[30:04.83] And even though she was not invited to the christening,
[30:07.30] She came anyway,
[30:09.46] In a black sour puff of smoke.
[30:13.89] All the fairies but one have already offer their wished to the baby princesses.
[30:18.95] When Magotine appeared,
[30:20.98] She hobbled up to the cradle,
[30:23.22] Touched one of the babies on the cheek and cried:
[30:26.82] " My wish for you is perfect ugliness."
[30:32.34] And then she disappeared.
[30:34.76] The queen cried and screamed
[30:37.15] Until the last fairy,
[30:38.52] The one who has not to give her wish said:
[30:41.35] " Your Majesty, maybe I can help.
[30:44.80] Here is my gift to the Princess:
[30:47.79] Although she will be ugly, she will still find great happiness."
[30:54.01] And the Queen had to be happy with that.
[30:58.41] Time passed, and the two little Princesses grow up.
[31:03.42] The pretty one, Bellet, was as ??? and freshlycolored as her rose
[31:10.29] But the other one, Laideronnette,
[31:13.37] Grow up to be so hideous that no one could bear to look at her.
[31:19.15] Finally, when she was 18 years old, she said to her parents:
[31:24.37] " I love you so much, but I cannot stand living here anymore.
[31:29.00] Please let me live as mistress of the castle by the sea.
[31:33.07] I should be all by myself there.
[31:35.64] And there will be nobody' s eyes to remind me how ugly I am."
[31:39.73] The King and Queen grieved,
[31:42.45] But they love their daughter,
[31:44.21] But they let her go.
[32:02.91] Laideronnette was happy at the castle.
[32:05.25] She was not lonely,
[32:06.98] For she had books to read,
[32:08.67] Walks to take,
[32:10.24] Her harps to go to play,
[32:11.98] And her pet kitten to giggle at.
[32:15.63] One day she was taking her favorite walk through a leafy forest,
[32:18.87] When suddenly a huge green squirmy serpent rear up in front of her.
[32:25.91] She screamed in terror and ran shuddering back to the castle.
[32:30.59] She never took the leafy forest walk again.
[32:34.12] The following week, Laideronnette decided to take a swim at the seashore.
[32:40.36] Suddenly, as she was swimming, a wicked storm struck.
[32:45.14] The waves grew larger and larger,
[32:47.82] And Laideronnette was afraid she was going to drown!
[32:51.15] Luckily, she saw a green log floating there.
[32:54.65] She reached the log, threw herself up,
[32:57.46] And to a horror, felt the log move under her!
[33:02.02] It was none other than a green serpent!
[33:05.96] Laidernnette fainted.
[33:08.40] The next thing she knew,
[33:11.06] She was lying on a couch,
[33:13.19] In a splendid white bedroom she had never seen before.
[33:17.76] And around her, smiling, were dozens of tiny creatures.
[33:24.32] They looked like Chinese idles.
[33:27.63] When she sat up they bowed and curtsied to her.
[33:31.08] The bells on the little hats chimed most adorably.
[33:35.87] " We are the Pagodas", they said.
[33:37.59] " We are here to make you happy."
[33:40.04] And they danced and sang for Laideronnette,
[33:42.03] And she was enchanted.
[33:44.90] They led her to an even more beautiful apartment,
[33:48.06] Which they said it was for her.
[33:49.78] And they told her to call them anytime she needed anything.
[33:53.25] Laideronnette remained in Pagoda, for that was the name of the country.
[33:58.18] For several months, she was very happy there.
[34:02.47] But the longer she stayed, the more curious she became.
[34:06.54] " Who is your ruler?" she asked one day.
[34:11.56] " The King!" the Pagoda said,
[34:14.74] " It is he who told us to take such good care of you!"
[34:18.56] " I would like to meet him and thank him", Laideronnette said.
[34:22.59] The next day, she was taken to the throne room of the Palace.
[34:27.33] The room was very grand, but the great throne was empty.
[34:34.02] " I hear you wish to see me", said a beautiful voice.
[34:39.98] " But it cannot be, because the fairy Magotine had put a curse on me.
[34:47.09] For seven years, no one can see me.
[34:50.55] Five of the years have already past,
[34:53.11] And there are two to go.
[34:55.31] I have been watching you these weeks, Laideronnette", he went on,
[34:59.45] " And I have grown to love you.
[35:02.81] Will you be my wife?"
[35:06.91] Laideronnette was very pleased by his offer,
[35:09.72] And said that if she was given a chance to know him better,
[35:12.65] She might agree to it.
[35:15.59] For the next few weeks, she spent a lot of time with the King.
[35:19.77] Laideronnette never saw him,
[35:21.86] But his voice was so beautiful and kind,
[35:25.63] His word so intelligent,
[35:27.41] That she finds herself falling in love.
[35:31.80] The night before the wedding,
[35:33.49] The King said to her: " Remember the curse, my dear,
[35:38.02] For two more years I must stay invisible.
[35:42.02] If you try to see me before then,
[35:44.06] A terrible thing would happen.
[35:46.82] Do you understand?"
[35:49.14] " Oh, yes", she said: " I promise not to be curious."
[35:53.16] It was an easy promise to make,
[35:55.91] But it was not an easy promise to keep.
[35:59.92] For as the months ??? on,
[36:01.91] And Laideronnette grew to love her husband more and more,
[36:05.94] More and more she wishes to see him.
[36:09.10] One day, she was in the garden gathering roses,
[36:12.68] And the King was behind a trellis.
[36:15.50] Laideronnette slipped quietly up and peeped through at him.
[36:19.76] And then she shrieked with terror and fell back,
[36:23.14] For there was her husband, the green serpent.
[36:29.92] " You have betrayed me!" he cried in a sad terrible voice.
[36:35.11] And then he disappeared
[36:38.34] Miserable and ashamed of herself, Laideronnette left the castle.
[36:43.69] For two years, she wondered around at Pagoda.
[36:47.81] One winter night, exhausted, she came to a small stream.
[36:53.74] A Tiny fairy stood beside it.
[36:56.37] " This is the stream of discretion" the fairy said,
[37:01.57] " If you drink from it, you will one second be beautiful."
[37:07.09] But Laideronnette was no longer interested in being beautiful.
[37:12.77] " The steam of discretion" she said.
[37:15.51] " If I had had discretion 2 years ago, I would have never broken my promise
[37:21.36] I would never had looked at my husband
[37:24.11] I would never have brought this tragedy upon us.
[37:28.13] Discretion is something I need.
[37:31.34] Perhaps the stream can give it to me."
[37:34.64] So she thanked and drank.
[37:38.11] And the fairy smiled:
[37:40.72] " I' m very pleased with you, Laideronnette", she said,
[37:44.78] " Instead of caring about being beautiful,
[37:47.64] Your only thought was to be a better person.
[37:51.33] And so you shall be rewarded."
[37:54.91] Laideronnette was given two wonderful rewards.
[37:58.27] The first was when she saw her reflection in the water,
[38:01.61] She gasped at the sight:
[38:03.85] She was absolutely beautiful now!
[38:07.01] Golden and pink and perfect.
[38:10.37] And the second reward was the young man who came up and kneed beside her,
[38:16.46] As he spoke through happy tears,
[38:19.13] Laideronnette recognized him by his voice.
[38:22.18] He was her lost and loved husband.
[38:26.58] The two of them embraced and cried and kissed.
[38:31.01] And they are happy together until the end of their time.
[42:09.07] It is nearly evening now,
[42:11.77] My servant has brought in tea,
[42:14.14] And my cat Sido has snuggled up by my side.
[42:18.58] Sido is old too,
[42:20.88] She loves warms and peace and memories as I do.
[42:26.30] When I was a child,
[42:28.00] I had another cat, Heras.
[42:31.45] Heras was small and slick and he kept himself very dapper.
[42:37.23] " He is like me", Monsieur Havel used to say.
[42:41.04] It was he who gave this cat to me.
[42:43.70] One summer, he was planning to go away on a trip,
[42:47.61] And we would not be seeing him for several months.
[42:51.10] One the day he left,
[42:52.98] I was in tears.
[42:55.53] " Cheer up, little Mimi", he said,
[42:58.44] " What present would you like me to bring back to you from travels?"
[43:02.98] " A cat!", I answered.
[43:05.56] And sure enough, the day Monsieur Ravel Returned,
[43:09.82] Heras was with him.
[43:12.76] We sat, that afternoon, the three of us, in the nursery room,
[43:17.25] The cat curling on my lap,
[43:19.49] And Ravel stretched out alongside as on a rock.
[43:24.17] " I know a story about another girl who was asked to choose her own present." he said.
[43:31.60] " But she chooses something very different from a cat."
[43:35.32] " What did she choose?" I asked him eagerly.
[43:38.35] And, propping himself on one elbow,
[43:42.08] He began the tale of Beauty and the Beast.
[43:52.42] Once upon a time,
[43:54.00] In the days when France was covered with dark woods and darker mysteries,
[43:59.28] There lived a merchant with his three daughters.
[44:02.79] He has once been a wealthy man,
[44:04.90] And his daughters had worn the finest dresses in the kingdom.
[44:08.65] But recently, several of the ships have been lost at sea,
[44:12.68] And now all the money was gone.
[44:15.98] The two oldest daughters could not bear to be poor,
[44:19.99] And they did nothing but whine and complain.
[44:23.51] But the youngest daughter, Beauty,
[44:26.62] Simply hung up her fine dresses and went to work.
[44:30.69] She scrubbed, she cleansed, she prepared the meals,
[44:34.12] And she comforted her poor father and his sadness.
[44:39.25] Then one day, he came to her with wonderful news.
[44:43.59] " Beauty", he said, " A miracle has happened.
[44:46.85] One of my ships has returned to port.
[44:49.24] A fortune has been restored.
[44:51.56] We will be rich again!"
[44:53.71] He set off for the town at once.
[44:56.16] As he was leaving, he hugged his daughters to him.
[44:59.78] " What would you like for a present?" he asked.
[45:03.05] " A fine dress", said the first.
[45:06.51] " A rich jewel", said the second.
[45:10.25] But Beauty only smiled.
[45:13.03] " a rose", she said, " only a rose."
[45:20.63] The merchant rode to the city
[45:23.49] And found that the miracle had not happen after all.
[45:27.03] Yes, one of his ships had come into port,
[45:29.63] But the spices and fabrics on board had been ruined by the salt water.
[45:34.63] So he started home again, even poorer then when he had set out.
[45:40.17] On the way home, he had to ride through a thorny black wood.
[45:44.87] A huge thunderstorm suddenly struck.
[45:48.28] And the merchant, already lost, became terrified.
[45:52.08] " I' ll never find the way out", he thought. " I' ll never see my daughters again"
[45:56.92] At that moment, a golden lightening shuddered through the sky.
[46:03.01] And the merchant could clearly see what lay in front of him.
[46:06.76] It was a castle, enormous and black.
[46:10.77] With his last bit of strength, he rode towards it.
[46:14.75] When the merchant reached the castle,
[46:17.11] He know he had entered a strange fairy land indeed.
[46:22.50] He was welcomed into the great hall
[46:25.03] His dripping cloak was taken away
[46:27.64] His horse was stapled
[46:29.53] He' s given an elegant dinner.
[46:31.90] And he was put to bed in a soft sheet.
[46:36.18] But in all the deed, he did not see a single soul.
[46:41.50] All the works were done by ghostly unseen hands.
[46:46.45] And he felt the breath of spirit all about him.
[46:50.13] In the morning, the merchant woke early.
[46:53.44] Afraid of the magic around him, he wanted to get back home as soon as possible.
[46:58.52] He dressed quickly, left the castle,
[47:00.88] And found his horse, beautifully groomed, waiting for him.
[47:05.99] But as the merchant was riding away through the garden,
[47:09.14] His eyes fell upon a wonderful rose tree.
[47:12.62] He thought of Beauty and her wish for a rose.
[47:16.06] So he bent and picked one.
[47:19.29] There was a sudden roar, a roar terribly loud as last night' s thunderstorm.
[47:26.78] The merchant looked up and screamed.
[47:29.12] For there, in the path,
[47:31.91] Dressed in velvet and silks like a couture,
[47:36.07] Was the most hideous beast he had ever seen.
[47:41.18] The great monster came closer,
[47:44.52] " This is how you repay my hospitality?" the animal roared.
[47:49.56] " I give you shelter, dinner, a bed, and you steal my rose.
[47:55.58] For that, you will die."
[47:58.28] " Oh, spare me!" the merchant cried.
[48:00.98] " I only wanted the rose for one of my daughters."
[48:04.96] A cunning look came into the beast' s face.
[48:08.28] " You have daughters?
[48:10.17] Well then, I will give you a choice.
[48:12.83] If one of your daughters is willing to come back here in your place,
[48:16.16] I will spare your life.
[48:17.63] If they refuse,
[48:19.02] Then you will return here to die.
[48:21.76] And do not think you can escape,
[48:24.78] For I have enchanted your horse.
[48:27.77] You will return here in three days,
[48:30.19] With either your daughter, or yourself."
[48:33.36] The miserable merchant got on his horse and rode home.
[48:37.75] When he told his daughters the story of what had happened,
[48:41.07] The two oldest cried and run and screamed.
[48:44.68] But Beauty was very calm.
[48:49.59] " The matter' s very simply", she said.
[48:52.87] " The whole thing is my fault.
[48:54.24] And so I will go back into the Beast' s castle in your place."
[48:59.05] The merchant would not hear of the idea.
[49:02.09] But on the third morning,
[49:03.68] before he was even awake,
[49:05.46] Beauty stole out of the house and jumped on the back of the horse.
[49:10.76] And by late afternoon, she was at the castle of the beast.
[49:15.70] She found herself as the same strange fairytale as her father had.
[49:21.18] She was taken inside the castle by unseen hands,
[49:24.46] And led to a beautiful bedroom.
