
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
The Cave Is Empty Jute Gyte Penetralia
Slow Fire Jute Gyte Penetralia
Eye Myth Jute Gyte Penetralia
Agowenijeng Jute Gyte Penetralia
Another Pioneer Jute Gyte Penetralia
Haumea Jute Gyte Penetralia
We Are Making a New World Jute Gyte Penetralia
Operation Flip-Back Jute Gyte Penetralia
Eurisko Jute Gyte Penetralia
Prosopons Jute Gyte Birefringence
The Unformed Volcanic Earth Jute Gyte Birefringence
May Night Jute Gyte Penetralia
Snow Turned to Rain Jute Gyte Penetralia
Cavesway Jute Gyte Penetralia
They Tend to Isolate Themselves Jute Gyte Penetralia
Red Gaze Jute Gyte Penetralia
Orcus Jute Gyte Penetralia
Forced Entropy Jute Gyte Penetralia
Kallopismata Orfnes Jute Gyte Penetralia
Dissected Grace Jute Gyte Birefringence
The Foam That Flows from the Mouths of Wild Boars Jute Gyte Birefringence
New Plastic Jute Gyte Birefringence
Angelus Novus Jute Gyte Birefringence
The Grey King Jute Gyte Ressentiment
Like the Deepening of Frost in the Slow Night Jute Gyte Ressentiment
Your Blood and Soil Are Piss and Shit Jute Gyte Ressentiment
The Central Fires of Secret Memory Jute Gyte Ressentiment
Oh Soft Embalmer of the Still Midnight Jute Gyte Ressentiment
Mansions of Fear, Mansions of Pain Jute Gyte Ressentiment
The Fire of This Jute Gyte Vast Chains
Refusing a Heavenly Mansion Jute Gyte Vast Chains
Flux and Permanence Jute Gyte Vast Chains
The Inexpressible Loneliness of Thinking Jute Gyte Vast Chains
Endless Moths Swarming Jute Gyte Vast Chains
Semen Dried into the Silence of Rock and Mineral Jute Gyte Vast Chains
Noachian Jute Gyte Noctis Labyrinthus
Eberswalde Jute Gyte Noctis Labyrinthus
Noctis Labyrinthus Jute Gyte Noctis Labyrinthus
Iani Chaos Jute Gyte Noctis Labyrinthus
Echtra Jute Gyte Noctis Labyrinthus
Waldhorn Jute Gyte Noctis Labyrinthus
Gwyar Jute Gyte Noctis Labyrinthus
Isidis Jute Gyte Noctis Labyrinthus
Detritivore Jute Gyte SVN OKKLT
Grief Knot Jute Gyte Metonym
Verb Crypt Jute Gyte Metonym
Stairbuild Jute Gyte Metonym
Bahuvrihi Jute Gyte Metonym
Apophasis Jute Gyte Metonym
Metonym Jute Gyte Metonym
Contretemps Jute Gyte Metonym
Homodont Jute Gyte Metonym
Psoglav Jute Gyte Metonym
Subsectors Jute Gyte Metonym
Cominfo Jute Gyte Metonym
Acedia Jute Gyte Discontinuities
The Failure of Transmutation Jute Gyte Discontinuities
Supreme Fictions and the Absolute Fake Jute Gyte Discontinuities
Romanticism Is Ultimately Fatal Jute Gyte Discontinuities
Discontinuities Jute Gyte Discontinuities
Night Is the Collaborator of Torturers Jute Gyte Discontinuities
The Haunting Sense of an Unrepeatable Unidirectional Vector Jute Gyte Discontinuities
Wastelands Ruled by Ruined Kings Jute Gyte Isolation
The Irreality of the Past Jute Gyte Isolation
The Cry Essaying the Waters Jute Gyte Isolation
Isolation Jute Gyte Isolation 歌词
A Wind Upon the Open Fields Jute Gyte Isolation
Age, Seperation, and Cold Jute Gyte Isolation
The Hopelessness of Passing Time and the Melancholy of Unalterable Past Events Jute Gyte Isolation