First Beats with E Note
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Exercise 1: A Fingercussion Melody
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Exercise 2
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Ex. 6: D Min Triplets & Thang
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Ex. 7 D Min Thang Two
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Ex. 8 Rhythm & Melody
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Study 4 Song for Waldo
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Tuning and First Beats
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
E Octaves
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
A Major Scale in Fingercussion
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Ex. 3 and 5
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Ex. 4 Swingin Agogo
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Ex. 10 and 14 Old & New
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
6ths and Eb Walking
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
E Min Jazz & Blues
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Fingercussion Melody with Basses
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion
Study 1 and Study 3
Paolo Sereno
Fingerstyle & Fingercussion