[49:27.57] The closet was full of lovely dresses,
[49:30.53] The shelves full of delicate treasures and interesting books.
[49:35.02] Beauty spend the day wondering around the grand castle and ?????? grounds.
[49:40.12] But still she saw nobody.
[49:42.21] That evening, when the clock struck seven,
[49:46.70] She was led by unseen hands into the dining hall.
[49:50.97] She sat down and waited.
[49:55.21] " Welcome, Beauty", said a low voice,
[49:59.54] And in walked the Beast.
[50:03.57] Beauty was too kind to show the beast how much his ugliness frightened her,
[50:09.12] So she neither screamed nor ran away.
[50:11.68] She only thanked him politely for his kindness in making her so comfortable.
[50:17.72] He jointed her at the table, and they talked through the meal.
[50:22.71] She was surprised to see what an interesting and amusing companion he was!
[50:27.60] At the end of dinner, he turned to her and said,
[50:32.39] " With a look of great lonely sadness, Beauty, will you marry me?"
[50:39.79] As kind as Beauty was, there was still only one answer.
[50:45.10] " No, Beast, I could never marry you."
[50:50.62] In silence, he walked away.
[50:53.95] The months had passed in the same way.
[50:57.98] Beauty' s days were filled with loveliness,
[51:01.38] But also with loneliness.
[51:03.99] So, more and more, she began to look forward to her evening with the Beast.
[51:10.59] How kind he was.
[51:12.32] How they laugh together.
[51:14.41] How interesting he was to talk to.
[51:17.74] But every night he asked the same question,
[51:20.58] " Beauty, will you marry me?"
[51:24.10] And his voice seems to grow sadder and more hopeless every time he said it.
[51:33.28] And she hated to hurt him.
[51:35.73] But still her answer was always the same,
[51:39.27] " No, my Beast, I could never marry you."
[51:46.53] As time went on, Beauty began to miss her family.
[51:51.39] One day, she asked the Beast if she could go home for a visit.
[51:55.40] The Beast grew very sad,
[51:58.72] But he gave his permission.
[52:00.56] " You must promise to come back in a month though, Beauty."
[52:04.32] He told her with a strange smile,
[52:06.75] " Or I shall die of a broken heart."
[52:11.18] Beauty promised and went home.
[52:14.08] Her family were thought her dead long ago.
[52:16.54] What an over joy to see her.
[52:18.83] And she, in turn, was thrilled to find them in happy circumstances.
[52:23.43] Since she had been gone,
[52:25.46] Two of her father' s ships had come in and the family was rich again.
[52:29.36] Beauty had a wonderful visit.
[52:32.90] It was so busy and so marry that never once she think of the Beast.
[52:38.11] And then one night, a month the day that Beauty had left the castle,
[52:42.17] She had a dream.
[52:44.67] She dreamed she saw the Beast,
[52:47.39] He was lying by the fountain in front of the castle,
[52:50.90] And he was dying.
[52:53.25] She heard him whisper, " Beauty..."
[52:58.35] And she knew that his heart has broken,
[53:01.41] Because she had not returned to him.
[53:03.71] Beauty woke from the dream, sprang out of bed, and dressed quickly.
[53:07.86] " Where are you going", her sisters demanded.
[53:10.16] " I' m going to my Beast!"
[53:12.38] Within minutes, she said Goodbye to her father and got on her horse
[53:17.98] And was riding through the dark forest towards the castle.
[53:22.13] By day which she founded, chilly and damp as in her dream,
[53:26.88] And there, lying by the fountain, was the still form of the Beast.
[53:33.31] " Beast!" she screamed.
[53:35.40] But it was too late.
[53:37.30] He didn' t answer.
[53:39.30] She ran to him and held his heavy hairy head in her arms.
[53:46.00] She looked at his face,
[53:48.16] The face that when she first seen it,
[53:51.03] She had thought it was the ugliest in the world.
[53:54.43] But now all she could see in it,
[53:57.13] Was his kindness and his gentleness and his love for herself.
[54:04.05] " Beast", she wept.
[54:07.28] And her tears fell on his fur.
[54:10.48] " Beast, you mustn' t die.
[54:14.17] You must live, live, so we can be married,
[54:18.39] For I love you and I want to be with you always."
[54:24.52] With those words, the Beast' s eyes opened.
[54:31.29] And still weeping, Beauty lean forward and kissed him.
[54:36.60] And when she did, something wonderful happened.
[54:42.70] For suddenly, the Beast began to change!
[54:47.12] The furry body dissolved away,
[54:49.83] And there, lying in Beauty' s arms, was not a hideous monster,
[54:55.97] But a radiant young prince.
[55:00.16] The Prince gazed in the Beauty' s face
[55:04.72] With eyes that were longlast, no longer lonely and sad.
[55:09.50] " Thank you, my Beauty", he said,
[55:13.37] " You have released me from a terrible spell."
[55:17.45] " Not I", she whispered, " it was love. And it released us both."
[59:43.10] I fell asleep just now, before the fire, and had a strange dream.
[59:50.04] I found myself in a beautiful garden.
[59:53.03] The most beautiful garden I had ever seen.
[59:57.31] I had the left the coming from in front of me,
[60:00.23] So I walked forward until I came to a large lounge.
[60:05.25] It was full of people.
[60:07.22] I felt very shy, so I quickly stepped backwards and hide behind a tree.
[60:13.25] What a wonderful sight it was.
[60:17.35] All the fairy folks were there.
[60:21.50] I saw Tom Thumb and his brothers sitting comfortably by the Ogre and his wife!
[60:27.33] They were all laughing at some joke.
[60:29.51] I saw Beauty, one arm around her father, one arm around her Beast Prince,
[60:35.69] Never to be separated from each other again.
[60:38.95] I saw the Sleeping Princess coming down the castle steps, hand in hand with her prince.
[60:46.04] And I saw Laideronnette and her King, laughing at the dances of a hundred tiny Pagodas.
[60:53.60] And then suddenly, one Pagoda looked over right at me and pointed.
[61:00.65] All the faces turned toward me, smiling, curious.
[61:06.81] Shy and ashamed, I came out from my hiding place.
[61:13.35] Two of the Pagodas took me by the hands and led me across the lounge to a large tree.
[61:19.25] And there, sitting on a chair beneath the tree, was my dear Maurice Ravel.
[61:28.67] " Hallo, little Mimi", he said without surprise.
[61:33.43] " I have a story to tell you."
[61:36.52] I got on his lap, and he began.
[61:40.32] " Once upon a time..."
[00:03.75] New Millennium Audio presents
[00:07.74] Audrey Hepburn' s Enchanted tales
[00:15.43] I' m an old woman now
[00:17.86] So old that all these past gets mixed up in my mind with what is now.
[00:24.67] When I remember my childhood, what I remember most is him.
[00:31.56] No memory is without Maurice Ravel, that small
[00:36.89] And elegant man who was to me the greatest composer who ever lived.
[00:43.82] In those years between 1906 and 1908,
[00:48.07] He would' ve come often to la Grand Gate, our country house near Paris, to visit my parents.
[00:55.21] One day he came, very excited.
[00:57.29] " I had written a piano piece, and I think you would like to meet me", he said..
[01:02.16] " It' s called Ma mè re l' Oye. My Mother Goose"
[01:07.85] It was old stories I love best told in music.
[01:12.73] And then he showed me the front page, it was dedicated to my brother and to me.
[01:20.95] And now I sit, an old woman, outside in the orange late summer morning.
[01:27.85] The music in my mind is starting to play.
[01:30.65] I think of my wonderful Monsieur Ravel.
[01:34.75] I' ve heard her live in a castle. It was covered with roses" Monsieur Ravel says to me.
[01:40.51] " Ah! The gasp of the sleeping princess", I cried.
[01:43.85] " It is perhaps my favorite story of all! Oh, tell it to me please!"
[01:50.11] He smiles, draws me onto his lap and begins the story of the Sleeping Princess.
[01:57.99] Once upon a time, a magic time, in a fair far green country, lived the King and Queen.
[02:08.88] They' ve longed to have a child.
[02:10.71] And finally on one bright morning in June, a daughter was born to them.
[02:15.58] " We must give her the grandest christening that ever was", the Queen said,
[02:20.03] " We must even use the golden plates."
[02:22.88] And the King, who did not agree to much she suggested, agreed to this.
[02:29.44] Everyone in the land, all the town' s people were invited to the christening.
[02:35.97] But the most special guest of all were the six good fairies of the kingdom,
[02:41.00] The godmothers of the little Princess.
[02:45.00] One by one, these fairies passed by the royal cradle
[02:49.14] And gave the baby a blessing and a gift.
[02:53.19] One promised the princess beauty One a bright mind
[02:58.57] One an even brighter spirit One a voice of charm One a loving heart.
[03:06.53] But just as the last fairy was about to present her gift,
[03:11.91] A quick angry draft suddenly blew the door open.
[03:15.21] " Why? It' s just the wind", laughed the king.
[03:19.45] But it wasn' t wind. It was a little old woman, thin as wind perhaps.
[03:26.72] But she was so powerful the door the guest shrank back in fear of her.????
[03:31.47] " Melusine", someone whispered:" Melusine!"
[03:36.15] The chocked cry went around.
[03:38.26] Melusine was an evil fairy.
[03:43.26] She had disappeared from the kingdom many years before.
[03:46.42] And no one knew what had become of her.
[03:49.00] The King, hiding his surprise and fear,
[03:52.64] Invited her in and hastily made a place for her at the high table.
[03:58.00] But he couldn' t give her one of the golden plates.
[04:00.66] But it was simply not enough.
[04:02.56] Melusine looked at the china plate given her instead,
[04:05.92] And she smiled, a very thin and awful smile.
[04:14.20] Hobbling up to the baby' s cradle,
[04:16.54] She touched the child' s cheek with her papery hand.
[04:21.67] " I too have a gift for you, my precious" the fairy whispered:" And here it is:
[04:30.93] One day you will prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and died!"
[04:38.96] The guests shrank back screaming.
[04:41.21] The Queen fainted.
[04:43.23] Only the last of the six fairies had come.
[04:47.65] She came forward slowly and faced Melusine.
[04:52.00] " I have not yet given my blessing to the princess", she said softly.
[04:57.05] " Alas. I cannot undo the fairy curse, but I can surely soften it.
[05:04.00] The princess will indeed prick her finger on a spindle, but she will not die.
[05:10.23] She will only sleep for a hundred years until a prince shall come and wake her."
[05:16.24] 17 years pasted, and the Princess was now a young woman.
[05:24.00] She was beautiful, with little golden hair and flecked green eyes.
[05:30.49] She was honest and courageous, curious, tender, marry, and a little clumsy.
[05:38.91] Her favorite game was to explore the huge castle
[05:43.03] And make up stories with the queer things she found there.
[05:48.43] One morning in May, the Princess was exploring a wing she had not been in before,
[05:53.25] And she came up on a funny little room,
[05:58.14] Inside sat an old woman spinning.
[06:00.76] The Princess was enchanted by the strange site.
[06:04.98] " What are you doing? Oh do let me try!"
[06:07.12] She cried and rush forward.
[06:09.15] In an instant her finger pricked the spindle.
[06:11.50] She gave a scream and saint lifeless on the floor.
[06:17.63] The old woman smiled, the cold thin smile of the fairy Mellusine, and melted into icy wind.
[06:28.42] The moment the Princess touched the spindle and fell into a sleep,
[06:33.96] A strange thing began to happenthe whole palace began to sleep as well.
[06:41.99] The king was in the throne room making a new law,
[06:46.53] Nodded off, still holding his quill pen
[06:50.40] The Queen, having her hair brushed by her lady in waiting,
[06:54.00] Fell asleep at the dressing table
[06:57.00] The lady in waiting fell asleep in mid brush stroke
[07:01.39] And on and on, until finally the whole palace was still, heavy, and filled with dreamers.
[07:10.52] And then darkness came to those who dreamed.
[07:14.94] For up, up. Back away of green grew the brambles, climbing and folding huge thorns raised.
[07:25.41] Up the vines grew, protectively fiercely,
[07:29.00] Until finally the whole castle was suckled in her arms.
[07:35.80] And then, even the brambles slept too.
[07:40.54] They slept for a hundred years,
[07:44.35] Slept through wars, and warm harvests, and marriages, and new fashions,
[07:50.97] Slept through the crown of the kingdom passing to a new family,
[07:54.90] Slept through the birth of a new little prince.
[07:59.69] The prince' s name is not important.
[08:02.68] What is important about him is his curiosity.
[08:07.14] From the time the Prince was tiny,
[08:09.95] He has wondered and wondered about the huge castle in the kingdom,
[08:14.32] The one that was all covered with brambles.
[08:17.28] " Who lives there?" he asked.
[08:19.67] And when he was told the legend of the Sleeping Princess, he had smiled.
[08:24.46] " Ah", he said: " I should be the one to awaken her."
[08:28.54] But everyone laughed at him because he was only a tiny child,
[08:33.08] And his thumb wasn' t even as big as one of the brambles that guarded the castle.
[08:38.28] But time passed, and one day the Prince was no longer a child,
[08:44.89] He had grown into a man, wellfavored, and wellliked,
[08:49.68] But with a certain sadness always about him.
[08:54.13] The sadness was the strongest when he rode into the woods,
[08:57.30] And stood at the gates of that mysterious castle,
[09:01.66] Thinking of the Princess who lay inside.
[09:05.48] Many ladies in the kingdom were in love with the Prince,
[09:09.00] But he could not return their love,
[09:11.54] For he had a strange image always before his eyes,
[09:15.41] The image of a brightface child,
[09:17.91] Whose hair was tangled yellow, and whose eyes were flecked with green.
