Colonel Fantock
John Gielgud
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell
On the Vanity of Human Aspirations
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell
The Sleeping Beauty: No. 8
John Gielgud
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell
Still Falls the Rain
John Gielgud
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell
Dirge for the New Sunrise
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell
Heart and Mind
John Gielgud
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell
Poems from "Facade"
John Gielgud
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell
Song: The Queen Bee Sighed
John Gielgud
A Program of Poems by Edith Sitwell