Casa Portuguesa
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
Love Story
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
Balada Ao Anoitecer
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
A Comme Amour
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
Meu País És um Jardim Florido
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
Fado Mouraria
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)
Canção do Mar
Fernando Silva
Great Successes (Played with the Magic Portuguese Guitar)