[09:24.72] On his 21st birthday, the prince left the celebration,
[09:29.11] And rode as usual to the bramble covered castle.
[09:33.03] As he stood looking, the longing filled him so much, he began to weep.
[09:39.41] " Let the bramble tear me apart", he thought.
[09:42.82] " If I must die, let me die trying to find the princess."
[09:49.19] The Prince climbed the gate, rusted by years of disuse,
[09:53.79] And as he took his first step into the garden, something wonderful happened
[10:00.71] The thorns, would have been so angry and sharp only a moment before,
[10:05.83] melted into piles of rose petals at his feet.
[10:10.62] And the Prince rushed into the palace, thus he saw everywhere
[10:15.74] Gloomy spider webs and piles of sleeping people.
[10:19.59] He run upstairs and searched the whole castle,
[10:22.60] And there, in the little backroom,
[10:25.65] He found his princess, still lying beside the spinning wheel.
[10:31.29] He smiled when he saw her,
[10:32.95] For this was the girl who had lived in his mind all these years.
[10:39.18] He bend forward and kissed her.
[10:41.75] And when he draw back, a pair of marry tender flecked green eyes were looking at him.
[10:49.88] " I was just dreaming about you", the Princess said.
[10:52.00] Down in the hallway bellow, the king yawned and stretched,
[10:58.02] " Huh... I must have dozed off", he said: " I have a law to finish."
[11:03.66] " Ouch!" the Queen said, as the hair maid combing her hair pulled to sharply on a curl.
[11:09.01] The whole palace was stirring now, all wondering: amazed!
[11:16.29] " Are you ready, Princess?" the Prince asked.
[11:21.33] " Yes" she said.
[11:22.79] And hand in hand, they slowly and started down the long curving staircase.
[13:04.17] I' m remembering a winter day.
[13:08.59] I gazed into the fire,
[13:11.07] And there, the pictures of the past are dancing.
[13:15.53] It is December, right before Christmas.
[13:19.25] Monsieur Ravel comes to visit us.
[13:22.05] He has dressed in a new dark green topcoat.
[13:26.02] And his arms are full of gifts.
[13:28.44] There' re something dull in adult for my parents,
[13:32.81] New music for my brother,
[13:35.90] And for me, the most wonderful little man made out of tin.
[13:41.35] When he' s wound up, he can walk all around the table.
[13:44.90] Monsieur Ravel loves these mechanical marvels.
[13:48.32] He laughs at the little tin man as loud as my own.
[13:52.79] " I know a story about a boy who was this tiny", he says to me.
[13:58.78] " Oh he was not made out of tin, he was as real as you or I!"
[14:04.09] So I jump onto his lap and beg him to tell me the story of Tom Thumb.
[14:11.90] Once upon a time, deep in a forest, there lived a woodcutter and his wife.
[14:18.37] They had seven children, all redhair boys.
[14:22.99] When business was going well,
[14:25.41] The wood cutter was delighted with his large family.
[14:28.82] But when things were going poorly, he was not so happy.
[14:33.55] " There' re too many bellies to feed", he would complain.
[14:37.11] " Too many feet to keep shod
[14:39.51] Too many backs to covered with clothing
[14:42.30] And not enough money to do it."
[14:46.39] One cold winter, things became unbearable.
[14:50.89] Meals got plainer and leaner,
[14:54.05] Clothes got smaller and more patched,
[14:57.25] And the wood cutter got more and more miserable.
[15:02.90] " Wife", he said one night: " I cannot sit by and watch my sons starve.
[15:09.82] Tomorrow, when I take them out into the forest,
[15:13.21] I would leave them there.
[15:15.48] Perhaps a wealthy merchant will find them
[15:18.34] And provide a better home."
[15:20.87] " Huh!" the wife wept and refused to go along the plan at first,
[15:26.44] But finally she too gave in.
[15:29.92] The woodcutter went to sleep,
[15:32.13] Not feeling at all happy with himself,
[15:34.93] But believing that he was doing the only thing he could.
[15:40.03] What he did not know
[15:41.99] Was that one of the sons had overheard every word he said.
[15:46.92] This was the youngest sonTom.
[15:49.82] Now everyone, including the woodcutter, thought Tom was foolish,
[15:54.57] Simply because he never spoke.
[15:56.94] And everyone also thought Tom was a weakling,
[16:00.12] Simply because he was small.
[16:02.71] When he was born, in fact
[16:04.14] Tom had been no bigger than a man' s thumb,
[16:07.05] And so everyone called him Tom Thumb.
[16:12.66] When Tom heard his father' s plans,
[16:15.23] He realized he had to save his brothers and himself.
[16:19.69] He sneaked out of the house,
[16:21.84] And went to the stream that lays beside it.
[16:26.09] In the moonlight,
[16:27.40] The white stones on the bank
[16:29.39] Glittered like a treasure chest full of undersea jewels.
[16:34.80] Tom filled his pockets with stones and returned to bed.
[16:38.52] The next morning, the woodcutter took his seven sons deep into the forest.
[16:45.21] Every few feet, Tom took a pebble out of his pocket,
[16:49.34] In the daytime they look like ordinary brown rocks,
[16:52.51] And dropped it on the ground.
[16:54.54] At noon, the woodcutter gave each boy a piece of bread and left them.
[16:59.80] " For a while", he said.
[17:02.33] None of the brothers except Tom noticed him weeping as he said it.
[17:07.47] The little while turned into hours,
[17:12.06] And soon it was night.
[17:14.35] The brothers came to realize that their father was not coming back,
[17:18.54] And they began to weep.
[17:20.74] Tom waited politely until they were finished,
[17:23.86] and then he said: " Don' t cry, I will save you."
[17:29.38] His brothers had never heard Tom speak before,
[17:32.75] And they were amazed!
[17:35.49] Tom pointed proudly to the stones he had dropped.
[17:38.75] In the moonlight, they shone like a path of fallen stars.
[17:43.72] He and his brothers followed the path and soon they were back home!
[17:47.65] The woodcutter, who had feel terribly guilty at what he had done, was glad to see them.
[17:53.82] And his wife nearly fainted with joy.
[17:58.00] " No matter how poor we become", the woodcutter said,
[18:01.71] " We will all stay together. I had learned my lesson."
[18:06.45] But unfortunately, he forget again soon afterwards.
[18:14.57] February came,
[18:16.15] The iciest, hungriest, most wolflike February that had ever been.
[18:24.96] There was no work, no money, no food.
[18:30.16] " I can' t stand seeing the children go hungry", the woodcutter roared.
[18:35.33] " Tomorrow I' m taking the children out and leaving them in the forest."
[18:40.03] Again his wife pleaded and wept
[18:43.64] Again he was stubborn
[18:46.27] And Again, little Tom heard every word.
[18:51.35] Tom went outside in the freezing night,
[18:53.99] Looking for more stones,
[18:56.02] But the snow had fall so heavily that stoned were buried beneath it,
[19:00.47] And he could not find even one.
[19:04.04] So he creeped back to the house, not knowing what he was going to do.
[19:12.16] The next morning, the mother gave the children each a slice of bread for breakfast.
[19:18.29] Tom put his in his pocket.
[19:20.78] When the father took the boys out into the forest,
[19:23.97] Tom crushed his bread in his hands,
[19:27.05] And every few feet, he threw down a few crumbs.
[19:31.42] Again the father let the children deep into the woods
[19:35.46] Again he said he would return in a little while
[19:39.29] And again he brushed away tears as he said it.
[19:44.01] When night fell, and no father came,
[19:47.71] The boys all began to cry.
[19:50.91] Except Tom.
[19:52.61] " Don' t be frightened", he said.
[19:54.34] " I will show you the way back."
[19:57.13] He looked for the trail of bread crumbs,
[19:59.37] But it was no longer there!
[20:01.90] The birds in the forest had pounced on the crumbs, and had eaten them, everyone!
[20:09.35] So the seven children had to find their own way home.
[20:13.58] They walked and they walked, through the heavy freezing night.
[20:19.81] Suddenly Tom cried: " I see a light!"
[20:23.51] Yes, it was a small flickering light through the trees!
[20:28.40] The boys rushed forward and found themselves with the door of a huge dark house.
[20:34.19] They knocked, and the door was open by a woman.
[20:37.84] She had once been pretty,
[20:40.50] But fear had chased all her goodlooks away.
[20:45.31] " Oh! Children! You must go!" she said.
[20:48.37] " You' ve come to the house of a terrible ogre!
[20:51.47] A monster who eats little boys!"
[20:55.51] Tom sighed:" Madam, we have just come from a forest,
[21:01.06] Which is full of wolves who also eats little boys.
[21:05.50] I would rather take my chances with the ogre."
[21:09.18] The ogre' s wife, for that was who she was, sighed.
[21:15.20] " My husband is out for a little while", she said,
[21:17.95] " Come inside and at least warm yourselves before the fire."
[21:22.13] The seven boys ran inside.
[21:24.14] And what a joy it was to rest exhausted legs in the huge castle,
[21:29.24] And warm the chilly back to the big fire.
[21:31.84] The ogre' s wife warned them to stay awake,
[21:35.65] But they' re tired of spoke in a louder voice, and soon they were fast asleep.
[21:41.79] Suddenly, there was a huge wind and a huge earthquake,
[21:46.23] And each little boy found themselves caught up in a giant' s fist,
[21:50.84] And gazing into a giant glaring eye.
[21:55.12] The ogre had returned.
[21:59.51] " What is this!" the ogre roared, " human boys?
[22:05.35] What a good woman you are, wife!
[22:07.93] You have caught me a fine supper."
[22:11.46] The wife was very frightened, but she pretended to go along with the ogre' s idea.
[22:17.51] " Thank you, husband", she said, " but I meant these boys to be for your breakfast.
[22:22.62] As you can see, they are too thin and frozen for you to enjoy now.
[22:27.64] I thought that if they were given a good dinner and a good night sleep,
[22:32.03] They will be delicious with your pancakes tomorrow.
[22:36.06] The giant was disappointed, but he agreed,
[22:39.87] Because his wife was really an excellent cook,
[22:42.57] And she knew best about these things.
[22:45.46] The ogre' s wife winked at Tom, and he winked back.
[22:49.24] She gave the boys an excellent dinner and Put them to bed.
[22:53.21] After a sleep of several hours, Tom woke and nudged his brothers.
[22:58.76] " Let' s go", he said.
[23:00.64] And the seven children escaped.
[23:03.36] The ogre was light sleeper, however.
[23:05.43] And he felt in his giant bones that something was wrong.
[23:11.28] In the middle of the night, he tiptoed in and found that his breakfast had escaped.
[23:18.49] Furious, he put on his boots and ran out of the house to search for them.
[23:24.74] Tom and his brothers had been running as fast as they could.
[23:27.78] But when Tow saw the ogre coming up so quickly behind them,
[23:31.22] He knew it was useless to keep on.
[23:33.00] He pushed his brothers and himself inside an old hollow log and waited.
[23:39.28] The ogre was getting tired from all his chasing.
[23:43.19] And as a log came ahead him,
[23:45.24] He sat down to rest on the same hollow log where the boys were hiding.
[23:50.66] He felt so good to sit down that he took of his boots,
[23:55.31] Lay them beside him,
[23:57.16] And had a little nap.
[24:00.58] Tom crept out of the hollow log,
[24:03.36] And stepped into the boots himself.
[24:07.90] Now don' t ask me how his feet fit the same boot that the ogre' s feet has also fit.
[24:15.07] These boots were very magic, I suppose.
[24:18.50] But in a few moments, Tom was striding away,
[24:22.15] Across the fields, and was back at the ogre' s castle.
[24:26.82] " Oh, Mrs. Ogre", he said to the wife,
[24:29.40] " your husband has sent me with a terrible message.
[24:32.50] He has been attacked by robbers.
[24:34.87] And he says, that the less you give me all your jewels and plate and gold coins to give to them,
[24:42.57] He will be killed."
[24:45.20] The wife was terrified, and she gave him all that he asked for.
[24:50.78] Tom returned to his brothers,
[24:52.93] Got them out of the wood,
[24:54.35] And they all returned home with the ogre' s treasure.
[24:58.54] Their parents were overjoyed to see them.
[25:02.92] The family was rich now,
[25:04.71] And there was no more talk about leaving the children to be raised by others.
[25:09.31] And as for the ogre, he may still be napping on the hollow log.
[25:13.81] So watch out next time you go into the woods.
[28:27.36] The afternoon is getting quite windy,
[28:29.94] Perhaps I should get a little walk later on.
[28:32.48] I love to walk in the wind.
[28:34.63] Monsieur Ravel used to love to walk as well.
[28:37.30] He did not enjoyed the wind as I did.
[28:41.05] I remember one day in particular.
[28:44.15] I had been reading a book about pythoness.
[28:48.31] I was a walking along, and a twig snapped by my foot.
[28:52.57] I screamed, imagining it was a dread python come to devour me.
[28:58.37] Monsieur Ravel tried to reassure me,
[29:00.40] But I was still terrified.
[29:02.94] Finally he said he knew a story about a very wonderful green snake.
[29:08.77] And if I would only please stop carrying on,
[29:12.06] He could tell it to me.
[29:13.66] My crying stopped instantly.
[29:16.20] We sat down together on a bank full of wild flours,
[29:19.80] And he began to tell me the story
[29:22.76] Of... Laideronette, Empress of the Pagodas
[29:31.55] Once upon a time, there lived a good hearted King and Queen,
[29:36.29] Who had twin baby girls.
[29:39.39] When it was time for them to be christened,
[29:41.74] All the important people and fairies in the kingdom were invited.
[29:46.30] But, as so often happen when people plan a big event,
[29:50.74] Something gets forgotten.
[29:53.25] And what got forgotten in this case,
[29:55.90] Was the fairy Magotine
[29:59.63] Magotine was the most blackhearted and sour fairy in the world.
