Echoes of the Soul

Echoes of the Soul

歌手 Various Artists
唱片公司 Classical Media


歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
I Never Saw Another Butterfly: II. The Butterfly Finchley Children's Music Group Grace Rossiter Echoes of the Soul 歌词
I Never Saw Another Butterfly: V. Campfire Finchley Children's Music Group Grace Rossiter Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Reflection on Psalm 43 Mitra Alice Tham Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Shir Hashirim: Chapter 1 V. 7-14 Camille Maalawy Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Shir Hashirim: Chapter 5 V. 4-5 Camille Maalawy Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Shir Hashirim: Chapter 4 V. 1-7 Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Two Liturgical Settings for the High Holy Days: I. Ha-N'shamah Lach Joseph Ramadan Singers Joseph Ramadan Cantor Jason Green Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Two Liturgical Settings for the High Holy Days: II. Rachamana Joseph Ramadan Singers Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Kaddish Cantor Jason Green Cantor Steven Leas Stephen Dickinson Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Three Jewish Songs: I. Kiriay Yefehfiya Camille Maalawy Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Hanagid: II. The Master Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Hanagid: V. Take Heart Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Hanagid: VI. The Two Cries Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Hanagid: VIII. Winter Wine Song Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
I Never Saw Another Butterfly: I. At Terezin Finchley Children's Music Group Grace Rossiter Echoes of the Soul 歌词
I Never Saw Another Butterfly: III. Homesick Finchley Children's Music Group Grace Rossiter Echoes of the Soul 歌词
I Never Saw Another Butterfly: IV. Dusk Finchley Children's Music Group Grace Rossiter Echoes of the Soul 歌词
I Never Saw Another Butterfly: VI. Birdsong II Finchley Children's Music Group Grace Rossiter Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Shir Hashirim: Chapter 8 V. 7 Camille Maalawy Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
S'lichot Mitra Alice Tham Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Meditation on Sh'ma Koleinu Mitra Alice Tham Echoes of the Soul 歌词
The Priestly Blessing Joseph Ramadan Singers Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Three Jewish Songs: II. Ki Eshm'ra Shabbat Camille Maalawy Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Three Jewish Songs: III. Hitragut Camille Maalawy Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Hanagid: I. The Prison Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Hanagid: III. War Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Hanagid: IV. The Root Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Songs from Hanagid: VII. Complaint Cantor Jason Green Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词
Hal'lu Et Adonai B'chalil Catherine Hare Joseph Ramadan Echoes of the Soul 歌词