
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
O Diorganotis ton Bekridon Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Meta ton Voronof Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
O Tebelis Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Tha Gino Gineka Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
O Selemis Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Ktimatologio Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Ntoukou-Ntoukou Petros Kyriakos Maria Andronikou I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Na'ha Mana na Me Di Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Psaras Ke Doula Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
To Dollario Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
I Ekdromi Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis Keti Veroni I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Trakadoros Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Akardi Mikroula Mou Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
I Epistrofi tou Kyriakou Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Rumba Ki Ohi Arlouba Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
I Gineka Ine Mistirion Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Dollaria Me Oura Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
To Vaggelaki Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Ta Elatomata Ton Ginekon Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Foul Tou Vale Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
O Ymnoumenos Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Ta Barberakia Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
O Politehnitis Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
To Parapono Tou Manga Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
O Kyriakos Asteras Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
O Tsakatsoukas Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Proedros ton Bekridon Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
I Kardia tou Manga Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Giati Re Stasa Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Den Sou Pai I Tragiaska Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Epistrofi tou Kyriakou Stin Athina Petros Kyriakos Tetos Dimitriadis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Efodos Ston Teke Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Batis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
En Taxi Petros Kyriakos Kostis Bezos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Nerokratis Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Kyriakos Olympionikis Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Kyriakos Exerevnitis Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
O Kaimos Tis Filakis Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Paraponiariko Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Episodio Stis Kourses Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
To Tragoudi tou Manavi Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
Me Len Bekri Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
I Grammatiki tou Manga Petros Kyriakos I Grammatiki tou Manga, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.1 歌词
O Kyrios Proedros Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Souipsteik Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Den Xanapantrevome Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
O Kyriakos Athlitis Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Loustros Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Dimarhiakes Ekloges Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
I Girologi Petros Kyriakos Ioannis Stilianopoulos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Bekrokanatas Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
I Kori tou Papa Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
O Nontas Sto Plimelima Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
Palia Stratona Petros Kyriakos Marika Nezer I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
To Gaidouraki Petros Kyriakos I Palia Stratona, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol.3 歌词
O Kyriakos Sto Honemoon Petros Kyriakos Eleni Kazi Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Ftohia ti Mas Kanis Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Politismenos Mangas Petros Kyriakos Maria Andronikou Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Ypomonetikos Petros Kyriakos Kyriakos Mavreas Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Kyriakos Ntizer Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Proodos Petros Kyriakos Nitsa Lazaridou Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
To Parapono tou Sofer Petros Kyriakos Sotiria Ioannidou Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
To Lexiko tou Manga-Esperado Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Kyriakos Stin Adis Abeba Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Logos tou Kyriakou Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
I Smyrnia Petros Kyriakos Marika Nezer Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Skilomangas Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Petropolemos Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Eortologio Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Akardi Nosokoma Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
I Diathiki Tou Manga Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
O Tiheros Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Pantouflas Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Sin Plin Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Pseftomihani Petros Kyriakos Giorgos Kamvisis Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Arti Afihthis Ex Amerikis Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Kosmogonia Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Athanato Romeiko Petros Kyriakos Athanato Romeiko, Comic and Theatrical Songs from the 30's, Vol. 2 歌词
Oi Asteres Tou Hollygood Petros Kyriakos Otan Oi Ithopioi Tragoudoun
Pagona (Parodia Ramonas) Petros Kyriakos Satirical Comic Songs 1930 - 1938