It's Nasty Being a Toad

It's Nasty Being a Toad 歌词

歌曲 It's Nasty Being a Toad
歌手 Barbie
专辑 Magic of the Rainbow
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[00:10.37] Laverna:Ever end a conversation with a ribbit?
[00:14.57] Ever had to use a tongue to find a meal?
[00:18.83] Are you awoken by endless croakin' and new warts that keep on pokin' through?
[00:24.11] Then you may know just how I feel
[00:28.88] Who'd have thought I would've ended up a swamp queen
[00:33.53] From a little berry-eating episode
[00:37.74] Now I'm stuck in the stink and muck of a bug bog of goo and guck
[00:42.83] And you know, it's nasty being a toad
[00:47.51] Won't some sweet fairy come and save me from this fate?
[00:52.08] It only takes one certain spell
[00:56.82] Then I'll be free to be the me you love to hate
[01:02.12] We could have it all--if you help me I'll never tell
[01:06.63] It's humiliating sitting on a mushroom
[01:11.07] Tryin' to balance on a plus-sized derriere
[01:16.01] Tail that's snapping and skin that's chapping and two awkward flippers flapping
[01:20.95] And I've not a single thing to wear
[01:24.67] Won't some sweet fairy come and save me from this scene?
[01:30.17] You have my promise I'll behave
[01:34.65] Won't someone come and help a bug-eyed evil queen?
[01:39.32] This amphibian wants to shed her skin and be saved
[01:44.68] I recall the days when I was beautiful
[01:48.72] Turning heads and catching people's eyes
[01:53.43] Now instead the heads all turn away from me
[01:58.40] And the only thing I'm catching here are flies
[02:04.24] Fungi:See Laverna turn a shade of greenish yellow
[02:08.36] Laverna:A reflection of this awful atmosphere
[02:12.65] Fungi:Slimy slugs that bite, grimy bugs in flight
[02:16.21] Laverna:Why me?
[02:16.86] Fungi:She's lost her appetite
[02:17.93] Laverna:Somebody get me out of here
[02:22.50] Fungi:Won't some sweet fairy come and show Laverna love
[02:27.12] It only takes one tiny spell
[02:31.88] Then she'll be free to be the queen we're fearful of
[02:36.58] For her attitude, grumpy, mean and rude, quick to yell
[02:41.23] Laverna:FUNGUS!
[02:42.10] If I don't find a way to leave this stinky bog
[02:46.22] I'm pretty sure I will explode
[02:51.03] So let's all put our lumpy heads together now
[02:55.37] Come up with a plan, make it happen and hit the road!
[03:00.17] Then we'll visit everyone who sent us packing
[03:05.38] You can bet they're gonna get what they are owed
[03:09.84] They will pay for this metamorphosis--then we'll be back in business!
[03:15.56] Oh, it's nasty being a toad
[03:18.30] So nasty being a toad
[03:20.87] It's nasty being a toad
[00:10.37] 有因为过忍受不了癞蛤蟆呱呱呱而结束对话吗
[00:14.57] 用过舌头找饭吃吗
[00:18.83] 曾因为无休止的呱呱叫声和不断被戳破的疣包而惊醒吗
[00:24.11] 只有经历过你才可能知道我的感受
[00:28.88] 谁能想到我最后会成为沼泽女王
[00:33.53] 因为误食了个小浆果
[00:37.74] 现在我被困在臭气熏天的虫子沼泽里,到处都是粘液和粪便
[00:42.83] 你知道吗,做癞蛤蟆真的很讨厌
[00:47.51] 难道就没有善良的仙女来拯救我吗
[00:52.08] 只需要一个咒语
[00:56.82] 我就可以做回那个你们恨的陆维娜
[01:02.12] 我们将一起拥有一切 -- 如果你帮我,我永远不会说漏嘴
[01:06.63] 呆在蘑菇上很丢脸啊
[01:11.07] 得在一个大屁股上保持平衡
[01:16.01] 尾巴噼里啪啦,皮肤坑坑洼洼,还有两只笨拙的脚蹼
[01:20.95] 没有一件衣服可穿
[01:24.67] 难道没有可爱的仙女来救我吗
[01:30.17] 我向你保证,我会乖乖的
[01:34.65] 难道不会有人来帮帮我这个虫眼王后吗?
[01:39.32] 这只两栖动物想脱皮得救了
[01:44.68] 我想起了我以前还很漂亮的日子
[01:48.72] 转一转头就能抓住所有人的目光
[01:53.43] 现在,所有的人都对我敬而远之
[01:58.40] 我在这里只能引来苍蝇
[02:04.24] 陆维娜变成了个绿黄色的怪物
[02:08.36] 这糟透了的环境的反映罢了
[02:12.65] 还有会咬人的黏糊糊的蛞蝓,会飞的丑陋虫子
[02:16.21] 我何以沦落至此
[02:16.86] 她已经失去了所有胃口
[02:17.93] 求求谁来带我离开这里
[02:22.50] 难道没有可爱的仙女来向我展示一点善意吗
[02:27.12] 只需要一个小小的咒语
[02:31.88] 然后她就可以变回以前那个我们害怕的女王了
[02:36.58] 她以坏脾气出名,暴躁,刻薄,成天大吼大叫
[02:41.23] 死蘑菇!
[02:42.10] 如果我找不到离开这个臭沼泽的方法的话
[02:46.22] 我会爆炸的
[02:51.03] 所以我们一起想想办法吧
[02:55.37] 想出一个计划,实现它
[03:00.17] 然后我们再去看望所有送我们的人。
[03:05.38] 他们必将得到他们应得的报应
[03:09.84] 他们会为此付出代价... .然后我们又能回到从前!
[03:15.56] 哦,做癞蛤蟆真恶心
[03:18.30] 做癞蛤蟆真恶心
[03:20.87] 恶心
It's Nasty Being a Toad 歌词
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