Le onde e lo scorrere del tempo in e minor (for Guitar and Violin)
Giorgio Mirto
Fation Hoxholli
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Go Down Moses
Gerardo Iacoucci
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Dieci volti riflessi nel lago in a minor (for Flute and Piano)
Monica Finco
Mariarosa Pozzi
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Paolo Vivaldi
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Vocal Emotions
Luca Proietti
Valeria Nicoletta
Stefano Torossi
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Op. 35 No. 22 in B Minor
Mark Bodino
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Verso la barriera volando sull'acqua (for Guitar and Violin)
Giorgio Mirto
Fation Hoxholli
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
I (for Violin and Guitar)
Andrea Pace
Matteo Staffini
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Un sogno in a major
Claudio Gizzi
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Recuerdos de la Alhambra In a Minor (for Guitar)
Andrea Vettoretti
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Cielo d'autunno per flauto e chitarra (for Flute and Guitar)
Massimo Traffano
Fabio De Rosa
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections
Listen to the Lambs
Gerardo Iacoucci
Autumn: Orange and Yellow Reflections