Conditor alme siderum
Dominican Friars of the Province of France
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Veni Redemptor gentium
Dominican Friars of the Province of France
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Hymn. Christe, redemptor omnium. Mode I
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Hymn:"Crux Fidelis"
Benedictine Nuns of Saint-Michel de Kergonan
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Aurora lucis
Benedictine Nuns of Sainte Marie de Maumont
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Victimae paschali laudes
Benedictine Nuns of Sainte Marie de Maumont
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Adoro te devote
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Te Deum
Hervé Lamy
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
A solis ortus cardine
Choeur Grégorien de Paris
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Gloria in excelsis
Benedictine Nuns of Saint-Michel de Kergonan
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Ubi caritas et amor
Hervé Lamy
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
"Stabat Mater dolorosa"
Benedictine Nuns of Saint-Michel de Kergonan
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Salve Festa Dies
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Veni Creator Spiritus
Hervé Lamy
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Te saeculorum
Benedictine Nuns of Notre-Dame d'Argentan
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons
Hymnus "Gaude, mater Ecclesia"
Hervé Lamy
Chants of Light: Hymns, Feasts, Seasons