[30:04.83] And even though she was not invited to the christening,
[30:07.30] She came anyway,
[30:09.46] In a black sour puff of smoke.
[30:13.89] All the fairies but one have already offer their wished to the baby princesses.
[30:18.95] When Magotine appeared,
[30:20.98] She hobbled up to the cradle,
[30:23.22] Touched one of the babies on the cheek and cried:
[30:26.82] " My wish for you is perfect ugliness."
[30:32.34] And then she disappeared.
[30:34.76] The queen cried and screamed
[30:37.15] Until the last fairy,
[30:38.52] The one who has not to give her wish said:
[30:41.35] " Your Majesty, maybe I can help.
[30:44.80] Here is my gift to the Princess:
[30:47.79] Although she will be ugly, she will still find great happiness."
[30:54.01] And the Queen had to be happy with that.
[30:58.41] Time passed, and the two little Princesses grow up.
[31:03.42] The pretty one, Bellet, was as ??? and freshlycolored as her rose
[31:10.29] But the other one, Laideronnette,
[31:13.37] Grow up to be so hideous that no one could bear to look at her.
[31:19.15] Finally, when she was 18 years old, she said to her parents:
[31:24.37] " I love you so much, but I cannot stand living here anymore.
[31:29.00] Please let me live as mistress of the castle by the sea.
[31:33.07] I should be all by myself there.
[31:35.64] And there will be nobody' s eyes to remind me how ugly I am."
[31:39.73] The King and Queen grieved,
[31:42.45] But they love their daughter,
[31:44.21] But they let her go.
[32:02.91] Laideronnette was happy at the castle.
[32:05.25] She was not lonely,
[32:06.98] For she had books to read,
[32:08.67] Walks to take,
[32:10.24] Her harps to go to play,
[32:11.98] And her pet kitten to giggle at.
[32:15.63] One day she was taking her favorite walk through a leafy forest,
[32:18.87] When suddenly a huge green squirmy serpent rear up in front of her.
[32:25.91] She screamed in terror and ran shuddering back to the castle.
[32:30.59] She never took the leafy forest walk again.
[32:34.12] The following week, Laideronnette decided to take a swim at the seashore.
[32:40.36] Suddenly, as she was swimming, a wicked storm struck.
[32:45.14] The waves grew larger and larger,
[32:47.82] And Laideronnette was afraid she was going to drown!
[32:51.15] Luckily, she saw a green log floating there.
[32:54.65] She reached the log, threw herself up,
[32:57.46] And to a horror, felt the log move under her!
[33:02.02] It was none other than a green serpent!
[33:05.96] Laidernnette fainted.
[33:08.40] The next thing she knew,
[33:11.06] She was lying on a couch,
[33:13.19] In a splendid white bedroom she had never seen before.
[33:17.76] And around her, smiling, were dozens of tiny creatures.
[33:24.32] They looked like Chinese idles.
[33:27.63] When she sat up they bowed and curtsied to her.
[33:31.08] The bells on the little hats chimed most adorably.
[33:35.87] " We are the Pagodas", they said.
[33:37.59] " We are here to make you happy."
[33:40.04] And they danced and sang for Laideronnette,
[33:42.03] And she was enchanted.
[33:44.90] They led her to an even more beautiful apartment,
[33:48.06] Which they said it was for her.
[33:49.78] And they told her to call them anytime she needed anything.
[33:53.25] Laideronnette remained in Pagoda, for that was the name of the country.
[33:58.18] For several months, she was very happy there.
[34:02.47] But the longer she stayed, the more curious she became.
[34:06.54] " Who is your ruler?" she asked one day.
[34:11.56] " The King!" the Pagoda said,
[34:14.74] " It is he who told us to take such good care of you!"
[34:18.56] " I would like to meet him and thank him", Laideronnette said.
[34:22.59] The next day, she was taken to the throne room of the Palace.
[34:27.33] The room was very grand, but the great throne was empty.
[34:34.02] " I hear you wish to see me", said a beautiful voice.
[34:39.98] " But it cannot be, because the fairy Magotine had put a curse on me.
[34:47.09] For seven years, no one can see me.
[34:50.55] Five of the years have already past,
[34:53.11] And there are two to go.
[34:55.31] I have been watching you these weeks, Laideronnette", he went on,
[34:59.45] " And I have grown to love you.
[35:02.81] Will you be my wife?"
[35:06.91] Laideronnette was very pleased by his offer,
[35:09.72] And said that if she was given a chance to know him better,
[35:12.65] She might agree to it.
[35:15.59] For the next few weeks, she spent a lot of time with the King.
[35:19.77] Laideronnette never saw him,
[35:21.86] But his voice was so beautiful and kind,
[35:25.63] His word so intelligent,
[35:27.41] That she finds herself falling in love.
[35:31.80] The night before the wedding,
[35:33.49] The King said to her: " Remember the curse, my dear,
[35:38.02] For two more years I must stay invisible.
[35:42.02] If you try to see me before then,
[35:44.06] A terrible thing would happen.
[35:46.82] Do you understand?"
[35:49.14] " Oh, yes", she said: " I promise not to be curious."
[35:53.16] It was an easy promise to make,
[35:55.91] But it was not an easy promise to keep.
[35:59.92] For as the months ??? on,
[36:01.91] And Laideronnette grew to love her husband more and more,
[36:05.94] More and more she wishes to see him.
[36:09.10] One day, she was in the garden gathering roses,
[36:12.68] And the King was behind a trellis.
[36:15.50] Laideronnette slipped quietly up and peeped through at him.
[36:19.76] And then she shrieked with terror and fell back,
[36:23.14] For there was her husband, the green serpent.
[36:29.92] " You have betrayed me!" he cried in a sad terrible voice.
[36:35.11] And then he disappeared
[36:38.34] Miserable and ashamed of herself, Laideronnette left the castle.
[36:43.69] For two years, she wondered around at Pagoda.
[36:47.81] One winter night, exhausted, she came to a small stream.
[36:53.74] A Tiny fairy stood beside it.
[36:56.37] " This is the stream of discretion" the fairy said,
[37:01.57] " If you drink from it, you will one second be beautiful."
[37:07.09] But Laideronnette was no longer interested in being beautiful.
[37:12.77] " The steam of discretion" she said.
[37:15.51] " If I had had discretion 2 years ago, I would have never broken my promise
[37:21.36] I would never had looked at my husband
[37:24.11] I would never have brought this tragedy upon us.
[37:28.13] Discretion is something I need.
[37:31.34] Perhaps the stream can give it to me."
[37:34.64] So she thanked and drank.
[37:38.11] And the fairy smiled:
[37:40.72] " I' m very pleased with you, Laideronnette", she said,
[37:44.78] " Instead of caring about being beautiful,
[37:47.64] Your only thought was to be a better person.
[37:51.33] And so you shall be rewarded."
[37:54.91] Laideronnette was given two wonderful rewards.
[37:58.27] The first was when she saw her reflection in the water,
[38:01.61] She gasped at the sight:
[38:03.85] She was absolutely beautiful now!
[38:07.01] Golden and pink and perfect.
[38:10.37] And the second reward was the young man who came up and kneed beside her,
[38:16.46] As he spoke through happy tears,
[38:19.13] Laideronnette recognized him by his voice.
[38:22.18] He was her lost and loved husband.
[38:26.58] The two of them embraced and cried and kissed.
[38:31.01] And they are happy together until the end of their time.
[42:09.07] It is nearly evening now,
[42:11.77] My servant has brought in tea,
[42:14.14] And my cat Sido has snuggled up by my side.
[42:18.58] Sido is old too,
[42:20.88] She loves warms and peace and memories as I do.
[42:26.30] When I was a child,
[42:28.00] I had another cat, Heras.
[42:31.45] Heras was small and slick and he kept himself very dapper.
[42:37.23] " He is like me", Monsieur Havel used to say.
[42:41.04] It was he who gave this cat to me.
[42:43.70] One summer, he was planning to go away on a trip,
[42:47.61] And we would not be seeing him for several months.
[42:51.10] One the day he left,
[42:52.98] I was in tears.
[42:55.53] " Cheer up, little Mimi", he said,
[42:58.44] " What present would you like me to bring back to you from travels?"
[43:02.98] " A cat!", I answered.
[43:05.56] And sure enough, the day Monsieur Ravel Returned,
[43:09.82] Heras was with him.
[43:12.76] We sat, that afternoon, the three of us, in the nursery room,
[43:17.25] The cat curling on my lap,
[43:19.49] And Ravel stretched out alongside as on a rock.
[43:24.17] " I know a story about another girl who was asked to choose her own present." he said.
[43:31.60] " But she chooses something very different from a cat."
[43:35.32] " What did she choose?" I asked him eagerly.
[43:38.35] And, propping himself on one elbow,
[43:42.08] He began the tale of Beauty and the Beast.
[43:52.42] Once upon a time,
[43:54.00] In the days when France was covered with dark woods and darker mysteries,
[43:59.28] There lived a merchant with his three daughters.
[44:02.79] He has once been a wealthy man,
[44:04.90] And his daughters had worn the finest dresses in the kingdom.
[44:08.65] But recently, several of the ships have been lost at sea,
[44:12.68] And now all the money was gone.
[44:15.98] The two oldest daughters could not bear to be poor,
[44:19.99] And they did nothing but whine and complain.
[44:23.51] But the youngest daughter, Beauty,
[44:26.62] Simply hung up her fine dresses and went to work.
[44:30.69] She scrubbed, she cleansed, she prepared the meals,
[44:34.12] And she comforted her poor father and his sadness.
[44:39.25] Then one day, he came to her with wonderful news.
[44:43.59] " Beauty", he said, " A miracle has happened.
[44:46.85] One of my ships has returned to port.
[44:49.24] A fortune has been restored.
[44:51.56] We will be rich again!"
[44:53.71] He set off for the town at once.
[44:56.16] As he was leaving, he hugged his daughters to him.
[44:59.78] " What would you like for a present?" he asked.
[45:03.05] " A fine dress", said the first.
[45:06.51] " A rich jewel", said the second.
[45:10.25] But Beauty only smiled.
[45:13.03] " a rose", she said, " only a rose."
[45:20.63] The merchant rode to the city
[45:23.49] And found that the miracle had not happen after all.
[45:27.03] Yes, one of his ships had come into port,
[45:29.63] But the spices and fabrics on board had been ruined by the salt water.
[45:34.63] So he started home again, even poorer then when he had set out.
[45:40.17] On the way home, he had to ride through a thorny black wood.
[45:44.87] A huge thunderstorm suddenly struck.
[45:48.28] And the merchant, already lost, became terrified.
[45:52.08] " I' ll never find the way out", he thought. " I' ll never see my daughters again"
[45:56.92] At that moment, a golden lightening shuddered through the sky.
[46:03.01] And the merchant could clearly see what lay in front of him.
[46:06.76] It was a castle, enormous and black.
[46:10.77] With his last bit of strength, he rode towards it.
[46:14.75] When the merchant reached the castle,
[46:17.11] He know he had entered a strange fairy land indeed.
[46:22.50] He was welcomed into the great hall
[46:25.03] His dripping cloak was taken away
[46:27.64] His horse was stapled
[46:29.53] He' s given an elegant dinner.
[46:31.90] And he was put to bed in a soft sheet.
[46:36.18] But in all the deed, he did not see a single soul.
[46:41.50] All the works were done by ghostly unseen hands.
[46:46.45] And he felt the breath of spirit all about him.
[46:50.13] In the morning, the merchant woke early.
[46:53.44] Afraid of the magic around him, he wanted to get back home as soon as possible.
[46:58.52] He dressed quickly, left the castle,
[47:00.88] And found his horse, beautifully groomed, waiting for him.
[47:05.99] But as the merchant was riding away through the garden,
[47:09.14] His eyes fell upon a wonderful rose tree.
[47:12.62] He thought of Beauty and her wish for a rose.
[47:16.06] So he bent and picked one.
[47:19.29] There was a sudden roar, a roar terribly loud as last night' s thunderstorm.
[47:26.78] The merchant looked up and screamed.
[47:29.12] For there, in the path,
[47:31.91] Dressed in velvet and silks like a couture,
[47:36.07] Was the most hideous beast he had ever seen.
[47:41.18] The great monster came closer,
[47:44.52] " This is how you repay my hospitality?" the animal roared.
[47:49.56] " I give you shelter, dinner, a bed, and you steal my rose.
[47:55.58] For that, you will die."
[47:58.28] " Oh, spare me!" the merchant cried.
[48:00.98] " I only wanted the rose for one of my daughters."
[48:04.96] A cunning look came into the beast' s face.
[48:08.28] " You have daughters?
[48:10.17] Well then, I will give you a choice.
[48:12.83] If one of your daughters is willing to come back here in your place,
[48:16.16] I will spare your life.
[48:17.63] If they refuse,
[48:19.02] Then you will return here to die.
[48:21.76] And do not think you can escape,
[48:24.78] For I have enchanted your horse.
[48:27.77] You will return here in three days,
[48:30.19] With either your daughter, or yourself."
[48:33.36] The miserable merchant got on his horse and rode home.
[48:37.75] When he told his daughters the story of what had happened,
[48:41.07] The two oldest cried and run and screamed.
[48:44.68] But Beauty was very calm.
[48:49.59] " The matter' s very simply", she said.
[48:52.87] " The whole thing is my fault.
[48:54.24] And so I will go back into the Beast' s castle in your place."
[48:59.05] The merchant would not hear of the idea.
[49:02.09] But on the third morning,
[49:03.68] before he was even awake,
[49:05.46] Beauty stole out of the house and jumped on the back of the horse.
[49:10.76] And by late afternoon, she was at the castle of the beast.
[49:15.70] She found herself as the same strange fairytale as her father had.
