St. Marks Bar, 1984
Kate Jacobs
Edward Horan
Peter Ashmore
Second Day Cake
Careless Girl
Kate Jacobs
Tim Norton
Roberto Giaquinto
Second Day Cake
Kate Jacobs
Dave Schramm
Paul Moschella
Tony Shanahan
Joe McGinty
Second Day Cake
I've Always Liked the Queen
Kate Jacobs
Edward Horan
Peter Ashmore
Second Day Cake
Slow Dancing to Aqualung
Kate Jacobs
Edward Horan
Peter Ashmore
Second Day Cake
Now I Believe It All
Kate Jacobs
Dave Schramm
David Mansfield
Dave Hofstra
Paul Moschella
Ted Reichman
Doug Wieselman
Second Day Cake
Every Single Time I Think of You
Kate Jacobs
Edward Horan
Peter Ashmore
Second Day Cake
When Your Worst Fears Come True
Kate Jacobs
Tim Norton
Roberto Giaquinto
Second Day Cake
The Bad Day
Kate Jacobs
Tim Norton
Roberto Giaquinto
Second Day Cake
Slacker Mom Summer Song
Kate Jacobs
Dave Schramm
Paul Moschella
Tony Shanahan
Joe McGinty
Second Day Cake