A Change of Seasons

A Change of Seasons 歌词

歌曲 A Change of Seasons
歌手 Dream Theater
专辑 Home For The Holidays Vol. 2
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[ti:a change of seasons]
[ar:dream theater]
[00:01.740] I remember a time
[04:31.50] 我记得有一段时间
[04:33.230] My frail,virgin mind
[04:34.440] 我那脆弱的,纯洁的心灵
[04:36.360] watched the crimson sunrise
[04:38.980] 看着绯红色的日出
[04:40.620] Imagined what it might find
[04:42.480] 想象会有什么新发现
[04:44.890] Life was filled with wonder
[04:45.600] 生命充满了惊奇
[04:48.940] I felt the warm wind blow
[04:50.140] 我感觉暖风吹来
[04:51.510] I must explore the boundaries
[04:54.130] 我一定要越过边界
[04:56.920] Transcend the depth of winter's snow
[04:58.400] 超越深厚的冬雪
[04:59.930] Innocence caressing me
[05:05.890] 我的天真无邪抚慰着我
[05:07.970] I never felt so young before
[05:08.240] 我从来没有感觉自己这么年轻
[05:11.630] There was so much life in me
[05:13.660] 我的人生是如此丰富
[05:15.680] Still I longed to search for more
[05:17.430] 我仍然渴望去继续追寻
[05:30.80] But those days are gone now
[05:31.60] 但那些日子都过去了
[05:33.590] Changed like a leaf on a tree
[05:34.850] 像树叶一样改变了
[05:37.150] Blown away forever
[05:38.20] 永远被吹入
[05:41.410] into the cool autumn breeze
[05:42.450] 秋天的微微凉风中
[05:44.200] The snow has now fallen
[05:46.230] 雪已经融化了
[05:48.800] and my sun's not so bright
[05:50.00] 我的阳光也不再那么明亮
[05:52.690] I struggle to hold on
[05:54.60] 我努力坚持下去
[05:56.90] with the last of my might
[05:57.230] 用我最后一丝力气
[06:16.110] In my den of inequity
[06:17.90] 在我扭曲的小世界里
[06:19.880] viciousness and subtlety
[06:20.430] 堕落和狡猾
[06:24.200] struggle to ease the pain
[06:25.410] 拼命减轻痛苦
[06:28.300] struggle to find the sane
[06:30.600] 拼命想弄清楚
[06:32.740] Ignorance surrounding me
[06:33.610] 无知包围着我
[06:37.760] I've never been so filled with fear
[06:39.190] 我从来没有这么害怕过
[06:42.410] All my life's been drained from me
[06:43.730] 我的人生逐渐使我枯竭衰弱
[06:47.770] The end is drawing near....
[06:48.760] 尽头已经来到.…
[06:59.210]III.Carpe Diem 06:54]
[07:05.280] 把握时光(拉丁文,seize the day 之意)
[07:11.570] 'Carpe diem,seize the day'
[07:14.30] '把握时光,把握时光'
[07:16.820] I'll always remember
[07:17.480] 我会永远记得
[07:22.980] The chill of November
[07:23.740] 十一月的寒冷
[07:28.720] The news of the fall
[07:30.30] 秋天的信息
[07:32.110] The sounds in the hall
[07:33.90] 厅堂中的声音
[07:35.280] The clock on the wall ticking away
[07:36.700] 墙上的时钟滴答地响
[07:40.690] 'Seize the Day'
[07:41.350] '把握时光'
[07:42.610] I heard him say
[07:43.270] 我听见他说
[07:45.340] Life will not always be this way
[07:46.440] 生命不会一直如此
[07:52.70] Look around
[07:52.450] 看看四周
[07:53.380] Hear the sounds
[07:54.970] 听那声音
[07:57.590] Cherish your life while you're still around
[08:00.600] 在你还活着的时候珍惜你的生命吧
[08:06.230] "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
[08:14.170] "趁玫瑰花蕊尚未枯萎前摘下它吧
[08:17.450] Old Time is still a-flying;
[08:18.600] 时光在飞逝
[08:27.410] And this same flower that smiles today,
[08:29.50] 这些今日芬芳的花朵
[08:30.590] Tomorrow will be dying."
[08:30.750] 明日就要凋落"
[08:31.630] We can learn from the past
[08:32.390] 我们可以从过去中学习
[08:34.200] But those days are gone
[08:34.740] 但那些日子都过去了
[08:35.940] We can hope for the future
[08:36.220] 我们可以期待未来
[08:37.860] But there might not be one
[08:39.340] 但不是确定的
[08:47.320] The words stuck in my mind
[08:48.740] 这几个字深藏在我心中
[08:52.900] alive from what I've learned
[08:53.830] 给我的印象一直非常清晰
[08:57.770] I have to seize the day
[08:59.740] 我必须把握时光
[09:01.490] To home I returned
[09:03.690] 回到家中
[09:28.305] Preparing for her flight
[09:29.15] 她准备去搭飞机
[09:30.275] I held with all my might
[09:31.695] 我用我所有力气
[09:33.395] Fearing my deepest fright
[09:34.105] 感觉我最深沉的恐惧
[09:35.855] She walked into the night
[09:36.735] 她走向黑夜之中
[09:38.265] She turned for one last look
[09:39.355] 她回头看最后一眼
[09:41.215] She looked me in the eye
[09:42.305] 她看着我
[09:43.235] I said,'I Love You...Good-bye'
[09:48.624] 我说,'我爱你...再见了'
[09:55.564] "It's the most awful thing you'll ever hear."