[49:21.18] She was taken inside the castle by unseen hands,
[49:24.46] And led to a beautiful bedroom.
[49:27.57] The closet was full of lovely dresses,
[49:30.53] The shelves full of delicate treasures and interesting books.
[49:35.02] Beauty spend the day wondering around the grand castle and ?????? grounds.
[49:40.12] But still she saw nobody.
[49:42.21] That evening, when the clock struck seven,
[49:46.70] She was led by unseen hands into the dining hall.
[49:50.97] She sat down and waited.
[49:55.21] " Welcome, Beauty", said a low voice,
[49:59.54] And in walked the Beast.
[50:03.57] Beauty was too kind to show the beast how much his ugliness frightened her,
[50:09.12] So she neither screamed nor ran away.
[50:11.68] She only thanked him politely for his kindness in making her so comfortable.
[50:17.72] He jointed her at the table, and they talked through the meal.
[50:22.71] She was surprised to see what an interesting and amusing companion he was!
[50:27.60] At the end of dinner, he turned to her and said,
[50:32.39] " With a look of great lonely sadness, Beauty, will you marry me?"
[50:39.79] As kind as Beauty was, there was still only one answer.
[50:45.10] " No, Beast, I could never marry you."
[50:50.62] In silence, he walked away.
[50:53.95] The months had passed in the same way.
[50:57.98] Beauty' s days were filled with loveliness,
[51:01.38] But also with loneliness.
[51:03.99] So, more and more, she began to look forward to her evening with the Beast.
[51:10.59] How kind he was.
[51:12.32] How they laugh together.
[51:14.41] How interesting he was to talk to.
[51:17.74] But every night he asked the same question,
[51:20.58] " Beauty, will you marry me?"
[51:24.10] And his voice seems to grow sadder and more hopeless every time he said it.
[51:33.28] And she hated to hurt him.
[51:35.73] But still her answer was always the same,
[51:39.27] " No, my Beast, I could never marry you."
[51:46.53] As time went on, Beauty began to miss her family.
[51:51.39] One day, she asked the Beast if she could go home for a visit.
[51:55.40] The Beast grew very sad,
[51:58.72] But he gave his permission.
[52:00.56] " You must promise to come back in a month though, Beauty."
[52:04.32] He told her with a strange smile,
[52:06.75] " Or I shall die of a broken heart."
[52:11.18] Beauty promised and went home.
[52:14.08] Her family were thought her dead long ago.
[52:16.54] What an over joy to see her.
[52:18.83] And she, in turn, was thrilled to find them in happy circumstances.
[52:23.43] Since she had been gone,
[52:25.46] Two of her father' s ships had come in and the family was rich again.
[52:29.36] Beauty had a wonderful visit.
[52:32.90] It was so busy and so marry that never once she think of the Beast.
[52:38.11] And then one night, a month the day that Beauty had left the castle,
[52:42.17] She had a dream.
[52:44.67] She dreamed she saw the Beast,
[52:47.39] He was lying by the fountain in front of the castle,
[52:50.90] And he was dying.
[52:53.25] She heard him whisper, " Beauty..."
[52:58.35] And she knew that his heart has broken,
[53:01.41] Because she had not returned to him.
[53:03.71] Beauty woke from the dream, sprang out of bed, and dressed quickly.
[53:07.86] " Where are you going", her sisters demanded.
[53:10.16] " I' m going to my Beast!"
[53:12.38] Within minutes, she said Goodbye to her father and got on her horse
[53:17.98] And was riding through the dark forest towards the castle.
[53:22.13] By day which she founded, chilly and damp as in her dream,
[53:26.88] And there, lying by the fountain, was the still form of the Beast.
[53:33.31] " Beast!" she screamed.
[53:35.40] But it was too late.
[53:37.30] He didn' t answer.
[53:39.30] She ran to him and held his heavy hairy head in her arms.
[53:46.00] She looked at his face,
[53:48.16] The face that when she first seen it,
[53:51.03] She had thought it was the ugliest in the world.
[53:54.43] But now all she could see in it,
[53:57.13] Was his kindness and his gentleness and his love for herself.
[54:04.05] " Beast", she wept.
[54:07.28] And her tears fell on his fur.
[54:10.48] " Beast, you mustn' t die.
[54:14.17] You must live, live, so we can be married,
[54:18.39] For I love you and I want to be with you always."
[54:24.52] With those words, the Beast' s eyes opened.
[54:31.29] And still weeping, Beauty lean forward and kissed him.
[54:36.60] And when she did, something wonderful happened.
[54:42.70] For suddenly, the Beast began to change!
[54:47.12] The furry body dissolved away,
[54:49.83] And there, lying in Beauty' s arms, was not a hideous monster,
[54:55.97] But a radiant young prince.
[55:00.16] The Prince gazed in the Beauty' s face
[55:04.72] With eyes that were longlast, no longer lonely and sad.
[55:09.50] " Thank you, my Beauty", he said,
[55:13.37] " You have released me from a terrible spell."
[55:17.45] " Not I", she whispered, " it was love. And it released us both."
[59:43.10] I fell asleep just now, before the fire, and had a strange dream.
[59:50.04] I found myself in a beautiful garden.
[59:53.03] The most beautiful garden I had ever seen.
[59:57.31] I had the left the coming from in front of me,
[60:00.23] So I walked forward until I came to a large lounge.
[60:05.25] It was full of people.
[60:07.22] I felt very shy, so I quickly stepped backwards and hide behind a tree.
[60:13.25] What a wonderful sight it was.
[60:17.35] All the fairy folks were there.
[60:21.50] I saw Tom Thumb and his brothers sitting comfortably by the Ogre and his wife!
[60:27.33] They were all laughing at some joke.
[60:29.51] I saw Beauty, one arm around her father, one arm around her Beast Prince,
[60:35.69] Never to be separated from each other again.
[60:38.95] I saw the Sleeping Princess coming down the castle steps, hand in hand with her prince.
[60:46.04] And I saw Laideronnette and her King, laughing at the dances of a hundred tiny Pagodas.
[60:53.60] And then suddenly, one Pagoda looked over right at me and pointed.
[61:00.65] All the faces turned toward me, smiling, curious.
[61:06.81] Shy and ashamed, I came out from my hiding place.
[61:13.35] Two of the Pagodas took me by the hands and led me across the lounge to a large tree.
[61:19.25] And there, sitting on a chair beneath the tree, was my dear Maurice Ravel.
[61:28.67] " Hallo, little Mimi", he said without surprise.
[61:33.43] " I have a story to tell you."
[61:36.52] I got on his lap, and he began.
[61:40.32] " Once upon a time..."
[00:07.74] 奥黛丽·赫本的魔法奇缘
[00:15.43] 如今我是个老妇人了
[00:17.86] 老到以至于在我脑海里过去和现在都混淆不清了
[00:24.67] 当我回忆起我的童年,能记起来最多的还是他
[00:31.56] 任何一段记忆里都有着莫里斯·拉威尔的影子
[00:36.89] 对我来说,瘦小而又优雅的他是一个曾经存在过的最优秀的作曲家
[00:43.82] 在1906到1908之间的这几年
[00:48.07] 他经常来到La Grand Gete,去我们在巴黎附近的乡下房子看望我的父母
[00:55.21] 有一天他过来的时候非常激动
[00:57.29] “我写了一首钢琴曲,我觉得你应该会想要来见见我的.”他说道
[01:00:00.23] 所以我一直向前走直到来到一个大休息室
[01:00:05.25] 那里人山人海
[01:00:07.22] 我感到很害羞,所以我赶紧向后退,笨拙地躲在一棵树后面
[01:00:13.25] 多么美妙的景象啊!
[01:00:17.35] 所有的仙女们都在那里
[01:00:21.50] 我看到大拇指Tom和他的兄弟们舒适地坐在食人魔和他的妻子旁边
[01:00:27.33] 他们正为一些开心的事情大声欢笑着
[01:00:29.51] 我看见Beauty,一只胳膊搂着父亲,一只胳膊搂着她的野兽王子
[01:00:35.69] 谁都永远不会离开谁
[01:00:38.95] 我看见睡公主和王子一起手拉手走下城堡台阶
[01:00:46.04] 我看见Laideronnette和她的国王,正为一百个Pagodas编排的舞蹈大声欢笑着
[01:00:53.60] 突然,一个Pagodas朝我看过来,指着我
[01:01:00.65] 所有的面孔转向我,微笑着,好奇地看着我
[01:01:06.81] 怀着害羞和羞愧,我从我的藏身之处走出来
[01:01:13.35] 两个Pagodas牵着我的手,领着我穿过休息室来到一棵大树下
[01:01:19.25] 在那里,我亲爱的莫里斯·拉威尔正坐在树下的椅子上
[01:01:28.67] “喂,小美眉,”他说道,语气里没有半点惊讶
[01:01:33.43] “我有一个故事要告诉你.”
[01:01:36.52] 我坐在他的腿上,然后他开始了
[01:01:40.32] “在很久很久以前...”
[01:02.16] “它叫鹅妈妈”
[01:07.85] 这是我最喜欢听的用音乐讲述的老故事
[01:12.73] 然后他给我展示了首页,它是献给我我和我的兄弟的
[01:20.95] 而现在,我,一个老妇人,在一个盛夏的橘黄色早晨在屋外坐着
[01:27.85] 这首歌开始在我的脑海里演奏了起来
[01:30.65] 我想念着我最棒的莫里斯·拉威尔
[01:34.75] “我听说她住在城堡里,那里到处覆盖着玫瑰.”莫里斯·拉威尔这样对我说
[01:40.51] “啊!睡公主的故事!.”我尖叫道
[01:43.85] “这可能是所有故事中我最爱的了!噢,请快点告诉我吧!”
[01:50.11] 他微笑着,把我抱起坐在他的膝上,开始讲述睡公主的故事
[01:57.99] 在很久很久以前的一个神奇的时代,遥远的绿色国度里住着国王和王后
[02:08.88] 他们一直渴望着能有一个孩子
[02:10.71] 终于在六月的一个明媚的早晨,他们的女儿诞生了
[02:15.58] “我们必须给予她最伟大的洗礼,就像以前一样.”王后说道
[02:20.03] “我们甚至必须要用到金盘子”
[02:22.88] 在这一点上就算是不同意她许多提议的的国王也都表示赞同
[02:29.44] 这个国度里的每一个人,所有的镇民都被邀请参加洗礼仪式
[02:35.97] 但最特别的客人还是王国里的六位仙女
[02:41.00] 他们是这位小公主的教母
[02:45.00] 这些仙女一个接一个的经过皇室的摇篮
[02:49.14] 并给予这个小宝贝一个赐福和一个礼物
[02:53.19] 一位承诺赐予小公主美丽的容貌,一位赐予她一颗聪明的心
[02:58.57] 一位赐予她更加崇高光明的精神,一位赐予她迷人的声音,一位赐予她一颗充满爱的心
[03:06.53] 但就在最后一位仙女将要送出她的礼物的时候
[03:11.91] 一阵充满愤怒的气息突然把门冲开了
[03:15.21] “什么?只是一阵风而已.”国王笑道
[03:19.45] 但这并不是风,而是一位瘦小的老女人,她瘦的几乎跟一阵风一般
[03:26.72] 但她却如此强力的冲开了门,客人们纷纷害怕的退缩开来
[03:31.47] “Melusine,”有人低声说道,“Melusine”
[03:36.15] 断断续续的哭声环绕着四周
[03:38.26] Melusine是一位邪恶的魔女
[03:43.26] 很多年前她就在这个国度里消失了
[03:46.42] 也没有人知道她怎么了
[03:49.00] 国王(努力)掩饰着他的惊惧和害怕
[03:52.64] 邀请她进来并匆忙地在高桌上摆了个位置
[03:58.00] 但他并没有给她那些金盘子中的一个
[04:00.66] 但这根本不够
[04:02.56] Melusine看着一个中国式的盘子并用它来代替
[04:05.92] 然后她微笑着,一个很细薄而可怕的微笑
[04:14.20] 蹒跚着走向小婴儿的摇篮
[04:16.54] 用她干瘪的手触摸着婴儿的脸颊
[04:21.67] “我也有一件礼物要送给你,我的小宝贝儿.”魔女低语道,“那就是这个”
[04:30.93] “总有一天你会在纺车的轴上戳破你的手指并死去!”
[04:38.96] 客人们尖叫着缩开了
[04:41.21] 王后晕倒了
[04:43.23] 之后六位仙女中的最后一位走上前去
[04:47.65] 她慢慢地走向Melusine并面对着她
[04:52.00] “我还没有赐予公主我的祝福呢.”她轻声说道
[04:57.05] “唉,我无法解开魔女的诅咒,但我保证能够缓解它”
[05:04.00] “公主确实会在纺锤上戳破她的手指,但她不会死去的”
[05:10.23] “她只会因此沉睡一百年,知道有一位王子过来唤醒她”
[05:16.24] 就这样17年过去了,公主如今已是一位年轻的女人
[05:24.00] 她美貌非凡,有着金色的秀发和斑点绿的眼睛
[05:30.49] 她诚实,勇敢,富有好奇心,温柔,快乐,还有一点疯疯癫癫的(小女孩心性)
[05:38.91] 她最喜欢的游戏便是探索这座巨大的城堡
[05:43.03] 用她在城堡里找到的稀奇古怪的东西编故事
[05:48.43] 五月的一天早晨,公主在探索一个她以前没待过的厢房
[05:53.25] 然后她来到一个有趣的小房间
[05:58.14] 里面有一位老妇人正坐着纺纱
[06:00.76] 公主被这个奇怪的地方迷住了
[06:04.98] “你在做些什么呢?噢让我也试试吧!”
