The Speeding Train
Van Pelt
Imaginary Third
Evil High
Van Pelt
Imaginary Third
Democratic Teacher's Union
Van Pelt
Imaginary Third
The Betrayal
Van Pelt
Imaginary Third
Three People Wide At All Times
Van Pelt
Imaginary Third
ABCD's of Fascism
Van Pelt
Imaginary Third
The Threat
Van Pelt
Imaginary Third
Infinite Me
Van Pelt
Imaginary Third
Do the Lovers Still Meet at the Chang Kai- Shek Memorial
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment
Let's Make a List
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment
Pockets of Pricks
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment
We Are the Heathens
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment
The Young Alchemists
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment
Don't Make Me Walk My Own Log
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment
My Bouts With Pouncing
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment
Yamato (Where People Really Die)
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment
Nanzen Kills a Cat
Van Pelt
The Sultans of Sentiment