[09:56.824] "这是你听过最可怕的事"
[09:58.244] "If you're lying to me..."
[09:58.514] "如果你骗我..."
[09:58.844] "Oh,you dearly love her."
[09:59.64] "噢,你真的很爱她"
[10:00.324] "...just have to leave...all our lives."
[10:00.654] "...一定得离开...我们的生命"
[10:02.74] "Seize the day!"
[10:02.184] "把握时光!"
[10:03.824] "Something happened."
[10:03.874] "有事发生了"
[10:04.424] "Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."
[10:05.184] "趁玫瑰花蕊尚未枯萎前摘下它吧"
[10:06.994] "She was killed."
[10:07.484] "她死了"
[10:08.524]IV.The Darkest of Winters 10:08]
[10:11.364] 最阴暗的冬日
[10:12.844] (Instrumental)演奏曲
[10:13.64]V.Another World 13:01]
[10:13.504] 另一个世界
[13:28.692] So far or so it seems
[13:29.952] 看样子,似乎
[13:34.442] All is lost with nothing fulfilled
[13:35.812] 一切都消逝了,什么也没有
[13:38.492] Off the pages and the T.V.screen
[13:44.992] 报纸和电视屏幕之内
[13:47.232] Another world where nothing's true
[13:52.712] 所有一切都不真实的另一个世界
[13:54.902] Tripping through the life fantastic
[13:58.562] 被生命的无常绊倒
[14:00.42] Lose a step and never get up
[14:04.642] 一撅不振
[14:05.622] Left alone with a cold blank stare
[14:11.32] 只剩下冰冷的茫然眼神
[14:15.302] I feel like giving up
[14:16.502] 我想要放弃了
[14:21.202] I was blinded by a paradise
[14:23.502] 我曾经被一个虚幻的乐园所蒙蔽
[14:25.912] Utopia high in the sky
[14:32.262] 高处幻想中的国度
[14:34.282] A dream that only drowned me
[14:37.672] 一个只会让我沉沦的梦
[14:40.412] Deep in sorrow,wondering why
[14:43.412] 不明原因沉痛的悲伤
[14:47.192] Oh come let us adore him
[14:49.102] 噢,让我们热爱他吧
[14:53.702] Abuse and then ignore him
[14:56.62] 滥用他,然后忽视他
[14:59.632] No matter what,don't let him be
[15:02.153] 无论如何,别让他如此
[15:03.953] Let's feed upon his misery
[15:04.833] 让我们抚慰他的悲伤
[15:08.113] Then string him up for all the world to see
[15:10.633] 然后将他悬挂,让全世界都看得见
[15:13.93] I'm sick of all you hypocrites
[15:14.23] 我受够你们这些伪君子
[15:16.263] holding me at bay
[15:16.923] 让我穷途末路
[15:18.123] And I don't need your sympathy
[15:20.633] 我不需要你们的同情
[15:22.553] to get me through the day
[15:23.643] 来过日子
[15:24.633] Seasons change and so can I
[15:27.853] 季节会变,我也同样可以
[15:29.493] Hold on Boy,No time to cry
[15:30.753] 撑下去,没有时间哭泣了
[15:32.283] Untie these strings,I'm climbing down
[15:34.43] 咬紧牙关,我要走下去
[15:37.53] I won't let them push me away
[15:38.253] 我不会让他们击倒我
[16:32.353] Oh come let us adore him
[16:33.823] 噢,让我们热爱他吧
[16:39.293] Abuse and then ignore him
[16:39.953] 滥用他,然后忽视他
[16:43.723] No matter what,don't let him be
[16:45.853] 无论如何,别让他如此
[16:47.333] Let's feed upon his misery
[16:48.533] 让我们抚慰他的悲伤
[16:52.353] Now it's time for them to deal with me
[16:54.213] 现在是他们对付我的时候了
[16:57.663]VI.The Inevitable Summer 16:59]
[17:00.613] 一成不变的夏天
[17:02.33] (Instrumental)演奏曲
[17:03.563]VII.The Crimson Sunset 20:12]
[17:05.103] 绯红色的落日
[20:36.849] I'm much wiser now
[20:37.559] 我现在聪明多了
[20:39.39] A lifetime of memories
[20:39.529] 一生的回忆
[20:41.939] run through my head
[20:42.649] 在我脑海中穿梭
[20:44.519] They taught me how
[20:45.339] 他们教我该怎么做
[20:46.649] for better or worse,alive or dead
[20:49.59] 或好或坏,或生或死
[20:50.859] I realize there's no turning back
[20:53.699] 我知道没有回头路
[20:56.109] Life goes on the offbeaten track
[20:57.479] 生命奔走在不合常规的轨道上
[21:19.679] I sit down with my son
[21:21.429] 我和儿子坐下来
[21:22.579] Set to see the Crimson Sunset