[06:07.12] 她叫喊着跑过去
[06:09.15] 而后她的手指瞬间被纺锤刺痛了
[06:11.50] 她尖叫一声,便毫无生气地倒在了地上
[06:17.63] 老太太笑了,这来自魔女Mellusine的冰冷而细薄的微笑,化作了刺骨的寒风
[06:28.42] 在公主触碰到纺锤的那一瞬间公主便陷入了沉睡中
[06:33.96] 一件奇怪的事情开始发生——整个宫殿都开始沉睡了起来
[06:41.99] 国王在王座上颁布了一项新律法
[06:46.53] 打着瞌睡,也仍然握着他的羽毛笔
[06:50.40] 王后,在等待着她的侍女给她梳理头发
[06:54.00] 也在梳妆台前陷入了沉睡中
[06:57.00] 那位王后正在等待的侍女在刷牙的时候睡着了
[07:01.39] 这种现象无休无止地持续着,直到整个皇宫都变得沉重了,到处都是睡着的人儿
[07:10.52] 然后黑暗降临到了那些正在做梦的人身上
[07:14.94] 蔓延着蔓延着,绿色开始褪去,荆棘疯狂生长,攀升,交错,巨大的刺凸了起来.
[07:25.41] 藤蔓坚定地伸展着
[07:29.00] 直到最终整个城堡都陷入了它的怀抱中
[07:35.80] 最后,即使是荆棘也陷入了沉睡
[07:40.54] 他们沉睡了整整一百年
[07:44.35] 他们在沉睡中度过了战争,温暖的收获日,婚礼,还有新的时代
[07:50.97] 在沉睡中,国王的王冠传到了一个新的家族里
[07:54.90] 在沉睡中,新的小王子诞生了
[07:59.69] 而王子的名字并不重要
[08:02.68] 重要的是他的好奇心
[08:07.14] 王子从很小的时候开始
[08:09.95] 他就很想很想知道关于这个王国的巨大城堡的事情
[08:14.32] 一个布满了荆棘的城堡
[08:17.28] “是谁住在那里呢?”他问道
[08:19.67] 而当他被告知了睡公主的传说时,他笑了
[08:24.46] “哈,”他说,“我应该是那位唤醒她的人”
[08:28.54] 但是所有人都嘲笑他因为那时他还是个很小的孩子
[08:33.08] 他的拇指甚至还没有守护着城堡的一朵荆棘花那么大
[08:38.28] 但是时间过去了,有一天王子已经不再是个孩子了
[08:44.89] 他长成了一个男人,一个非常受欢迎和喜爱的人
[08:49.68] 但总有某种悲伤环绕着他
[08:54.13] 这股悲伤来得最为强烈的时候,就是他走进森林
[08:57.30] 站在那座神秘的城堡大门面前
[09:01.66] 想着沉睡在里面的公主的时候
[09:05.48] 王国里的很多女人都爱上了王子
[09:09.00] 但他却不能回应她们的爱
[09:11.54] 因为在他面前老是有一个神秘而奇怪的形象
[09:15.41] 一个有着明亮开朗的脸蛋的孩子
[09:17.91] 那个人的头发是斑驳的黄色,而眼睛里点缀着绿色
[09:24.72] 在王子21岁的生日时,他离开了生日庆典
[09:29.11] 并像往常一样骑马去那座荆棘遍布的城堡
[09:33.03] 当他站在那里看着城堡时,他的心中充满了(某种)渴望,他开始哭了起来
[09:39.41] “就让荆棘撕裂我吧.”他想道
[09:42.82] “如果我必须死去,那么就让我在去找公主的时候死去吧”
[09:49.19] 王子攀上了那座因多年废弃而生锈的大门
[09:53.79] 伴随着他踏进花园的第一步,一些美妙的事情发生了——
[10:00.71] 荆棘,这些在片刻前只会充满愤怒和尖锐的荆棘
[10:05.83] 融化在了他脚边的玫瑰花瓣中
[10:10.62] 王子冲进了宫殿,于是他看见了到处都是
[10:15.74] 阴暗的蜘蛛网还有沉睡中的人堆
[10:19.59] 他跑上楼并搜索了整个城堡
[10:22.60] 然后在那里,一个小小的卧室里
[10:25.65] 他发现了他的公主,依旧躺在纺车旁边
[10:31.29] 当他看着公主的时候他笑了
[10:32.95] 因为这就是多年以来一直活在他脑海里的那个女孩
[10:39.18] 他弯下腰,亲吻了她
[10:41.75] 当他抽回身子时,一双欢快而温柔的斑点绿色眼睛正看着他
[10:49.88] “我刚刚正好梦见你了.”公主说道
[10:52.00] 而在走廊里,国王伸了伸懒腰并打了个哈欠
[10:58.02] “嗯...我肯定是睡着了.”他说道,“我还有一个律法需要完成”
[11:03.66] “哎哟!”王后说道,当她的头发正被为她梳头的侍女梳得卷曲成一团时
[11:09.01] 如今整个宫殿都苏醒了过来,所有人都想知道发生了什么,这一切难以置信!
[11:16.29] “你准备好了吗,公主?”王子问道
[11:21.33] “是的."公主说
[11:22.79] 然后他们手牵手从长长的弯弯的楼梯上慢慢走下来
[13:04.17] 我想起了一个冬日
[13:08.59] 我凝视着炉火
[13:11.07] 在那里,过去的画面在跃动着
[13:15.53] 那是圣诞节前的十二月
[13:19.25] 莫里斯·拉威尔来看望我们
[13:22.05] 他穿了一件新的深绿色夹大衣
[13:26.02] 他的手上挂满了礼物
[13:28.44] 他给我父母带了一些成人的无聊玩意
[13:32.81] 为我弟弟准备的新乐曲
[13:35.90] 而为我准备的,是一只世界上最棒的小锡人
[13:41.35] 上了发条之后,他可以绕着桌子走路
[13:44.90] 莫里斯·拉威尔爱这些令人惊叹的小机械
[13:48.32] 他为这个小锡人笑的和我一样大声
[13:52.79] “我知道一个关于这个小家伙的故事,”他对我说
[13:58.78] “噢他可不是锡做的,他真实得跟你和我一样”
[14:04.09] 于是我跳到他的大腿上,恳求他告诉我关于这个大拇指Tom的故事
[14:11.90] 很久以前,在森林深处,住着一个樵夫和他的妻子
[14:18.37] 他们有七个孩子,都是红头发的小男孩
[14:22.99] 当生意顺利的时候
[14:25.41] 樵夫便很喜欢他的大家庭
[14:28.82] 但是当事情不顺利的时候,他就不那么高兴了
[14:33.55] “这有太多的肚子要填了,”他会抱怨
[14:37.11] “太多的脚需要穿鞋子”
[14:39.51] “太多的身体需要穿衣服”
[14:42.30] “但是没有足够的钱做到”
[14:46.39] 在一个寒冷的冬天,事情变得难以容忍了
[14:50.89] 家里变得更加朴素和简陋了
[14:54.05] 衣服越来越小,补丁越来越多
[14:57.25] 樵夫变得越来越悲惨了
[15:02.90] “亲爱的,”有一天晚上他说道,“我不能坐视我的儿子们挨饿”
[15:09.82] “明天,当我带他们去到森林里面的时候”
[15:13.21] “我会留他们在那里”
[15:15.48] “也许会有一个富有的商人找到他们”
[15:18.34] “并给他们一个更好的家”
[15:20.87] “哼!”妻子哭了起来,并在一开始拒绝按计划行事
[15:26.44] 但最后她也让步了
[15:29.92] 樵夫睡着了
[15:32.13] 他没有感觉到任何一点快乐
[15:34.93] 但他相信他在做他唯一能做的事情
[15:40.03] 他不知道的是
[15:41.99] 他有一个儿子偷听了他说的每一句话
[15:46.92] 这是最小的儿子Tom
[15:49.82] 而至今为止,包括樵夫的每一个人都认为Tom是一个傻子
[15:54.57] 只是因为他从来不开口讲话
[15:56.94] 而且每个人都认为Tom是一个懦弱的人
[16:00.12] 只是因为他长得弱小
[16:02.71] 事实上,当他出生的时候
[16:04.14] Tom都没有一个正常人的拇指大
[16:07.05] 所以大家都叫他大拇指Tom
[16:12.66] 当Tom听到了他父亲的计划时
[16:15.23] 他意识到他必须拯救他的兄弟们还有他自己
[16:19.69] 他偷偷溜出了房子
[16:21.84] 并走到了流淌在旁边的小溪
[16:26.09] 月光下
[16:27.40] 在岸上的那些白色的石头
[16:29.39] 亮得像一个充满海底珠宝的宝库
[16:34.80] Tom在口袋里装满石头,然后回到床上
[16:38.52] 第二天早上,樵夫带着他的七个儿子深入森林
[16:45.21] 每隔几英尺,Tom就从口袋里拿出一块鹅卵石
[16:49.34] 白天它们看起来像普通的棕色岩石
[16:52.51] 并丢在地上
[16:54.54] 中午,樵夫给每个男孩一片面包,然后离开了他们
[16:59.80] “有一段时间了。”他说
[17:02.33] 除了Tom以外,没有一个人注意到他说话的时候边哭着
[17:07.47] 一小会马上就变成几个小时了
[17:12.06] 很快就变成夜晚了
[17:14.35] 兄弟们开始意识到他们的父亲再也不回来了
[17:18.54] 他们开始哭泣
[17:20.74] Tom耐心的等待着他们直到他们哭完
[17:23.86] 然后他说:“别哭,我会救你们的”
[17:29.38] 他的兄弟们以前从来没有听说过Tom开口说话
[17:32.75] 所以现在他们觉得难以置信!
[17:35.49] Tom得意地指着他洒落在地上的石头—
[17:38.75] 在月光下,它们像一条坠落在地上的星河在闪耀
[17:43.72] 他和他的兄弟们沿着这条星河走,不久他们就回家了!
[17:47.65] 樵夫对自己所做的事感到非常内疚,看到他们非常高兴
[17:53.82] 而他的妻子几乎高兴得晕过去
[17:58.00] “不管我们变得多么贫穷,”樵夫说
[18:01.71] “我们都会在一起,我吸取了教训了”
[18:06.45] 但不幸的是,不久之后他又忘了
[18:14.57] 二月到了
[18:16.15] 这是最寒冷,最饥饿,像恶狼一样凶狠的二月的到来
[18:24.96] 没有工作,没有钱,没有食物
[18:30.16] “我不能忍受看到孩子们挨饿”,樵夫大声说
[18:35.33] “明天我带孩子出去,把他们留在森林里”
[18:40.03] 他的妻子再次恳求并哭了起来
[18:43.64] 他再次顽固的决定要这样做
[18:46.27] 而Tom又再次听到了每一句话
[18:51.35] Tom在这寒冷的夜晚出去了
[18:53.99] 寻找更多的石头
[18:56.02] 但是雪下得太大了以至于石头被埋在了下面
[19:00.47] 所以他甚至一个都没有找到
[19:04.04] 所以他爬回了家,不知道自己还能够做些什么
[19:12.16] 第二天早上,母亲给孩子们每人吃了一片面包当早餐
[19:18.29] Tom把他的那片放进了口袋里
[19:20.78] 当父亲带着男孩们进入了森林时
[19:23.97] Tom把面包在手里压碎
[19:27.05] 每隔几英尺,他就扔下一些面包屑
[19:31.42] 然后父亲又让孩子们深入森林
[19:35.46] 他又一次说他过一会会回来的
[19:39.29] 然后他再次擦去眼泪当他说这句话的时候
[19:44.01] 当夜幕降临,父亲没有回来
[19:47.71] 男孩们又开始哭泣
[19:50.91] 除了Tom
[19:52.61] “不要害怕.”Tom说道
[19:54.34] “我会给你们展示一条回去的路”
[19:57.13] 他寻找着面包屑的痕迹
[19:59.37] 但是它已经不在了!
[20:01.90] 林中的鸟儿已经扑向面包屑,并吃了他们,任何一片(都没有留下)
[20:09.35] 所以七个小男孩不得不自己寻找回家的路
[20:13.58] 他们走着走着,度过严寒的夜晚
[20:19.81] 突然,Tom尖叫道,“我看到了一束光!”
[20:23.51] 是的,有一束细小的转瞬即逝的光芒穿过了树丛!
[20:28.40] 孩子们向前奔去,发现自己正站在一所大黑房子的门前
[20:34.19] 他们敲了敲门,然后一个女人打开了门
[20:37.84] 她曾经很漂亮
[20:40.50] 但恐惧把她的美貌都赶跑了
[20:45.31] “噢!小家伙们!你们必须离开!”她说道
[20:48.37] “你们来到了一个可怕的食人魔的房子!”
[20:51.47] "一个专门吃小孩子的怪物!"
[20:55.51] Tom叹了口气:“夫人,我们刚从森林里来”
[21:01.06] “那里也遍布着吃小男孩的恶狼”
[21:05.50] “我宁愿和食人魔碰碰运气”
[21:09.18] 食人魔的妻子,就是这个女人,叹了口气
[21:15.20] “我丈夫出去一段时间了,”她说道
[21:17.95] “进来吧,至少在炉火前暖和一下自己”
[21:22.13] 七个男孩跑进里面
[21:24.14] 多么快乐呀能在一个巨大的城堡里放松自己疲惫的双腿
[21:29.24] 在大火中用温暖取代寒冷
[21:31.84] 而食人魔的妻子警告他们保持清醒
[21:35.65] 但是他们实在太过疲惫以至于不能更大声的说话,很快他们就睡熟了
[21:41.79] 突然,一阵强烈的气流袭来,一股剧烈的震动吵醒了他们
[21:46.23] 每个小男孩都发现自己被巨人的拳头抓住了
[21:50.84] 并且被一个巨大的瞪着的眼睛凝视着
[21:55.12] 食人魔回来了
[21:59.51] “这是什么?”食人魔咆哮道,“人类男孩?”
