To the Left and Right of the Ocean. IV. on the Lake
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
To the Left and Right of the Ocean. IX. the Children Are Still Playing
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
The Horse Leaps over the Hedgerow, Enters the Rolling Hills and Vanishes into the Horizon
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
The Drunken Shepherd
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
Prelude Ashore
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
To the Left and Right of the Ocean. I. the Children Are Playing
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
To the Left and Right of the Ocean. II. in the Metropolis
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
To the Left and Right of the Ocean. VI. the Wolf and the Bees
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
To the Left and Right of the Ocean. VIII. Before the Storm, the First Raindrops, the Storm
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean
Ossianic Shore at Twilight
Sophie Lussi
To the Left and Right of the Ocean