Der dahoam z'schad is (The one that's too good to sing at home)
The Melbourne Yodel Trio
Austria Down Under
Bist du nit ba mir (When you are not with me)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
Gruber Lipperl Walzer (Waltz named after Gruber Lipperl)
The Stubenmusik Ensemble
Austria Down Under
Das Waldg'schroa (Yodel in the forest)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
Jodler aus Alberschwende (Yodel from Alberschwende)
The Male Quartet
Austria Down Under
A kloanvadrahts Vogei (A deceitful little bird)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
Wia schon draht si de Glocknkuah (How beautiful the cow with the bell)
The Melbourne Yodel Trio & Harp Trio
Austria Down Under
Gruass Euch Gott, es liabn Leut! (Be greeted dear people)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
D'Brunalla (The name of a flower)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
Von meinen Bergen muss ich scheiden (Farewell to my mountains)
Dieter Bajzek & Harp Trio
Austria Down Under
Gamsei Polka (The chamois polka)
The Stubenmusik Ensemble
Austria Down Under
Verlassn (Left lonely)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
Der Seckauer Jodel (Yodel from Seckau)
The Melbourne Yodel Trio
Austria Down Under
Wiegenlied (Cradle song)
The Female Quartet
Austria Down Under
Zottel Marsch (Vagabond's March)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
Bleibn ma banand (Let's stay together)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
A ganz gacher Polka (A fast polka)
Dieter Bajzek, Gavan McCarthy & Rex Bidgood
Austria Down Under
Fahr ma hoam (Returning home from the alps)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
An Almhutt mei Hauserl (My home is a little hut in the alps)
The Melbourne Yodel Trio & Harp Trio
Austria Down Under
I tua wohl (I just pretend to be happy)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
Vordernberger Jodler (Yodel from Vordernberg)
The Melbourne Yodel Trio
Austria Down Under
Menuet for Julia
The Stubenmusik Ensemble
Austria Down Under
Dui, dui, dui (Four-part yodel, Because I want you)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under
Fein sein, beinander bleibn (Being sensible and staying together)
The Austrian Choir
Austria Down Under