Come, Let Us Worship
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
Bless the Lord, O My Soul
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
Blessed is the Man
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
Gladsome Light
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
Lord, Now Lettest Thou
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
Rejoice, O Virgin
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
The Six Psalms
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
Praise the Name of the Lord
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
Blessed Art Though, O Lord
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
My Soul Magnifies the Lord
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
The Great Doxology
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
The Troparion 'Today Salvation Has Come'
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
The Troparion 'Thou Didst Rise from the Tomb'
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil
To Thee, the Victorious Leader
Latvian Radio Choir
Rachmaninov - All-Night Vigil