[22:05.35] “多么好的女人啊,我的妻子!”
[22:07.93] “你为我准备了一顿多么丰盛的晚安啊”
[22:11.46] 妻子很害怕,但她假装赞同食人魔的想法
[22:17.51] “谢谢你,丈夫,”她说,“但我是说这些男孩子要当你的早餐”
[22:22.62] 正如你所看到的,现在他们太瘦小太过冰冻以至于让你享受起来没那么美味
[22:27.64] 我想如果他们有一顿丰盛的晚餐和一个良好的睡眠
[22:32.03] 明天将他们和你的薄煎饼一起吃会非常美味
[22:36.06] 巨人非常失望,但是他同意了
[22:39.87] 因为他的妻子是一个非常棒的厨师
[22:42.57] 对于这些事情她非常在行
[22:45.46] 食人魔的妻子向Tom眨了眨眼,Tom也向她眨了眨眼
[22:49.24] 她给了男孩们一顿非常丰盛的晚餐并将他们放到床上
[22:53.21] 在几个小时的睡眠之后,Tom醒过来了并推了推他的兄弟们
[22:58.76] “走吧.”他说道
[23:00.64] 然后七个小男孩逃跑了
[23:03.36] 食人魔是个轻度睡眠者
[23:05.43] 他觉得自己巨大的骨头有点问题
[23:11.28] 半夜,他踮着脚尖起来却发现他的早餐逃跑了了
[23:18.49] 他怒不可遏,穿上靴子跑出屋去寻找
[23:24.74] Tom和他的兄弟们用他们最快的速度逃跑着
[23:27.78] 但是当Tom看到食人魔很快的在他们后面跟上来的时候
[23:31.22] 他知道这样跑下去是没用的
[23:33.00] 他把兄弟们和自己推到一个老旧的空心木头里等待
[23:39.28] 食人魔开始为这场追逐感到疲累
[23:43.19] 所以当他看到一块木头在他面前的时候
[23:45.24] 他坐在男孩们藏身的同一个中空的圆木上休息
[23:50.66] 他坐下来觉得很舒服,于是就脱下靴子
[23:55.31] 把它们放在他身边
[23:57.16] 然后小睡一会
[24:00.58] Tom从空心木头里爬出来
[24:03.36] 并自己穿上了鞋子
[24:07.90] 现在别问我他的脚怎么跟怪物脚上的靴子刚好一样合适
[24:15.07] 我想这些靴子很有魔力
[24:18.50] 但过了一会儿,Tom大步走了
[24:22.15] 穿过田野,回到食人魔的城堡
[24:26.82] “噢,太太,”他对食人魔的妻子说
[24:29.40] “你丈夫给了我一个可怕的消息
[24:32.50] 他已经被强盗袭击
[24:34.87] 他说,你把你所有的珠宝、盘子和金币送给强盗的越少
[24:42.57] 他就会被杀掉”
[24:45.20] 妻子吓坏了,她把他要的一切都给了他
[24:50.78] Tom回到了他的兄弟旁边
[24:52.93] 把他们从树林里救了出来
[24:54.35] 然后他们都带着食人魔的财宝回家了
[24:58.54] 他们的父母看到他们高兴极了
[25:02.92] 现在家里已经很富有了
[25:04.71] 再也没有人说要让孩子们被别人养大了
[25:09.31] 至于食人魔,他可能还在中空的木头上打盹
[25:13.81] 所以下次你去森林的时候可记得小心点
[28:27.36] 午后起风了
[28:29.94] 也许我接下来该散散步呢
[28:32.48] 我喜欢在风中漫步
[28:34.63] 莫里斯·拉威尔过去也喜欢这样做
[28:37.30] 他不像我那样喜欢风
[28:41.05] 我记得有一个十分特别的日子
[28:44.15] 我当时一直在读一本关于女巫的书
[28:48.31] 我向前走着,一根树枝夹到了我的脚
[28:52.57] 我尖叫着,想象着那是一只可怕的蟒蛇来吞食我
[28:58.37] 莫里斯·拉威尔试图安抚我
[29:00.40] 但我还是吓坏了
[29:02.94] 最后他说他知道一个非常奇妙关于青蛇的故事
[29:08.77] 而如果我停止哭泣的话
[29:12.06] 他就会告诉我
[29:13.66] 我立马停止了哭泣
[29:16.20] 我们一起坐在一个满是野花的河岸上
[29:19.80] 他开始告诉我这个故事
[29:22.76] 在...Of...Laideronette, Empress of the Pagodas这个地方
[29:31.55] 很久以前,那里住着一位心地善良的国王和还有他的王后
[29:36.29] 他们有一对双胞胎女儿
[29:39.39] 当他们是时候接受洗礼的时候
[29:41.74] 王国里所有重要的人物和仙女都被邀请了
[29:46.30] 但是,当人们计划一个大事件时,有一种情况经常发生
[29:50.74] 就是有些事情被忘记了
[29:53.25] 这件被忘记的事情就是
[29:55.90] 仙女Magotine
[29:59.63] Magotine是这个世界上最黑心和尖酸的魔女
[30:04.83] 虽然她没有被邀请参加洗礼仪式
[30:07.30] 她还是来了
[30:09.46] 在一股黑色酸臭的浓烟的包裹下
[30:13.89] 所有的仙女除了其中一个以外都已经向小公主献上祝福了
[30:18.95] 当Magotine出现时
[30:20.98] 她蹒跚着走向摇篮
[30:23.22] 触摸着其中一个婴儿的脸颊并叫道
[30:26.82] “我要赐予你绝对的丑陋”
[30:32.34] 然后她便消失了
[30:34.76] 王后哭泣并尖叫着
[30:37.15] 直到最后一位仙女出现
[30:38.52] 那位还没有赐予祝福的仙女说道
[30:41.35] “我的陛下,也许我能帮你”
[30:44.80] “这是我送给公主的礼物”
[30:47.79] “尽管我无法改变她丑陋的事实 她仍能找到属于她的幸福”
[30:54.01] 皇后也只能寄希望于这个祝福了
[30:58.41] 时间流逝,两位小公主也慢慢长大了
[31:03.42] 漂亮的那个女儿Bellet就像她的玫瑰一样娇艳欲滴
[31:10.29] 但是另一个呢,Laideronnette
[31:13.37] 她是长得如此令人惊骇的丑陋以至于没人能忍受看见她
[31:19.15] 最终,当她18岁的时候她对她的父母说
[31:24.37] “我非常爱你们,但我再也忍受不了在这里居住下去”
[31:29.00] “请让我作为城堡的主人住在海边”
[31:33.07] “我需要自己一个人待在那儿”
[31:35.64] “这样一来就没有任何一双眼睛时刻提醒我我有多么丑陋”
[31:39.73] 国王和王后感到非常伤心
[31:42.45] 但是他们爱他们的女儿
[31:44.21] 所以他们让她离开了
[32:02.91] Laideronnette在城堡里感到非常开心
[32:05.25] 她一点儿都不觉得孤独
[32:06.98] 因为她有书可以阅读
[32:08.67] 可以随时随地出去散心
[32:10.24] 她可以肆意的玩耍
[32:11.98] 和她的小猫咪一起傻笑
[32:15.63] 有一天她像往常一样带着愉快的心情去散步,穿过一片茂密的森林
[32:18.87] 当一条巨大的绿色的蛇蠕动着出现在她前面的时候
[32:25.91] 她惊恐的尖叫着并逃回了城堡
[32:30.59] 从这以后她再也没有去那片森林散过步
[32:34.12] 在接下来的一周,Laideronnette决定到海边去游泳
[32:40.36] 当她在游泳时,一场猛烈的暴风雨突然袭来
[32:45.14] 波浪愈演愈大
[32:47.82] Laideronnette很害怕她将会淹死在这里
[32:51.15] 幸运的是,她看到一块绿色的木头漂浮在那里
[32:54.65] 她赶忙到达了木头那里,并趴在上面呕吐了起来
[32:57.46] 但令她感到更为惊恐的是,她感觉到身下的绿色木块蠕动了起来
[33:02.02] 不是其他东西,正是一条绿蛇
[33:05.96] Laidernnette直接昏倒了
[33:08.40] 在这之后她能知道的第一件事
[33:11.06] 就是她醒过来的时候躺在沙发上
[33:13.19] 在一个她从没见过的,辉煌华丽的白色卧室里面
[33:17.76] 而在她身旁,围着许多小生物正朝她笑着
[33:24.32] 他们看起来就像中国的小瓷人
[33:27.63] 当她坐起来时 他们或向她弯腰或向她行屈膝礼
[33:31.08] 小帽子上的铃铛敲击出来的声音十分可爱
[33:35.87] “我们是Pagodas,”他们说
[33:37.59] "我们是为了让你感到快乐才出现在这里的."
[33:40.04] 然后他们围着Laideronnette唱啊跳呀
[33:42.03] 她被这番景象迷住了
[33:44.90] 他们把她带到一个甚至更为漂亮的公寓里面
[33:48.06] 并告诉她这是赠与她的
[33:49.78] 他们还让她只要需要他们的时候可以随时打电话
[33:53.25] Laideronnette留在了Pagodia,因为这也是这个国度的名字
[33:58.18] 在这几个月里,她感到非常开心
[34:02.47] 但待的时间越长,她的好奇心就越发强烈
[34:06.54] “你们的统领是谁呢?”有一天她问道
[34:11.56] “国王!”Pagoda们说道
[34:14.74] “是他告诉我们要好好照顾你的!”
[34:18.56] “我想要见见他并向他当面致谢,”Laideronnette说道
[34:22.59] 第二天,她被带到皇宫中的王室宫殿里
[34:27.33] 这个宫殿非常宏伟,但巨大的王座上面确实空的
[34:34.02] “我听说你希望见到我,”一个十分好听的声音传了出来
[34:39.98] “但是恕我不能满足你的想法,因为魔女Magotine曾经诅咒过我.”
[34:47.09] “在七年之内,没有人能看见我”
[34:50.55] “如今已经五年过去了”
[34:53.11] ”我还有两年要熬过去”
[34:55.31] “这几周我一直在看着你,Laideronnette.”他继续说道
[34:59.45] “然后我发现我渐渐爱上你了”
[35:02.81] “你愿意做我的妻子吗?”
[35:06.91] 听到国王的求婚,Laideronnette非常欣喜
[35:09.72] 并说道如果她有机会更好地了解他的话
[35:12.65] 她也许会答应他的
[35:15.59] 在接下来的几周时间里,她花了很多时间和国王待在一起
[35:19.77] 虽然Laideronnette从未见过他
[35:21.86] 但是他的声音是如此的动听而温柔
[35:25.63] 他的话语是如此的睿智
[35:27.41] 她发现自己已经坠入爱河
[35:31.80] 在他们的婚礼的前一夜
[35:33.49] 国王对她说道,“请记住这个诅咒,亲爱的.”
[35:38.02] “这接下来两年的时间我必须保持隐身”
[35:42.02] “如果你尝试在这之前看到我”
[35:44.06] “就会有可怕的事情发生”
[35:46.82] “你明白了吗?”
[35:49.14] “噢,好的,”她说,“我承诺自己不会那么好奇的.”
[35:53.16] 可承诺总是很容易许下的
[35:55.91] 想遵守自己的承诺却不是一件容易的事
[35:59.92] 一个月又一个月过去了
[36:01.91] Laideronnette变得越来越爱她的丈夫
[36:05.94] 而她也随之越来越希望能看见他
[36:09.10] 有一天,她正在花园采集玫瑰
[36:12.68] 而国王则在trelese后面
[36:15.50] Laideronnette悄悄的跑开了想要偷偷看看她的丈夫
[36:19.76] 然后她满怀惊惧地尖叫起来并向后跌倒
[36:23.14] 因为她看见了她的丈夫,一条绿色巨蛇
[36:29.92] “你背叛了我!”他叫喊着,用一种伤心的,可怕的声音
[36:35.11] 然后他消失了
[36:38.34] 怀着痛苦和内疚,Laideronnette离开了这座城堡
[36:43.69] 接下来的两年,她一直对Pagodia念念不忘
[36:47.81] 在一个冬夜,身心疲惫的她来到一条小河边
[36:53.74] 一个小精灵站在旁边
[36:56.37] “这是真理之河,”小精灵说道
[37:01.57] “如果你喝了它,你会在一秒钟内变得美丽.”
[37:07.09] 但是Laideronnette已经不再对变得美丽感兴趣
[37:12.77] “这是一条真理之河,”她自言自语
[37:15.51] “如果我能考虑得再周全一点,两年前我绝不会去违背我的诺言”
[37:21.36] “我绝不会去偷看我的丈夫”
[37:24.11] “我决不会把这场悲剧带给我们”
[37:28.13] “这便是我想要的”
[37:31.34] “也许这条河能将它给我”
[37:34.64] 所以她道过谢后并喝了河水
[37:38.11] 这时候小精灵笑了
[37:40.72] “我对你非常满意, Laideronnette,”小精灵说道
[37:44.78] “你对于美貌的在意已经不复存在”
[37:47.64] “如今你只在乎怎么成为一个更好的人”
[37:51.33] “这样的你将得到奖赏”
[37:54.91] Laideronnette被赐予了两个美妙的回报
[37:58.27] 第一个奖励当她通过水的倒映看到自己时她就明白了
[38:01.61] 她惊讶得忘记了呼吸
[38:03.85] 她如今已经变得无与伦比的美丽!
