
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
Люблю я макароны Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Блюз бродячих котов Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Песня сорняков Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Полюшко - поле Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Пять минут Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
В Кейптаунском порту Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Куплеты Бена Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
У моря у синего моря Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Вот и кончилось лето Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Луч солнца золотого Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Песенка о медведях Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Трус не играет в хоккей Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Крейсер Аврора Gagarin Brothers Atlantic Motel 歌词
Lutschi Gorod Semli (The Best City on Earth) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Doroshnaja (Road Shuffle) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Kak prowoshajut Parochody (How to See off Steamships) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Paluba (Swinging Deck) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Tschjorny Kot (Black Cat) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Morskoj Djawol (Sea Devil) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Pesnja brodjatschewo Rybaka (Vagrant Fisherman Story) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
U sinewo Morja (At the Blue Sea) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Ja werju, Drusja (I Trust, Friends) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Sumerki (Twilight) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Poslednjaja Elektritschka (Last Train) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Korolewa Krassoty (Beauty Queen) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Notschnym Belgradom (Through Belgrade at Night) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词
Meshdunarodnaja Panorama (International Panorama) Gagarin Brothers Twist Behind the Iron Curtain 歌词