Sweet Georgia Brown
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Canadian Sunset
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Nit Pickin'
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Walkin' With Danny
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Harlem Nocturne
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Soul Sauce
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Danny's Blues
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Fingers On Fire
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Bonus Track: Rumble/Harlem Nocturne
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim
Bonus Track: Sweet Georgia Brown
Danny Gatton
Live in 1977: The Humbler Stakes His Claim