Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
Regina cæli lætare
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
Super flumina Babylonis
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
In this trembling shadow
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
Factum est silentium
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
Tristitia et anxietas
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
The Pheonix and the Turtle
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
Quomodo cantabimus
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
Gaude Maria virgo
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
Flow, my tears
Stile Antico
In a Strange Land
Vidi speciosam
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Antiphon: lam hiems transiit
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Trahe me post te
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Antiphon: Speciosa facta es
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Hortus conclusus
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Antiphon: Laeva eius
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Ego flos campi
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Alleluia: Tota pulchra es
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Vadam et circuibo
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Antiphon: Nigra sum
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Quam pulchra es
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Surge, propera amica mea
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Antiphon: Dum esset rex
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Osculetur me
Stile Antico
Song of Songs
Egos flos campi
Stile Antico
Song of Songs