[21:23.559] 看着绯红色的日落
[21:26.849] (Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)
[21:27.829] (趁玫瑰花蕊尚未枯萎前摘下它吧)
[21:30.669] Many years have come and gone
[21:31.989] 岁月来来去去
[21:33.239] I've lived my life,but now must move on
[21:35.649] 我走过了我的一生,但现在该继续下去
[21:38.269] (Gather ye rosebuds while ye may)
[21:39.319] (趁玫瑰花蕊尚未枯萎前摘下它吧)
[21:41.449] He's my only one
[21:42.809] 他是我的唯一
[21:44.619] Now that my time has come
[21:45.709] 我的时刻已经来到
[21:47.189] Now that my life is done
[21:48.499] 我的一生就要落幕
[21:50.519] We look into the sun
[21:51.559] 我们看着落日
[21:53.419] 'Seize the day and don't you cry,
[21:55.499] '把握时光,不要哭泣
[21:57.419] Now it's time to say good-bye
[21:57.959] 现在是说再见的时候了
[21:59.929] Even though I'll be gone,
[22:00.639] 即使我已不在
[22:01.949] I will live on,live on.'
[22:04.419] 我的生命仍将继续下去,继续下去'
ti: a change of seasons
ar: dream theater
[00:01.740] I remember a time
[04:31.50] wo ji de you yi duan shi jian
[04:33.230] My frail, virgin mind
[04:34.440] wo na cui ruo de, chun jie de xin ling
[04:36.360] watched the crimson sunrise
[04:38.980] kan zhe fei hong se de ri chu
[04:40.620] Imagined what it might find
[04:42.480] xiang xiang hui you shen me xin fa xian
[04:44.890] Life was filled with wonder
[04:45.600] sheng ming chong man le jing qi
[04:48.940] I felt the warm wind blow
[04:50.140] wo gan jue nuan feng chui lai
[04:51.510] I must explore the boundaries
[04:54.130] wo yi ding yao yue guo bian jie
[04:56.920] Transcend the depth of winter' s snow
[04:58.400] chao yue shen hou de dong xue
[04:59.930] Innocence caressing me
[05:05.890] wo de tian zhen wu xie fu wei zhe wo
[05:07.970] I never felt so young before
[05:08.240] wo cong lai mei you gan jue zi ji zhe me nian qing
[05:11.630] There was so much life in me
[05:13.660] wo de ren sheng shi ru ci feng fu
[05:15.680] Still I longed to search for more
[05:17.430] wo reng ran ke wang qu ji xu zhui xun
[05:30.80] But those days are gone now
[05:31.60] dan nei xie ri zi dou guo qu le
[05:33.590] Changed like a leaf on a tree
[05:34.850] xiang shu ye yi yang gai bian le
[05:37.150] Blown away forever
[05:38.20] yong yuan bei chui ru
[05:41.410] into the cool autumn breeze
[05:42.450] qiu tian de wei wei liang feng zhong
[05:44.200] The snow has now fallen
[05:46.230] xue yi jing rong hua le
[05:48.800] and my sun' s not so bright
[05:50.00] wo de yang guang ye bu zai na me ming liang
[05:52.690] I struggle to hold on
[05:54.60] wo nu li jian chi xia qu
[05:56.90] with the last of my might
[05:57.230] yong wo zui hou yi si li qi
[06:16.110] In my den of inequity
[06:17.90] zai wo niu qu de xiao shi jie li
[06:19.880] viciousness and subtlety
[06:20.430] duo luo he jiao hua
[06:24.200] struggle to ease the pain
[06:25.410] pin ming jian qing tong ku
[06:28.300] struggle to find the sane
[06:30.600] pin ming xiang nong qing chu
[06:32.740] Ignorance surrounding me
[06:33.610] wu zhi bao wei zhe wo
[06:37.760] I' ve never been so filled with fear
[06:39.190] wo cong lai mei you zhe me hai pa guo
[06:42.410] All my life' s been drained from me
[06:43.730] wo de ren sheng zhu jian shi wo ku jie shuai ruo
[06:47.770] The end is drawing near....
[06:48.760] jin tou yi jing lai dao.
