Abide With Me
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
Just a Closer Walk With Thee
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
The Old Rugged Cross
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
Brighten the Corner (Where You Are)
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
I Need Thee Every Hour
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
In the Garden
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
God Be With You Till We Meet Again
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
God Will Take Care of You
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
The Church in the Wildwood
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
Throw Out the Lifeline
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
I Shall Not Be Moved
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
Ella Fitzgerald
Brighten the Corner