
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
Circa mundi vesperam VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Orbis factor VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Salve mater salvatoris VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
La messe de Tournai: III. Sanctus VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Deus pacis VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Cunctipotens VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
La messe de Tournai: II. Gloria in excelsis Deo VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
O Maria, stella maris VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
La messe de Tournai: I. Kyrie VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Sol sub nube latuit VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Tota pulchra es VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
La messe de Tournai: VI. Ite missa est VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
La messe de Tournai: V. Agnus Dei VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
La messe de Tournai: IV. Benedictus VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Baculi sollemnia VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Benedicamus VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Ave gloriosa mater salvatoris VocaMe Cathedrals: Vocal Music from the Time of the Great Cathedrals 歌词
Christina martys (Christina, the Martyr) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Avgoustou monarchisantos (Augustus, the Monarch) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
I ton lipsanon sou thiki (The Tomb of your Remains) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Isaiou nyn tou prophitou (Now Isaiah the Prophet) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Petron ke Pavlon (Peter and Paul) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Olvon lipousa patrikon (Leaving the Wealth of her Family) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Tou stavrou sou i dynamis (The Power of Your Cross) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Pelagia VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
I en polles amarties (The Fallen Woman) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Yper ton Ellinon (Above the Greeks) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Igapisas theophore (O God-bearing Father, You Cherished) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Tin pentachordon Iyran (The Five-stringed Lute) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
I Edessa VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
O Vasilevs tis doxis Christos (Christ, the King of Glory) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
O Phariseos (The Pharisee) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
O synapostatis tyrannos (The Apostate Tyrant) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Ek rizis agathis (From a Good Root) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词
Doxazomen sou Christe (We Praise, Oh Christ) VocaMe Kassa: Byzantine Hymns from the First Female Composer of the Occident 歌词