10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)

10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)

歌手 Traband
唱片公司 Indies Records


歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
Markéto! (Margaret!) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Prijíždí Posel (Coming Messenger) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Leží Dáma Na Kolejích (Lying Lady On The Track) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Jak To Všechno Pekne Roste (Everything Growing) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Orel A Panna (Eagle And Miss) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Sáro! (Sara!) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
V Cekárne U Doktora (In The Doctor's Waiting Room) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Na Druhý Breh (On Second Side) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Katarína! (Katherine!) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Cernej Pasažér (Black Passenger) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Tlustý Muž V Zrcadle (Fat Man In The Mirror) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Nemám Rád Trpaslíky (I Don't Like The Elves) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Hospoda (The Pub) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Videl Jsem Cloveka (I Saw People) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Žižkovská Romance Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road) 歌词
Nezdárný Syn (Bad Son) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Krysy (Rats) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Historka Z Podsvetí (The Story From Underworld) Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)
Panenka Bárbí A Márlborou Men Traband 10 Let Na Ceste (10 Years On The Road)