Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -

Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -

歌手 光田康典


歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
冥き黎明 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
SMALL TWO OF PIECES ~軋んだ破片(かけら)~ Joanne Hogg Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
侵入 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
飛翔 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
熱砂の街ダジル 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
おらが村は世界一 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
タムズ 海の男の心意気 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
導火線 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
アヴェ いにしえの舞 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
STARS OF TEARS (OUT TAKE) Joanne Hogg Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
黒月の森 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
海と炎の絆 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
死の舞踏 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
盗めない宝石 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
夢の卵の孵るところ 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -
夜空一杯の星を集めて 光田康典 Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc - the first and the last -