
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
Chimera SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Amiable Boy SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Cacophony SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Momentum of Mediocrity SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Serene and Snide SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Stealth-Geek SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Diekema SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Inane and Vast SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Evading My Resurrection SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Steena Luv? SAVİUM Inane and Serene
aqqommodation plus SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Krop paa Autopilot SAVİUM Inane and Serene
misanthrope SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Animus Girl SAVİUM Inane and Serene
Epitaph SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
An offer for comfort SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
The Death of an Equestrian SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
elephantine mastodont SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
Sunward I've Climbed SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
Irreducibly Beyond Elucidation SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
NLRMN SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
pensive (Consoling the Treacherous Whore) SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
Pheromone Queen SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
Into the light from Tyrone Ave. SAVİUM Phlegm not Sentient
Entasis SAVİUM Lethargic Philophony
Nothing exists save empty space and me. SAVİUM Lethargic Philophony
Multiplicative Proclivities SAVİUM Lethargic Philophony
Blossomest Blossom (pt. III) SAVİUM Lethargic Philophony
Vicarious Lover SAVİUM Lethargic Philophony
The Self-Saboteur SAVİUM Lethargic Philophony
Artless Repose SAVİUM Lethargic Philophony
Conversations With 17 Complete Strangers SAVİUM Nothing Exists Save Empty Space and Me
Vex SAVİUM Nothing Exists Save Empty Space and Me
Qui Custos Es Mei SAVİUM Nothing Exists Save Empty Space and Me
Discombobulations SAVİUM Nothing Exists Save Empty Space and Me
Filophoni, Mastertoaster Rec., Dedicated Rec SAVİUM Nothing Exists Save Empty Space and Me