[06:59.210]III.Carpe Diem 06:54]
[07:05.280] ba wo shi guang la ding wen, seize the day zhi yi
[07:11.570] ' Carpe diem, seize the day'
[07:14.30] ' ba wo shi guang, ba wo shi guang'
[07:16.820] I' ll always remember
[07:17.480] wo hui yong yuan ji de
[07:22.980] The chill of November
[07:23.740] shi yi yue de han leng
[07:28.720] The news of the fall
[07:30.30] qiu tian de xin xi
[07:32.110] The sounds in the hall
[07:33.90] ting tang zhong de sheng yin
[07:35.280] The clock on the wall ticking away
[07:36.700] qiang shang de shi zhong di da di xiang
[07:40.690] ' Seize the Day'
[07:41.350] ' ba wo shi guang'
[07:42.610] I heard him say
[07:43.270] wo ting jian ta shuo
[07:45.340] Life will not always be this way
[07:46.440] sheng ming bu hui yi zhi ru ci
[07:52.70] Look around
[07:52.450] kan kan si zhou
[07:53.380] Hear the sounds
[07:54.970] ting na sheng yin
[07:57.590] Cherish your life while you' re still around
[08:00.600] zai ni hai huo zhe de shi hou zhen xi ni de sheng ming ba
[08:06.230] " Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
[08:14.170] " chen mei gui hua rui shang wei ku wei qian zhai xia ta ba
[08:17.450] Old Time is still aflying
[08:18.600] shi guang zai fei shi
[08:27.410] And this same flower that smiles today,
[08:29.50] zhei xie jin ri fen fang de hua duo
[08:30.590] Tomorrow will be dying."
[08:30.750] ming ri jiu yao diao luo"
[08:31.630] We can learn from the past
[08:32.390] wo men ke yi cong guo qu zhong xue xi
[08:34.200] But those days are gone
[08:34.740] dan nei xie ri zi dou guo qu le
[08:35.940] We can hope for the future
[08:36.220] wo men ke yi qi dai wei lai
[08:37.860] But there might not be one
[08:39.340] dan bu shi que ding de
[08:47.320] The words stuck in my mind
[08:48.740] zhe ji ge zi shen cang zai wo xin zhong
[08:52.900] alive from what I' ve learned
[08:53.830] gei wo de yin xiang yi zhi fei chang qing xi
[08:57.770] I have to seize the day
[08:59.740] wo bi xu ba wo shi guang
[09:01.490] To home I returned
[09:03.690] hui dao jia zhong
[09:28.305] Preparing for her flight
[09:29.15] ta zhun bei qu da fei ji
[09:30.275] I held with all my might
[09:31.695] wo yong wo suo you li qi
[09:33.395] Fearing my deepest fright
[09:34.105] gan jue wo zui shen chen de kong ju
[09:35.855] She walked into the night
[09:36.735] ta zou xiang hei ye zhi zhong
[09:38.265] She turned for one last look
[09:39.355] ta hui tou kan zui hou yi yan
[09:41.215] She looked me in the eye
[09:42.305] ta kan zhe wo
[09:43.235] I said,' I Love You... Goodbye'
[09:48.624] wo shuo,' wo ai ni... zai jian le'
[09:55.564] " It' s the most awful thing you' ll ever hear."
[09:56.824] " zhe shi ni ting guo zui ke pa de shi"
[09:58.244] " If you' re lying to me..."
[09:58.514] " ru guo ni pian wo..."
[09:58.844] " Oh, you dearly love her."
[09:59.64] " o, ni zhen de hen ai ta"
[10:00.324] "... just have to leave... all our lives."
[10:00.654] "... yi ding de li kai... wo men de sheng ming"
[10:02.74] " Seize the day!"
[10:02.184] " ba wo shi guang!"
[10:03.824] " Something happened."
[10:03.874] " you shi fa sheng le"
[10:04.424] " Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."
[10:05.184] " chen mei gui hua rui shang wei ku wei qian zhai xia ta ba"
[10:06.994] " She was killed."
