Bold Jamie

Bold Jamie 歌词

歌曲 Bold Jamie
歌手 Cara Dillon
专辑 After The Morning
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[00:25.72] oh rise up my darling and come with me
[00:30.13] i want to go with you and leave this country
[00:35.44] to leave my fathers dwelling . his house and the land
[00:39.98] so away goes Jamie with his love in his arms
[00:44.99] they go over hills and the mountains and glens
[00:49.81] traveling all through the nifht in the mist in the rain
[00:54.64] But her father has followed and hs taken his men
[00:59.46] and he captured poor jamie with his love in his arms
[01:13.90] now home she was taken to her room she is bound
[01:18.94] while poor jamie lies on the cold stoney groud
[01:23.90] and he knows all the while beforethe judge he will stand
[01:28.37] for the stealing of nothing but his own true loves hand
[01:33.58] in the cold hard iron his hands they are bound
[01:37.86] handcuffed like a murderer and tied to the ground
[01:43.55] and the goler tells jamie last night i did hear
[01:48.43] that you lady will hang you or else set you clear
[02:14.40] The judge says "this young girl being tender in youth
[02:18.70] If Jamie is guilty she will tell the truth"
[02:23.26] Then the radiant beauty before him did stand
[02:27.79] "Oh I'm happy to see you my bold Irish lad"
[02:33.20] But the father cries out "Lord have pity on me
[02:38.02] For the man came to bring disgrace to my family
[02:42.94] And he stole my only daughter, all part of his plan
[02:48.19] And if you don't hang him I will quit the land"
[03:12.98] But the daughter is crying and begging is she
[03:17.83] "The fault isn't Jamie's the blame lies with me
[03:22.50] I forced him to leave and run away with me
[03:27.56] And I'll die if I can't save my bold Jamie"
[03:32.34] "Good Lord he has stole all her jewels and her rings
[03:37.26] Gold watches and amber, all my precious things
[03:42.26] And it costs me a fortune in thousands of pounds
[03:47.20] And I'll take the life of Jamie before I lie in the ground
[03:52.11] "Good Lord I gave them as a token of love
[03:57.03] An when we are parted I'll have them removed
[04:02.01] But a true lovers token wear on your right hand
[04:06.75] And think of me darling when you're in a foreign land"
[00:25.72] 哦,我的爱人,站起身,跟我走吧
[00:30.13] 我希望和你一起远走他乡
[00:35.44] 离开我父亲的住所,离开他的房子他的土地
[00:39.98] 然后吉米带着他的爱人离开了
[00:44.99] 他们翻越高山,穿过峡谷
[00:49.81] 在迷雾和细雨中昼夜兼程
[00:54.64] 但她的父亲带着人马赶了上来
[00:59.46] 他抓住了那个妄图带走他女儿的吉米
[01:13.90] 她被带回家,锁在她的房间里
[01:18.94] 可怜的吉米则躺在囚室冰冷的地面上
[01:23.90] 他知道,马上他就要去面对法官
[01:28.37] 只因他从她父亲那里偷走了她,他的挚爱
[01:33.58] 冰冷的枷锁禁锢着他的双手
[01:37.86] 他像一个杀人犯一样,被手铐束缚
[01:43.55] 狱卒告诉吉米:昨晚我真切地听到
[01:48.43] 你那位女士要么会看着你被绞死,要么帮你洗清罪名
[02:14.40] 法官说:这是位年轻而温柔的女孩
[02:18.70] 如果吉米的确有罪,她会说出真相
[02:23.26] 接着,这位光彩照人的美人站到了吉米的面前
[02:27.79] 哦,我勇敢的爱尔兰少年,见到你我真的太高兴了
[02:33.20] 但是她父亲发话了:上帝啊,可怜可怜我吧
[02:38.02] 这家伙将会给我的家族带来耻辱
[02:42.94] 他偷走了我唯一的女儿,这全是他的主意
[02:48.19] 如果你不同意绞死他,我就离开这片土地
[03:12.98] 但是他的女儿在哭泣,在祈求
[03:17.83] 这不是吉米的错,错全在我
[03:22.50] 我逼着他离开,和我一起远走高飞
[03:27.56] 如果我不能拯救我勇敢的吉米,我将和他一同死去
[03:32.34] 仁慈的上帝啊,他偷走了她所有的珠宝和戒指
[03:37.26] 金表、琥珀、所有价值连城的东西
[03:42.26] 他使我损失了万贯家财
[03:47.20] 在我入土之前,我一定会要了吉米的命!
[03:52.11] 仁慈的上帝啊,我是把它们当作爱的象征送给吉米的
[03:57.03] 在我们分别时送出的
[04:02.01] 但是真正的爱之象征,会戴在你的右手上
[04:06.75] 亲爱的,当你远在他乡时,不要忘记我
Bold Jamie 歌词
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