[38:07.01] 一个无可挑剔的完美人儿
[38:10.37] 第二个奖励更加令她喜悦,一个年轻人走过来并在她身旁跪下
[38:16.46] 他的眼里盈满了喜悦的泪水,开口说了话
[38:19.13] Laideronnette立马通过声音认出了他
[38:22.18] 他就是那个她爱的深沉,又被她弄丢的丈夫
[38:26.58] 他们两个拥抱,哭泣,亲吻
[38:31.01] 他们幸福快乐地生活在一起直到时间的尽头
[42:09.07] 已经快到晚上了
[42:11.77] 我的仆人已端进了晚茶
[42:14.14] 我的猫Sido蜷在我身旁
[42:18.58] Sido也老了
[42:20.88] 她也喜欢暖和的地方,平安的喜乐,和古老的回忆,就像我一样
[42:26.30] 当我还是个小孩的时候
[42:28.00] 我有另外一只猫 Heras
[42:31.45] Heras小小的,皮毛光滑,而且总是把自己收拾得妥妥当当
[42:37.23] “他就像我一样”,拉威尔先生常常这么说
[42:41.04] 是他把这只猫送给我的
[42:43.70] 曾有一个夏天 他计划远行
[42:47.61] 我们将有好几个月见不到他
[42:51.10] 在他走的那天
[42:52.98] 我的眼里满含泪水
[42:55.53] “高兴点,我的小美眉”,他说
[42:58.44] “你希望我旅行回来给你带什么礼物?”
[43:02.98] “一只猫!”
[43:05.56] 而毋庸置疑地,在拉威尔先生回来的那天
[43:09.82] 他带回了那只猫
[43:12.76] 我们三个那天下午坐在育婴室里
[43:17.25] 那只猫蜷缩在我腿上
[43:19.49] 而拉威尔先生在摇篮上伸了个懒腰
[43:24.17] “我知道关于另一个女孩选择她自己的礼物的故事”,他说
[43:31.60] ”但她没有选猫”
[43:35.32] “那她选了什么?”我急切地问道
[43:38.35] 然后他用手撑着脑袋
[43:42.08] 开始讲美女与野兽的故事
[43:52.42] 很久很久以前
[43:54.00] 法国还有着浓密的森林,森林深处还有未知的神秘
[43:59.28] 有一个商人和他的三个女儿一起生活
[44:02.79] 他曾经是一个很富裕的人
[44:04.90] 而他的女儿们穿着整个王国最好的裙子
[44:08.65] 但是最近他的几艘船都在航海中走失了
[44:12.68] 现在所有的钱都没了
[44:15.98] 两个大女儿无法忍受贫困的生活
[44:19.99] 她们整天只会哭泣和抱怨
[44:23.51] 但是最小的女儿Beauty
[44:26.62] 仅仅挂起了她的好裙子就去劳作了
[44:30.69] 她刷洗地板,清洁桌面,准备晚餐
[44:34.12] 她还安抚她可怜的父亲
[44:39.25] 然而有一天 他给她带来了一个好消息
[44:43.59] “Beauty”,他说,“奇迹发生了”
[44:46.85] ”我有一条船已回到港口”
[44:49.24] ”财富已经到来”
[44:51.56] “我们很快就会有钱了!”
[44:53.71] 他立马准备去镇上
[44:56.16] 在他准备出发的时候,他把他的三个女儿搂向他
[44:59.78] “你们想要什么礼物?”他问
[45:03.05] “一条好看的裙子,”第一个女儿说
[45:06.51] “一件昂贵的珠宝,”第二个女儿说
[45:10.25] 但是Beauty仅是笑了一下
[45:13.03] “一朵玫瑰,”她说,“只要一朵红玫瑰”
[45:20.63] 商人策马往城市去
[45:23.49] 却发现奇迹并没有发生
[45:27.03] 的确,他有一条船到了港口
[45:29.63] 但是船上的香料和绸缎都被海水浸坏了
[45:34.63] 于是他开始了回家的旅程还比他出发时更穷了
[45:40.17] 在回家的路上他穿过一个充满荆棘的暗黑森林
[45:44.87] 而一场暴风雨也突然到来
[45:48.28] 而那个已经迷路的商人受到了极大的惊吓
[45:52.08] “我永远不能找到出路了,”他想,“我再也见不到我的女儿们了”
[45:56.92] 就在那时,一个金色的闪电劈了下来
[46:03.01] 商人清晰地看见了他面前的东西
[46:06.76] 那是一个城堡,巨大的黑色城堡
[46:10.77] 凭着他仅剩的最后一点力气,他骑向了它
[46:14.75] 当商人到达城堡时
[46:17.11] 他明白他进入了一个奇怪的被魔法笼罩的地方
[46:22.50] 他被迎接进大厅
[46:25.03] 他滴水的斗篷也被拿开了
[46:27.64] 他的马也栓好了
[46:29.53] 他享受了一顿精致的晚餐
[46:31.90] 还睡上了一张有着柔软被单的床
[46:36.18] 虽然享受了这所有的服务,但他一个人影都没有见到
[46:41.50] 是一只幽灵般的看不见的手完成的这些工作
[46:46.45] 他甚至感受到了那个灵魂的呼吸
[46:50.13] 第二天一早商人就醒来了
[46:53.44] 出于对身边无处不在的魔法的恐惧,他希望能尽早回家
[46:58.52] 他快速地穿好了衣服,离开了城堡
[47:00.88] 发现他的马已经被人梳好毛了,在马槽等他
[47:05.99] 正当商人要离开花园的时候
[47:09.14] 他的目光落到了一朵漂亮的玫瑰树上
[47:12.62] 他想到了小女儿Beauty和她想要一朵玫瑰的愿望
[47:16.06] 他弯下腰摘了一朵
[47:19.29] 而一声吼叫爆发出来 那声吼叫就像昨晚的雷声一样
[47:26.78] 商人抬起头尖叫了出来
[47:29.12] 因为那条路上
[47:31.91] 有一个穿着天鹅绒和丝绸的生物
[47:36.07] 那是他见过的最可怕而丑陋的野兽
[47:41.18] 那个巨大的野兽走近他
[47:44.52] “你就是这样回报我的好客的吗?”野兽吼叫道
[47:49.56] “我给你提供了避风所,晚餐,床铺,而你偷了我的玫瑰”
[47:55.58] ”你将会因此而死”
[47:58.28] “噢,宽恕我吧,”商人叫到
[48:00.98] “我只是想给我的一个女儿带一枝玫瑰”
[48:04.96] 一个狡诈的眼神突然浮现在野兽的脸上
[48:08.28] “你有女儿?”
[48:10.17] “好吧,那我会给你一个选择”
[48:12.83] “如果你的任意一个女儿愿意回到这里取代你的位置”
[48:16.16] “我就放过你”
[48:17.63] “但是如果她们拒绝”
[48:19.02] “你就要回到这里接受死亡”
[48:21.76] “你别以为你能逃脱”
[48:24.78] “因为我已经给你的马儿施了法”
[48:27.77] ”你将会在三天内回到这里”
[48:30.19] “和你女儿一起,或是你自己回来”
[48:33.36] 这个可怜的商人上了马骑回了家
[48:37.75] 当他告诉女儿们发生的事情时
[48:41.07] 两个大女儿哭喊着尖叫着跑开了
[48:44.68] 但是Beauty却显得非常冷静
[48:49.59] “事情很简单,”她说
[48:52.87] “这整一件事情都因我而起”
[48:54.24] “所以我将要回到Beast的城堡中去代替父亲你”
[48:59.05] 商人并不同意这个主意
[49:02.09] 但是就在第三天的早晨
[49:03.68] 在他还没醒来的时候
[49:05.46] Beauty从房子里溜了出来,跳到了马的背上
[49:10.76] 直到下午晚些时候,她来到了Beast的城堡
[49:15.70] 她自己也发现了一些童话事物就和父亲发现的一样奇怪
[49:21.18] 她被看不见的手带进城堡
[49:24.46] 并引导进了一间美丽的卧室
[49:27.57] 衣橱里摆满了漂亮的衣服
[49:30.53] 书架上摆满了精致的珍宝和有趣的书
[49:35.02] Beauty花了整天的时候逛遍了城堡
[49:40.12] 但是她还是一个人都没有见到
[49:42.21] 到了那天晚上,当钟声响了七下时
[49:46.70] 她又被看不见的手领进了餐厅
[49:50.97] 她坐下来并等待着
[49:55.21] “欢迎,Beauty”,一阵低沉的声音说道
[49:59.54] Beast随之出现
[50:03.57] Beauty实在是太过于善良温和以至于她都没有向Beast展示他的丑陋对她来说有多么吓人
[50:09.12] 所以她没有尖叫也没有匆忙逃开
[50:11.68] 她只是在使她如此舒适这件事的好意上对Beast表示礼貌地感谢
[50:17.72] 他靠着她坐在桌子前,然后他们边吃边谈
[50:22.71] 她惊讶地发现他是一个多么有意思而好玩的伙伴
[50:27.60] 晚餐结束时,他转过身来对她说
[50:32.39] “带着孤独的忧伤,Beauty,你愿意嫁给我吗?”
[50:39.79] 可就算如同Beauty一样善良,在这件事上也只有一个答案
[50:45.10] “不,Beast,我永远也不会嫁给你的.”
[50:50.62] 在一阵沉寂中,他离开了
[50:53.95] 几个月过去了
[50:57.98] Beauty的日子充满了美好
[51:01.38] 可同时也充斥着孤独
[51:03.99] 于是,她开始越来越期待和Beast一起度过她的夜晚
[51:10.59] 她是多么的善良啊
[51:12.32] 他们在一起笑的多开心
[51:14.41] 他的谈吐是多么的风趣啊
[51:17.74] 但每天晚上他都问同样的问题
[51:20.58] “Beauty,你愿意嫁给我吗?”
[51:24.10] 只是他的声音似乎变得更悲哀和绝望当他每次都得到否定的答案的时候
[51:30.41] Beauty开始变得越来越了解他
[51:33.28] 所以她讨厌去伤害他
[51:35.73] 但是她的回答依旧和最初的一样
[51:39.27] “不,我的Beast先生,我永远都不可能嫁给你.”
[51:46.53] 随着时间流逝,Beauty开始思念她的家人
[51:51.39] 有一天,她问Beast他是否能回家看望一下家人
[51:55.40] Beast变得非常伤心难过
[51:58.72] 但是他还是给了她允诺
[52:00.56] “你必须保证一个月内回来,Beauty.”
[52:04.32] 他告诉她,带着一个陌生的笑容
[52:06.75] “要不然我就会随着一颗破碎的心死去.”
[52:11.18] Beauty承诺会做到的,并回到了家
[52:14.08] 他的家人还以为她早已死去多时
[52:16.54] 看到她后纷纷喜出望外
[52:18.83] 而她也在一个非常开心的情况下很兴奋的遇见了她的家人
[52:23.43] 而自从她离开了以后
[52:25.46] 她父亲的两条船安全回来了了,家里又变得富有了
[52:29.36] Beauty拥有了一次最棒的回家探望之旅
[52:32.90] 它是如此的忙碌和如此的换了以至于她从来没有想到过Beast
[52:38.11] 终于到了那天晚上,距离Beauty离开城堡的那天晚上刚好一个月
[52:42.17] 她做了一个梦
[52:44.67] 她梦见她看见了Beast了
[52:47.39] 他躺在城堡前面的喷泉旁
[52:50.90] 而他正在慢慢的死去
[52:53.25] 她听见了他的低语,“Beauty...”
[52:58.35] 而她也明白了他的心已经碎了
[53:01.41] 因为她没有遵守承诺回到他身边
[53:03.71] Beauty从梦中醒来,赶紧从床上下来,很快地穿上衣服
[53:07.86] “你要去哪儿?”她的姐妹们问道
[53:10.16] “我要回到我的野兽身边.”
[53:12.38] 几分钟后,她告别了她的父亲,骑上了她的马
[53:17.98] 骑马穿过黑暗的森林朝城堡走去
[53:22.13] 而她随即发现,这里就跟她的梦里一样潮湿而寒冷
[53:26.88] 在那里,Beast静静的躺在温泉旁边,一动不动
[53:33.31] “Beast!”她尖叫道
[53:35.40] 但是已经太迟了
[53:37.30] 他不会再发出回应了
[53:39.30] 她跑向他,把他沉重的毛绒绒的头抱在怀里
[53:46.00] 她看向他的脸
[53:48.16] 这张脸在她第一次看见他时
[53:51.03] 她还曾觉得这就是这世上最丑陋的脸了
[53:54.43] 但如今她能从这张脸上看到的
[53:57.13] 只有他的温柔他的宽容还有他对她强烈的爱意
[54:04.05] “Beast,”她禁不住哭了出来
[54:07.28] 她的眼泪落在了他的身上
[54:10.48] “Beast,你不能死”
[54:14.17] “你必须或者,活着,我们才可以结婚啊”
[54:18.39] “因为我爱你我想要和你永远在一起”
[54:24.52] 伴随着这些真挚的话语,Beast的眼睛竟然慢慢睁开了
[54:31.29] 即使还在哭泣,Beauty还是向前倾去亲吻他
[54:36.60] 而当她亲吻他的时候,一些奇妙的事情发生了
[54:42.70] 突然,Beast开始发生了变化
[54:47.12] 那具毛绒绒的身体消失了
[54:49.83] 而躺在Beauty怀里的,再也不是一个极其丑陋的怪物
[54:55.97] 而是一个光彩照人的帅气王子
[55:00.16] 王子凝视着Beauty的脸
[55:04.72] 这双眼睛里终于不再长久地包含着孤独和忧伤
[55:09.50] “谢谢你,我的Beauty,”他说道
[55:13.37] “你把我从可怕的魔咒中释放出来了”
[55:17.45] “不是我,”她低声说,“那是爱,它把我们俩都释放了”
[59:43.10] 刚才我在炉火前睡着了,我做了一个奇怪的梦
[59:50.04] 我发现自己身在一个美丽的花园里
[59:53.03] 在我见过的花园里没有一个像它这样美丽
[59:57.31] 我感觉我已经从我身体里离开了
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