[10:07.484] " ta si le"
[10:08.524]IV.The Darkest of Winters 10:08]
[10:11.364] zui yin an de dong ri
[10:12.844] Instrumental yan zou qu
[10:13.64]V.Another World 13:01]
[10:13.504] ling yi ge shi jie
[13:28.692] So far or so it seems
[13:29.952] kan yang zi, si hu
[13:34.442] All is lost with nothing fulfilled
[13:35.812] yi qie dou xiao shi le, shen me ye mei you
[13:38.492] Off the pages and the T. V. screen
[13:44.992] bao zhi he dian shi ping mu zhi nei
[13:47.232] Another world where nothing' s true
[13:52.712] suo you yi qie dou bu zhen shi de ling yi ge shi jie
[13:54.902] Tripping through the life fantastic
[13:58.562] bei sheng ming de wu chang ban dao
[14:00.42] Lose a step and never get up
[14:04.642] yi jue bu zhen
[14:05.622] Left alone with a cold blank stare
[14:11.32] zhi sheng xia bing leng de mang ran yan shen
[14:15.302] I feel like giving up
[14:16.502] wo xiang yao fang qi le
[14:21.202] I was blinded by a paradise
[14:23.502] wo ceng jing bei yi ge xu huan de le yuan suo meng bi
[14:25.912] Utopia high in the sky
[14:32.262] gao chu huan xiang zhong de guo du
[14:34.282] A dream that only drowned me
[14:37.672] yi ge zhi hui rang wo chen lun de meng
[14:40.412] Deep in sorrow, wondering why
[14:43.412] bu ming yuan yin chen tong de bei shang
[14:47.192] Oh come let us adore him
[14:49.102] o, rang wo men re ai ta ba
[14:53.702] Abuse and then ignore him
[14:56.62] lan yong ta, ran hou hu shi ta
[14:59.632] No matter what, don' t let him be
[15:02.153] wu lun ru he, bie rang ta ru ci
[15:03.953] Let' s feed upon his misery
[15:04.833] rang wo men fu wei ta de bei shang
[15:08.113] Then string him up for all the world to see
[15:10.633] ran hou jiang ta xuan gua, rang quan shi jie dou kan de jian
[15:13.93] I' m sick of all you hypocrites
[15:14.23] wo shou gou ni men zhei xie wei jun zi
[15:16.263] holding me at bay
[15:16.923] rang wo qiong tu mo lu
[15:18.123] And I don' t need your sympathy
[15:20.633] wo bu xu yao ni men de tong qing
[15:22.553] to get me through the day
[15:23.643] lai guo ri zi
[15:24.633] Seasons change and so can I
[15:27.853] ji jie hui bian, wo ye tong yang ke yi
[15:29.493] Hold on Boy, No time to cry
[15:30.753] cheng xia qu, mei you shi jian ku qi le
[15:32.283] Untie these strings, I' m climbing down
[15:34.43] yao jin ya guan, wo yao zou xia qu
[15:37.53] I won' t let them push me away
[15:38.253] wo bu hui rang ta men ji dao wo
[16:32.353] Oh come let us adore him
[16:33.823] o, rang wo men re ai ta ba
[16:39.293] Abuse and then ignore him
[16:39.953] lan yong ta, ran hou hu shi ta
[16:43.723] No matter what, don' t let him be
[16:45.853] wu lun ru he, bie rang ta ru ci
[16:47.333] Let' s feed upon his misery
[16:48.533] rang wo men fu wei ta de bei shang
[16:52.353] Now it' s time for them to deal with me
[16:54.213] xian zai shi ta men dui fu wo de shi hou le
[16:57.663]VI.The Inevitable Summer 16:59]
[17:00.613] yi cheng bu bian de xia tian
[17:02.33] Instrumental yan zou qu
[17:03.563]VII.The Crimson Sunset 20:12]
[17:05.103] fei hong se de luo ri
[20:36.849] I' m much wiser now
[20:37.559] wo xian zai cong ming duo le
[20:39.39] A lifetime of memories
[20:39.529] yi sheng de hui yi
[20:41.939] run through my head
[20:42.649] zai wo nao hai zhong chuan suo
[20:44.519] They taught me how
[20:45.339] ta men jiao wo gai zen me zuo
[20:46.649] for better or worse, alive or dead
[20:49.59] huo hao huo huai, huo sheng huo si
[20:50.859] I realize there' s no turning back
[20:53.699] wo zhi dao mei you hui tou lu
[20:56.109] Life goes on the offbeaten track
[20:57.479] sheng ming ben zou zai bu he chang gui de gui dao shang
[21:19.679] I sit down with my son
[21:21.429] wo he er zi zuo xia lai
[21:22.579] Set to see the Crimson Sunset
[21:23.559] kan zhe fei hong se de ri luo
[21:26.849] Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
[21:27.829] chen mei gui hua rui shang wei ku wei qian zhai xia ta ba
[21:30.669] Many years have come and gone
[21:31.989] sui yue lai lai qu qu
[21:33.239] I' ve lived my life, but now must move on
[21:35.649] wo zou guo le wo de yi sheng, dan xian zai gai ji xu xia qu
[21:38.269] Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
[21:39.319] chen mei gui hua rui shang wei ku wei qian zhai xia ta ba
[21:41.449] He' s my only one
[21:42.809] ta shi wo de wei yi
[21:44.619] Now that my time has come
[21:45.709] wo de shi ke yi jing lai dao
[21:47.189] Now that my life is done
[21:48.499] wo de yi sheng jiu yao luo mu
[21:50.519] We look into the sun
[21:51.559] wo men kan zhuo luo ri
[21:53.419] ' Seize the day and don' t you cry,
[21:55.499] ' ba wo shi guang, bu yao ku qi
[21:57.419] Now it' s time to say goodbye
[21:57.959] xian zai shi shuo zai jian de shi hou le
[21:59.929] Even though I' ll be gone,
[22:00.639] ji shi wo yi bu zai
[22:01.949] I will live on, live on.'
