Prelude/Return to Scotland
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Journal/Childhood
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Kiss at the Station
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Fish
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
Nora's Death/The Decision
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
To China/The Mandarin
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Mission
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Medicine-Box
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Operation
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Hills of Jade
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
Mother Veronica/The Schoolroom
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Bombardment/Hospital/Burning City
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Burning Church/Friend's Death
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Unexpected Attack
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Confession
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Journal/Last Entry
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom
The Departure/Blessing
Alfred Newman
The Keys of the Kingdom