I Love Girls
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
No More Casual Sex
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
The Sex of It
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
Cory's Song
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
Dr. Paradise
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
Takin' a Holiday
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
Funky Audrey and the Coconut Bag
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
When Lucy Does the Boomerang
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
He's Takin' the Rap
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
Pardon My Appearance
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
Laughing With Our Backs Against the Wall
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide
My Love
Kid Creole & the Coconuts
Private Waters in the Great Divide