[22:04.419] wo de sheng ming reng jiang ji xu xia qu, ji xu xia qu'
ti: a change of seasons
ar: dream theater
[00:01.740] I remember a time
[04:31.50] wǒ jì de yǒu yī duàn shí jiān
[04:33.230] My frail, virgin mind
[04:34.440] wǒ nà cuì ruò de, chún jié de xīn líng
[04:36.360] watched the crimson sunrise
[04:38.980] kàn zhe fēi hóng sè de rì chū
[04:40.620] Imagined what it might find
[04:42.480] xiǎng xiàng huì yǒu shén me xīn fā xiàn
[04:44.890] Life was filled with wonder
[04:45.600] shēng mìng chōng mǎn le jīng qí
[04:48.940] I felt the warm wind blow
[04:50.140] wǒ gǎn jué nuǎn fēng chuī lái
[04:51.510] I must explore the boundaries
[04:54.130] wǒ yí dìng yào yuè guò biān jiè
[04:56.920] Transcend the depth of winter' s snow
[04:58.400] chāo yuè shēn hòu de dōng xuě
[04:59.930] Innocence caressing me
[05:05.890] wǒ de tiān zhēn wú xié fǔ wèi zhe wǒ
[05:07.970] I never felt so young before
[05:08.240] wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu gǎn jué zì jǐ zhè me nián qīng
[05:11.630] There was so much life in me
[05:13.660] wǒ de rén shēng shì rú cǐ fēng fù
[05:15.680] Still I longed to search for more
[05:17.430] wǒ réng rán kě wàng qù jì xù zhuī xún
[05:30.80] But those days are gone now
[05:31.60] dàn nèi xiē rì zǐ dōu guò qù le
[05:33.590] Changed like a leaf on a tree
[05:34.850] xiàng shù yè yí yàng gǎi biàn le
[05:37.150] Blown away forever
[05:38.20] yǒng yuǎn bèi chuī rù
[05:41.410] into the cool autumn breeze
[05:42.450] qiū tiān de wēi wēi liáng fēng zhōng
[05:44.200] The snow has now fallen
[05:46.230] xuě yǐ jīng róng huà le
[05:48.800] and my sun' s not so bright
[05:50.00] wǒ de yáng guāng yě bù zài nà me míng liàng
[05:52.690] I struggle to hold on
[05:54.60] wǒ nǔ lì jiān chí xià qù
[05:56.90] with the last of my might
[05:57.230] yòng wǒ zuì hòu yī sī lì qì
[06:16.110] In my den of inequity
[06:17.90] zài wǒ niǔ qū de xiǎo shì jiè lǐ
[06:19.880] viciousness and subtlety
[06:20.430] duò luò hé jiǎo huá
[06:24.200] struggle to ease the pain
[06:25.410] pīn mìng jiǎn qīng tòng kǔ
[06:28.300] struggle to find the sane
[06:30.600] pīn mìng xiǎng nòng qīng chǔ
[06:32.740] Ignorance surrounding me
[06:33.610] wú zhī bāo wéi zhe wǒ
[06:37.760] I' ve never been so filled with fear
[06:39.190] wǒ cóng lái méi yǒu zhè me hài pà guò
[06:42.410] All my life' s been drained from me
[06:43.730] wǒ de rén shēng zhú jiàn shǐ wǒ kū jié shuāi ruò
[06:47.770] The end is drawing near....
[06:48.760] jìn tóu yǐ jīng lái dào.
[06:59.210]III.Carpe Diem 06:54]
[07:05.280] bǎ wò shí guāng lā dīng wén, seize the day zhī yì
[07:11.570] ' Carpe diem, seize the day'
[07:14.30] ' bǎ wò shí guāng, bǎ wò shí guāng'
[07:16.820] I' ll always remember
[07:17.480] wǒ huì yǒng yuǎn jì de
[07:22.980] The chill of November
[07:23.740] shí yī yuè de hán lěng
[07:28.720] The news of the fall
[07:30.30] qiū tiān de xìn xī
[07:32.110] The sounds in the hall
[07:33.90] tīng táng zhōng de shēng yīn
[07:35.280] The clock on the wall ticking away
[07:36.700] qiáng shàng de shí zhōng dī dá dì xiǎng
[07:40.690] ' Seize the Day'
[07:41.350] ' bǎ wò shí guāng'
[07:42.610] I heard him say
[07:43.270] wǒ tīng jiàn tā shuō
[07:45.340] Life will not always be this way
[07:46.440] shēng mìng bú huì yī zhí rú cǐ
[07:52.70] Look around
[07:52.450] kàn kàn sì zhōu
[07:53.380] Hear the sounds
[07:54.970] tīng nà shēng yīn
[07:57.590] Cherish your life while you' re still around
[08:00.600] zài nǐ hái huó zhe de shí hòu zhēn xī nǐ de shēng mìng ba
[08:06.230] " Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
[08:14.170] " chèn méi guī huā ruǐ shàng wèi kū wěi qián zhāi xià tā ba
[08:17.450] Old Time is still aflying
[08:18.600] shí guāng zài fēi shì
[08:27.410] And this same flower that smiles today,
[08:29.50] zhèi xiē jīn rì fēn fāng de huā duǒ
[08:30.590] Tomorrow will be dying."
