
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
Tous nobles cueurs, venez veoir Magdalene Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Maugre danger pompera Magdalene Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Missa supra Maria Magdalena: Credo Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Prosa: Mane prima sabbati Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Halleluja Surrexit Dominus Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Gradual: Propter veritatem Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Se j'ayme mon amy Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Joyssance vous donneray: Jouyssance vous donneray Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
La Magdalena, basse danse Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
O waerde mont Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Diffusa est gratia Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Missa supra Maria Magdalena: Agnus Dei Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Missa supra Maria Magdalena: Sanctus Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Angelus Domini Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Missa supra Maria Magdalena: Gloria Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Missa supra Maria Magdalena: Kyrie Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
Introit: Gaudeamus omnes Graindelavoix La Magdalene: The Cult of Mary Magdalene in the Early 16Th Century 歌词
De profundis clamavi Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Musica, quid defles? Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Je n'ay deuil Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
L'heure est venue Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Cecus non judicat de coloribus: Part I Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Absalom, fili mi Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Delicta juventutis Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Plores, genices, cries: Requiem Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Cecus non judicat de coloribus: Part II Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Nymphes des bois Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Si dedero Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Quis dabit pacem: Doleo super te Graindelavoix Cecus: Colours, blindness and memorial 歌词
Fuions de ci, fuions Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries 歌词
Le ray au soleyl qui dret som kar meyne Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries 歌词
Science n'a nul annemi Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries 歌词
Par les bons Gedeon et Sanson Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries 歌词
Cujes li me Majko Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries
En attendant d'amer Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries 歌词
Fumeux fume par fumee Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries 歌词
Corps feminin Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries 歌词
Espoir dont tu m'a fayt partir Graindelavoix Cesena: Songs for popes, princes & mercenaries 歌词
Chanter m'estuet de la virge Marie Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Boine aventure ait ma dame et bon jour Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
L'autrier de jouste un rivage Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
O Dame, ke Deu portais Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Meire, douce creature Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Loeir m'estuet la roïne Marie Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Kant je plus pens a commencier chanson Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Haute dame, come rose et lis Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Rose ne flor, chant d'oiseaus ni verdure Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Loiaus desir et pensee jolie Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Plaindre m'estuet de la bele en chantant Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Jamais pour tant con l'ame el cors me bate Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Retrowange novelle Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Grant talent ai k'a chanteir me retraie Graindelavoix Confréries 歌词
Chorus innocentium - In Bethleem - In Bethleem Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
Ave lux luminum - Salve virgo rubens rosa - Neuma Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
O Maria virgo devitica - O Maria maris stella - Veritatem Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
Dieus ou porrai je trouver merci - Che sont amouretes - Omnes Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
Niet plus que droiz Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410
J'ai mis toute ma pensée lonc tens - Je n'en puis mais - Puerorum Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
Pour le tens qui verdoie Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410
Aucuns vont souvent - Amor qui cor vulnerat - Kyrie eleison Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
Plus bele que flor - Quant revient et fuelle et flor - L'autrier joer m'en alai - Flos filius eius Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
Cil qui chantent de fleur Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410
Descendendo Dominus - Ascendendo Dominus - Domino Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
O virgo pia - Lis ne glay - Amat Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
Par une matinee - Mellis stilla - Domino Graindelavoix Motets from Northern France the Cambrai Manuscript A 410 歌词
Hodie puer nascitur - Homo mortalis firmiter Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
O sacra Virgo virginum - Tu nati nata suscipe Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
O Emanuel rex noster - Magne virtutum conditor Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
O rex virtutum gloria - Quis possit digne exprimere Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
Lucis eterne splendor - Veni splendor mirabilis Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
O clavis David aurea - Quis igitur aperiet Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
O radix Yesse splendida - Cuncti fundent precamina Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
O Adonai domus Israel - Pictor eterne syderum Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
O sapientia incarnata - Nos demoramur Graindelavoix Cypriot Vespers 歌词
Beata viscera Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Messe de Nostre Dame: Agnus Dei Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Messe de Nostre Dame: Sanctus Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Plange, regni - Tu qui gregem - Apprehende arma et scutum et exurge Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Messe de Nostre Dame: Credo Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Alleluya "Post partum virgo" Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Benedicta et venerabilis es virgo Maria Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Messe de Nostre Dame: Gloria Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Messe de Nostre Dame: Kyrie Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Salve sancta parens Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Messe de Nostre Dame: Ite missa est Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Verbum bonum et suave Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Felix virgo - Inviolata genitrix - Ad te suspiramus Graindelavoix De Machaut: Messe de Nostre Dame 歌词
Mentre, lumi maggior Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Dissimulare etiam sperasti Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Poi che m'invita Amore Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Mia benigna fortuna Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Se ben il duol Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
O morte eterno fin Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
La giustitia immortale Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Alcun non puo saper da chi sia amato Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Come la notte ogni fiammella è viva Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Convien che ovunque sua sempre cortese Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
L'ineffabil bontà del Redentore Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Se come il biondo crin de la mia Filli Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Beato mi direi Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
L'inconstantia che seco han Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Era il bel viso suo qual esser suole Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Non son io che pai' in visio Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Queste non son più lagrime Graindelavoix Portrait of the Artist as a Starved Dog 歌词
Rex Virginum Graindelavoix The Liberation of the Gothic 歌词
Missa Ave Maria: IV. Agnus Dei Graindelavoix The Liberation of the Gothic 歌词
Missa Ave Maria: III. Sanctus Graindelavoix The Liberation of the Gothic 歌词
Salve Regina Graindelavoix The Liberation of the Gothic 歌词
Stabat Mater Graindelavoix The Liberation of the Gothic 歌词
Missa Ave Maria: II. Credo Graindelavoix The Liberation of the Gothic 歌词
Missa Ave Maria: I. Gloria Graindelavoix The Liberation of the Gothic 歌词