My Yoke Is Easy (Heart Of The Shepherd Album Version)
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
I Corinthians 13
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
As A Prisoner
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
St. Theresa's Prayer (Heart Of The Shepherd Album Version)
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
Because You Are Chosen
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
There Was A Time
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
Before The Father
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
Shepherd Boy
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
Take Up Your Cross
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd
May I Never Boast (Heart Of The Shepherd Album Version)
John Michael Talbot
Heart of the Shepherd