[08:30.750] míng rì jiù yào diāo luò"
[08:31.630] We can learn from the past
[08:32.390] wǒ men kě yǐ cóng guò qù zhōng xué xí
[08:34.200] But those days are gone
[08:34.740] dàn nèi xiē rì zǐ dōu guò qù le
[08:35.940] We can hope for the future
[08:36.220] wǒ men kě yǐ qī dài wèi lái
[08:37.860] But there might not be one
[08:39.340] dàn bú shì què dìng de
[08:47.320] The words stuck in my mind
[08:48.740] zhè jǐ gè zì shēn cáng zài wǒ xīn zhōng
[08:52.900] alive from what I' ve learned
[08:53.830] gěi wǒ de yìn xiàng yī zhí fēi cháng qīng xī
[08:57.770] I have to seize the day
[08:59.740] wǒ bì xū bǎ wò shí guāng
[09:01.490] To home I returned
[09:03.690] huí dào jiā zhōng
[09:28.305] Preparing for her flight
[09:29.15] tā zhǔn bèi qù dā fēi jī
[09:30.275] I held with all my might
[09:31.695] wǒ yòng wǒ suǒ yǒu lì qì
[09:33.395] Fearing my deepest fright
[09:34.105] gǎn jué wǒ zuì shēn chén de kǒng jù
[09:35.855] She walked into the night
[09:36.735] tā zǒu xiàng hēi yè zhī zhōng
[09:38.265] She turned for one last look
[09:39.355] tā huí tóu kàn zuì hòu yī yǎn
[09:41.215] She looked me in the eye
[09:42.305] tā kàn zhe wǒ
[09:43.235] I said,' I Love You... Goodbye'
[09:48.624] wǒ shuō,' wǒ ài nǐ... zài jiàn le'
[09:55.564] " It' s the most awful thing you' ll ever hear."
[09:56.824] " zhè shì nǐ tīng guò zuì kě pà de shì"
[09:58.244] " If you' re lying to me..."
[09:58.514] " rú guǒ nǐ piàn wǒ..."
[09:58.844] " Oh, you dearly love her."
[09:59.64] " ō, nǐ zhēn de hěn ài tā"
[10:00.324] "... just have to leave... all our lives."
[10:00.654] "... yí dìng dé lí kāi... wǒ men de shēng mìng"
[10:02.74] " Seize the day!"
[10:02.184] " bǎ wò shí guāng!"
[10:03.824] " Something happened."
[10:03.874] " yǒu shì fā shēng le"
[10:04.424] " Gather ye rosebuds while ye may."
[10:05.184] " chèn méi guī huā ruǐ shàng wèi kū wěi qián zhāi xià tā ba"
[10:06.994] " She was killed."
[10:07.484] " tā sǐ le"
[10:08.524]IV.The Darkest of Winters 10:08]
[10:11.364] zuì yīn àn de dōng rì
[10:12.844] Instrumental yǎn zòu qū
[10:13.64]V.Another World 13:01]
[10:13.504] lìng yí gè shì jiè
[13:28.692] So far or so it seems
[13:29.952] kàn yàng zi, sì hū
[13:34.442] All is lost with nothing fulfilled
[13:35.812] yī qiè dōu xiāo shì le, shén me yě méi yǒu
[13:38.492] Off the pages and the T. V. screen
[13:44.992] bào zhǐ hé diàn shì píng mù zhī nèi
[13:47.232] Another world where nothing' s true
[13:52.712] suǒ yǒu yī qiè dōu bù zhēn shí de lìng yí gè shì jiè
[13:54.902] Tripping through the life fantastic
[13:58.562] bèi shēng mìng de wú cháng bàn dǎo
[14:00.42] Lose a step and never get up
[14:04.642] yī juē bù zhèn
[14:05.622] Left alone with a cold blank stare
[14:11.32] zhǐ shèng xià bīng lěng de máng rán yǎn shén
[14:15.302] I feel like giving up
[14:16.502] wǒ xiǎng yào fàng qì le
[14:21.202] I was blinded by a paradise
[14:23.502] wǒ céng jīng bèi yí gè xū huàn de lè yuán suǒ méng bì
[14:25.912] Utopia high in the sky
[14:32.262] gāo chù huàn xiǎng zhōng de guó dù
[14:34.282] A dream that only drowned me
[14:37.672] yí gè zhǐ huì ràng wǒ chén lún de mèng
[14:40.412] Deep in sorrow, wondering why
[14:43.412] bù míng yuán yīn chén tòng de bēi shāng
[14:47.192] Oh come let us adore him
[14:49.102] ō, ràng wǒ men rè ài tā ba
[14:53.702] Abuse and then ignore him
[14:56.62] làn yòng tā, rán hòu hū shì tā
[14:59.632] No matter what, don' t let him be
[15:02.153] wú lùn rú hé, bié ràng tā rú cǐ
