We're No' Awa' Tae Bide Awa'
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
The Old Scottish Waltz
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
I. Stop Yer Ticklin' Jock, II. Roamin' The Gloamin', III. A Wee Deoch And Doris, IV. Keep Right On To The End Of The Road
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
Bonnie Strathyre
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
Bonnie Strathclyde
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
The Song Of Inverness
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
Mull Of Kintyre
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
The Gallowa Hills
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
A Toast To The Lassies
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
I. Farewell & Joy Be With You, II. Y'All Come
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
I. Donald Where's Yer Troosers?, II. Highland Man's Umbrella, III. Lock Marie's Islands, IV. Lovely Stornoway, V. Dancing In Kyle
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
Girl From Glasgow Town
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
I. Northern Lights Of Old Aberdeen, II. Rothesay Bay, III. I Belong To Glasgow
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
I Will Go
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
I. I Belong To Glasgow, II. Sailing Up The Clyde, III. We've Got A Baby In The House, IV. I'm Ninety-Four This Morning
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
I. Scotland The Brave, II. We're No Awa' Tae Bide Awa', III. Mairie's Wedding, IV. Thistle Of Scotland
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
Grannie's Heilan Hame
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
Fair Maid O'perth
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs
Big Kilmarnock Bonnet
Andy Stewart
Homeland Songs