Under Milk Wood: To begin at the beginning
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Non sum qualis eram bonae sub regno Cynarae
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Hunter trials
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
The Voice
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
A Hymn to God the Father
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
The Good Morrow
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Frost at Midnight
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Richard II
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
The Tempest
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
In Tenebris
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Shut out that moon
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Let me enjoy
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Beyond the Last Lamp
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
I found her out there
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Timing Her
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
At Castle Boterel
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
The Anniversary
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
A Valediction: Forbidding mourning
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
The Extasie
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
At the Round Earth's Imagined Corner
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Death be not Proud
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
At Casterbridge Fair
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
She Charged Me
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Song: Go and Catch a Falling Star
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Song: Sweetest Love I do not go
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
And Death Shall Have No Dominion
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Richard Burton, John Neville, Robert Hardy
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Reminiscences of a Dancing Man
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
In the Servants' Quarters
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
In the Study
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Old Furniture
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
The Funerall
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry
The Relique
Richard Burton
Richard Burton: The Voice in Poetry