[15:03.953] Let' s feed upon his misery
[15:04.833] ràng wǒ men fǔ wèi tā de bēi shāng
[15:08.113] Then string him up for all the world to see
[15:10.633] rán hòu jiāng tā xuán guà, ràng quán shì jiè dōu kàn de jiàn
[15:13.93] I' m sick of all you hypocrites
[15:14.23] wǒ shòu gòu nǐ men zhèi xiē wěi jūn zǐ
[15:16.263] holding me at bay
[15:16.923] ràng wǒ qióng tú mò lù
[15:18.123] And I don' t need your sympathy
[15:20.633] wǒ bù xū yào nǐ men de tóng qíng
[15:22.553] to get me through the day
[15:23.643] lái guò rì zi
[15:24.633] Seasons change and so can I
[15:27.853] jì jié huì biàn, wǒ yě tóng yàng kě yǐ
[15:29.493] Hold on Boy, No time to cry
[15:30.753] chēng xià qù, méi yǒu shí jiān kū qì le
[15:32.283] Untie these strings, I' m climbing down
[15:34.43] yǎo jǐn yá guān, wǒ yào zǒu xià qù
[15:37.53] I won' t let them push me away
[15:38.253] wǒ bú huì ràng tā men jī dǎo wǒ
[16:32.353] Oh come let us adore him
[16:33.823] ō, ràng wǒ men rè ài tā ba
[16:39.293] Abuse and then ignore him
[16:39.953] làn yòng tā, rán hòu hū shì tā
[16:43.723] No matter what, don' t let him be
[16:45.853] wú lùn rú hé, bié ràng tā rú cǐ
[16:47.333] Let' s feed upon his misery
[16:48.533] ràng wǒ men fǔ wèi tā de bēi shāng
[16:52.353] Now it' s time for them to deal with me
[16:54.213] xiàn zài shì tā men duì fù wǒ de shí hòu le
[16:57.663]VI.The Inevitable Summer 16:59]
[17:00.613] yī chéng bù biàn de xià tiān
[17:02.33] Instrumental yǎn zòu qū
[17:03.563]VII.The Crimson Sunset 20:12]
[17:05.103] fēi hóng sè de luò rì
[20:36.849] I' m much wiser now
[20:37.559] wǒ xiàn zài cōng míng duō le
[20:39.39] A lifetime of memories
[20:39.529] yī shēng de huí yì
[20:41.939] run through my head
[20:42.649] zài wǒ nǎo hǎi zhōng chuān suō
[20:44.519] They taught me how
[20:45.339] tā men jiào wǒ gāi zěn me zuò
[20:46.649] for better or worse, alive or dead
[20:49.59] huò hǎo huò huài, huò shēng huò sǐ
[20:50.859] I realize there' s no turning back
[20:53.699] wǒ zhī dào méi yǒu huí tóu lù
[20:56.109] Life goes on the offbeaten track
[20:57.479] shēng mìng bēn zǒu zài bù hé cháng guī de guǐ dào shàng
[21:19.679] I sit down with my son
[21:21.429] wǒ hé ér zi zuò xià lái
[21:22.579] Set to see the Crimson Sunset
[21:23.559] kàn zhe fēi hóng sè de rì luò
[21:26.849] Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
[21:27.829] chèn méi guī huā ruǐ shàng wèi kū wěi qián zhāi xià tā ba
[21:30.669] Many years have come and gone
[21:31.989] suì yuè lái lái qù qù
[21:33.239] I' ve lived my life, but now must move on
[21:35.649] wǒ zǒu guò le wǒ de yī shēng, dàn xiàn zài gāi jì xù xià qù
[21:38.269] Gather ye rosebuds while ye may
[21:39.319] chèn méi guī huā ruǐ shàng wèi kū wěi qián zhāi xià tā ba
[21:41.449] He' s my only one
[21:42.809] tā shì wǒ de wéi yī
[21:44.619] Now that my time has come
[21:45.709] wǒ de shí kè yǐ jīng lái dào
[21:47.189] Now that my life is done
[21:48.499] wǒ de yī shēng jiù yào luò mù
[21:50.519] We look into the sun
[21:51.559] wǒ men kàn zhuó luò rì
[21:53.419] ' Seize the day and don' t you cry,
[21:55.499] ' bǎ wò shí guāng, bú yào kū qì
[21:57.419] Now it' s time to say goodbye
[21:57.959] xiàn zài shì shuō zài jiàn de shí hòu le
[21:59.929] Even though I' ll be gone,
[22:00.639] jí shǐ wǒ yǐ bù zài
[22:01.949] I will live on, live on.'
[22:04.419] wǒ de shēng mìng réng jiāng jì xù xià qù, jì xù xià qù'
A Change of Seasons 歌词
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