May 1940 - In a Solemn Hour
Winston Churchill
Legends - Winston Churchill, the Story of World War II
June 1940 - We Shall Fight Them on the Beaches
Winston Churchill
Legends - Winston Churchill, the Story of World War II
May 1940 - Nothing to Offer but Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat
Winston Churchill
Legends - Winston Churchill, the Story of World War II
June 1940 - This Was Their Finest Hour
Winston Churchill
Legends - Winston Churchill, the Story of World War II
June 1940 - Never Have so Many Owed so Much to so Few
Winston Churchill
Legends - Winston Churchill, the Story of World War II
March 1944 - A Comprehensive Update on How the War Is Going
Winston Churchill
Legends - Winston Churchill, the Story of World War II
May 1945 - The End of War in Europe
Winston Churchill
Legends - Winston Churchill, the Story of World War II